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Posted: 06 Nov 2011, 13:06
by Silence is platinum
The day before yesterday when the Mish played Athens, Hussey did twice during bloodbrothers the guitar riff of Alice.

Posted: 06 Nov 2011, 14:13
by playboy
Being645 wrote:
playboy wrote:
Being645 wrote: The best and most essential are, however, The Sisters' gigs ... ;D ;D ;D ...
And even if not the best, it is the only thing, if we want to talk about the present and future sisters.
Image ... I really don't know why you have to be such a pessimist ...

DeWinter wrote:
markfiend wrote:IIRC Eldritch never wanted to go back on the road with the Visioin Thing material, he was forced into it by the record company after the recording went massively over-budget and over-schedule.
Isn't that what caused the spat between them? After that they wouldn't spend any money promoting it, and Eldritch blamed that for the album not doing as well as he thought it should?
I'm pleased to note, DeWinter, you've - for once, I guess - managed to put a question mark behind your speculations ... ;D ...
DeWinter wrote:
Chris wrote:"We've brought new/different songs into the set every year. If you don't like it, don't buy a ticket. It's quite simple."
No you don't, and no I won't.

I've no issue with a band doing a "greatest hits" tour to pay the rent, but it's courtesy to paying customers to at least put on a show for them. Not go through the motions for years and then get indignant when called out on it because since you've done two new songs inbetween.
Oh, what did I write before ... Image

Seems already now you've slightly lost touch with reality, again ... who, the hell, did ever get indignant ... and who called whom when out on their practices??? ... :lol: ...

Sorry, but from my view you seem to mix up a few things - and people. But ok, stuff like this can happen to everybody at times, so let me help you out:

I am not Andrew Eldritch (and hell, I wouldn't want to be) ... :lol: ... and you are not the God Judge Overlord in charge ... so, lean back ... ;D ... relax ...

and see: there is no nightmare-dragons to counteract, and it won't make the world a better place, if go on wasting your energies on things as ridiculous
as what songs some band have in their setlist and when they made their last record ... and anyway, I'm sure you can find other, more relevant causes for
your angry resistance than those impertinently audatious bastards ... and other bands to foster your desire to name and blame the underachieving ...
How about m*****n? I've heard, they are always looking for a dedicated following to support their We Are The Real Ones Thingy ... :wink: ...

stufarq wrote:Chris may be a genuinely nice bloke but he also seems to be the band's official spin doctor.

Image ... sounds as if it's already like having a bad name to stick up for The Sisters ...

But what do I say, that's been the case since 1986 at the latest ... or even before 1984, and before 1983,
and also before that ... and surely before that again as well ... so one might rather wonder, whether it's ever been different at all ...

Well, that becomes boring, very, very, very boring. On the other hand ...
being so very much accused of bad boy habits renders Eldritch quite attractive ... ;D ;D ;D ...
I am not a pessimist. Not at all. I´m an realist.

Posted: 06 Nov 2011, 18:37
by Being645
DeWinter wrote: Who ever said I didn't like The m*****n? Perish the thought, they did some good tunes, and the best stuff TSOM did was with That Guitarist involved. They're great fun live, and Wayne at least comes across as fan-friendly. Far more worthy of my increasingly sparce coin of the realm to witness.
... Hell, this is a question of taste ... and tastes differ ... :lol: ...
I, for one, can't even stand watching a vid from any of their gigs for longer than 25 seconds ... Image Image Image ... :lol: :lol: :lol: ...

DeWinter wrote: I'm not angry at Eldritch in the slightest, he owes me nothing, nor I him. But I find going through the motions (badly) and charging people a fair amount to watch you do it just because they remember how good you used to be is a bit cynical at best. If you're going to be a pub band, charge them fifteen quid and at least busk whilst the gig-goers queue up at the carvery or chuck in a drinks offer or something. And don't whine your head off about "Eew, there are GOTHS here!!" when you're playing the Wave Gottik Treffen festival. It just makes you look like a twit. All fair commentary I think.
Well, as far as I can see The Sisters are not at all decided to be "a pub band". You can, however, just state things as such ... and of course
not because you were angry, noooh ... it's only because you care (unasked) ... for The Sisters, for their audience (to which you won't belong
any longer, as you stated, until fulfilment of your expectations has been submitted), and for the "Goths" at WGTs, where The Sisters never play
- and even without whining :eek: :eek: :eek:

To the contrary, but that's perhaps the point. No weeping when the Hussey left the camp
and tried to get the better of all The Sisters were, and of everything others had build up
in hard work and paid for with their health ... no, no weeping, but effective counteraction ... :twisted: :lol:
and with support from friends, one might have thought to have alienated thoroughly enough ...

But, hoh yeah, had it been nice to have Andrew sing all those shabby m*****n lyrics - and be the one to cope with the effects -
while Hussey could have had his heads each night ...
Image Image Image ... :lol: :lol: :lol: ...
DeWinter wrote: As a mildly diverting sidenote, last time I went to any place remotely "gothy" was about ten years ago, "Slimelight" in London. Victoriana with a dash of fetish and the TSOM are not even yesterdays news. BDSM and Industrial seems to be what goth was then. I was politely informed (by a Scot old enough to know better than bleached hair and eyeliner ), that TSOM are "trad-goth" and they play them when they're having a retro night.
What do you want to tell me by that? That real Sisters fans (and in that point tantamount to "Goths") were into fetish and BDSM back in the days (and therefore, of course, as cool as credible), and have abandoned The Sisters from their everyday playlist by now? Well, hell ... why not? The Sisters have developed and moved on. It's not their business if other people decide to keep stuck to whatever they might like, time and again fondly recalling old days in Sisters Tribute Nites ... :wink: ...
Nikolas Vitus Lagartija wrote:
DeWinter wrote: And don't whine your head off about "Eew, there are GOTHS here!!" when you're playing the Wave Gottik Treffen festival. It just makes you look like a twit.
:) But on another point I don't buy into your "dwindling fanbase" theory which would have the band struggling to fill a venue at WGW within a couple of years, never mind WGT. For every fan who's given up going to the gigs, frustrated by the pace of change, there are still new fans coming on board, whether enticed by the back catalogue or the live shows. Gigs are still selling out, venue sizes are remaining static, and all this without the old "playing an old album in its entirety" stunt many bands are reduced to, or the even more desperate "these are our last shows ever" (until the next time) ploy. The band is still active, and there are dates lined up until next summer - perhaps we should go against stereotype and be a little less miserable ??
Absolutely seconded. :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

In addition, The Sisters have improved a lot about their performance which shows that they do care about quality
and about their fans. Last year and this year, they have played lots of wonderful gigs which have shown - they rock!
And they are steadily experimenting and bringing up new covers and versions of song - undauntedly looking for new grounds to discover and explore ... ;D ...

Posted: 07 Nov 2011, 12:08
by playboy
Being645 wrote:
DeWinter wrote: Who ever said I didn't like The m*****n? Perish the thought, they did some good tunes, and the best stuff TSOM did was with That Guitarist involved. They're great fun live, and Wayne at least comes across as fan-friendly. Far more worthy of my increasingly sparce coin of the realm to witness.
... Hell, this is a question of taste ... and tastes differ ... :lol: ...

etc etc etc

What do you want to tell me by that? That real Sisters fans (and in that point tantamount to "Goths") were into fetish and BDSM back in the days


In addition, The Sisters have improved a lot about their performance which shows that they do care about quality
and about their fans. Last year and this year, they have played lots of wonderful gigs which have shown - they rock!
And they are steadily experimenting and bringing up new covers and versions of song - undauntedly looking for new grounds to discover and explore ... ;D ...
The real Sisters fans? And who decides who is a real Sisters fan? I wonder if you would concider me as a "real Sisters fan"?

They care about quality??? Quality of what?
They care about their fans??? If they did it would happen a little more on the website, for one thing. DOING something FOR the fans. And if not a new record maybe a dvd and blu ray with whats available, the early videos, the Royal Albert Hall show.
Steadily bringing up new covers??? You mean John I´m Only Dancing??? The horrible version sung by Chris? That was the moment they really sounded like a pub band to me. Or the instrumental one? hose two cannot be counted. Only one remain - the Red Lorry Yellow Lorry cover.

Posted: 07 Nov 2011, 12:26
by Being645
playboy wrote:
Being645 wrote:
DeWinter wrote: Who ever said I didn't like The m*****n? Perish the thought, they did some good tunes, and the best stuff TSOM did was with That Guitarist involved. They're great fun live, and Wayne at least comes across as fan-friendly. Far more worthy of my increasingly sparce coin of the realm to witness.
... Hell, this is a question of taste ... and tastes differ ... :lol: ...

etc etc etc

What do you want to tell me by that? That real Sisters fans (and in that point tantamount to "Goths") were into fetish and BDSM back in the days


In addition, The Sisters have improved a lot about their performance which shows that they do care about quality
and about their fans. Last year and this year, they have played lots of wonderful gigs which have shown - they rock!
And they are steadily experimenting and bringing up new covers and versions of song - undauntedly looking for new grounds to discover and explore ... ;D ...
The real Sisters fans? And who decides who is a real Sisters fan? I wonder if you would concider me as a "real Sisters fan"?

They care about quality??? Quality of what?
They care about their fans??? If they did it would happen a little more on the website, for one thing. DOING something FOR the fans. And if not a new record maybe a dvd and blu ray with whats available, the early videos, the Royal Albert Hall show.
Steadily bringing up new covers??? You mean John I´m Only Dancing??? The horrible version sung by Chris? That was the moment they really sounded like a pub band to me. Or the instrumental one? hose two cannot be counted. Only one remain - the Red Lorry Yellow Lorry cover.
Yeah, play it down ... as some probably will whatever The Sisters do. Real fans? I only mirrored the words of DeWinter in my own "funny" perception.
Of course, DeWinter and you do care more about The Sisters' fans. For that is what you're missing, I guess. And honestly, I understand you. But one can't ask more (and shouldn't ask other) from a person than they can deliver. Yeah, in this f**king world we are all asked to do this to ourselves, our kids and everybody. Just ignore the facts for the sake of the money, for the sake of the notion of Darwinist strength. As if we had no decision ... and just like that, just as if we had no decision "kill" those who won't "comply" for whatever reason ... leave the lost. Congrats. And ... goodbye, I guess?

And believe me - I have listened to the Crammerock gig recordings ... you obviously, didn't. Otherwise you should feel completely - served, dear customer.

Posted: 07 Nov 2011, 12:50
by playboy
Being645 wrote:
playboy wrote:
Being645 wrote: ... Hell, this is a question of taste ... and tastes differ ... :lol: ...

etc etc etc

What do you want to tell me by that? That real Sisters fans (and in that point tantamount to "Goths") were into fetish and BDSM back in the days


In addition, The Sisters have improved a lot about their performance which shows that they do care about quality
and about their fans. Last year and this year, they have played lots of wonderful gigs which have shown - they rock!
And they are steadily experimenting and bringing up new covers and versions of song - undauntedly looking for new grounds to discover and explore ... ;D ...
The real Sisters fans? And who decides who is a real Sisters fan? I wonder if you would concider me as a "real Sisters fan"?

They care about quality??? Quality of what?
They care about their fans??? If they did it would happen a little more on the website, for one thing. DOING something FOR the fans. And if not a new record maybe a dvd and blu ray with whats available, the early videos, the Royal Albert Hall show.
Steadily bringing up new covers??? You mean John I´m Only Dancing??? The horrible version sung by Chris? That was the moment they really sounded like a pub band to me. Or the instrumental one? hose two cannot be counted. Only one remain - the Red Lorry Yellow Lorry cover.
Yeah, play it down ... as some probably will whatever The Sisters do. Real fans? I only mirrored the words of DeWinter in my own "funny" perception.
Of course, DeWinter and you do care more about The Sisters' fans. For that is what you're missing, I guess. And honestly, I understand you. But one can't ask more (and shouldn't ask other) from a person than they can deliver. Yeah, in this f**king world we are all asked to do this to ourselves, our kids and everybody. Just ignore the facts for the sake of the money, for the sake of the notion of Darwinist strength. As if we had no decision ... and just like that, just as if we had no decision "kill" those who won't comply for whatever reason ... leave the lost. Congrats. And ... goodbye, I guess?
Yes, I do really care about the Sisters fans. They have been friends to me since 1984. That is a long relationsship. For the coming twelve years we loved following the band, and every tour was new and superfresh, and has got nothing to do with their latest tour. In 1996 some of us started to feel that things were different, the tour that year seemed a bit lame and no surprises, really. We felt like they did a halfhearted job if half of the songs were played the tour before. Nowadays, things have erally changed. Some get excited over three new songs per tour. And the rest is the same songs as they now have done since for a decade or so.

It can still be fun. But that is thanks to the fans who come together and have a good time. But the show itself is no longer exciting an fresh. And this is something that only the band can do something about. But they don´t. Casue they don´t care about the fans. They don´t have to. And why work if you get paid anyway?

Besides. I just read on Chris formspring that he will not answer questions about the Sisters for a while. So much for caring about the fans. Those annying fans. I had some respect to the guy for at least saying something about Sisters, even if he really didn´t was answering questions that matters and are interesting to the Sisters fan. But being a guitarist in wto bands and only seems willing to talk about one of them is respectless as hell. And concidering the fact that one of those bands are really big and really important and that it is THIS band he doesn´t want to talk about only makes things worse.

Or maybe its just a way to say: ask about Eurika Machine, cuuse we are a band, but there is nothing to say about Sisters cause there is nothing to discuss.

The Sisters past will not be talked about. And there is no present or future news. This pretty much says it all.

Posted: 07 Nov 2011, 13:17
by mh
playboy wrote:Yes, I do really care about the Sisters fans. They have been friends to me since 1984. That is a long relationsship. For the coming twelve years we loved following the band, and every tour was new and superfresh, and has got nothing to do with their latest tour. In 1996 some of us started to feel that things were different, the tour that year seemed a bit lame and no surprises, really. We felt like they did a halfhearted job if half of the songs were played the tour before. Nowadays, things have erally changed. Some get excited over three new songs per tour. And the rest is the same songs as they now have done since for a decade or so.

It can still be fun. But that is thanks to the fans who come together and have a good time. But the show itself is no longer exciting an fresh. And this is something that only the band can do something about. But they don´t. Casue they don´t care about the fans. They don´t have to. And why work if you get paid anyway?

Besides. I just read on Chris formspring that he will not answer questions about the Sisters for a while. So much for caring about the fans. Those annying fans. I had some respect to the guy for at least saying something about Sisters, even if he really didn´t was answering questions that matters and are interesting to the Sisters fan. But being a guitarist in wto bands and only seems willing to talk about one of them is respectless as hell. And concidering the fact that one of those bands are really big and really important and that it is THIS band he doesn´t want to talk about only makes things worse.

Or maybe its just a way to say: ask about Eurika Machine, cuuse we are a band, but there is nothing to say about Sisters cause there is nothing to discuss.

The Sisters past will not be talked about. And there is no present or future news. This pretty much says it all.
I think you're taking things far too seriously.

Every Sisters tour has had repeats of songs from the previous tour, and this is nothing new. How many songs from the 85 tours were played in 84? How many from 84 were played in 83? Perfectly normal, nothing to see here.

By contrast, in 97 they suddenly started pulling out obscure B-sides that had never been played before. Not fresh? You entirely sure about that?

Chris, as is his right, has just chosen to not answer questions about the Sisters for a while? So what? Big swinging. They're about to embark on another tour, so he's gonna be busy for starters. He may not have time for questions. Plus he didn't have to do this in the first place. It's certainly far more public contact with the fans than the Sisters have ever done before.

Me, I think you're nitpicking here. I don't know if this is true or not, but you really come across as if you're just looking for excuses to not like the band anymore.

Posted: 07 Nov 2011, 13:38
by Quiff Boy
@ mh: agreed on all points :notworthy:

Posted: 07 Nov 2011, 13:47
by playboy
mh wrote:
playboy wrote:Yes, I do really care about the Sisters fans. They have been friends to me since 1984. That is a long relationsship. For the coming twelve years we loved following the band, and every tour was new and superfresh, and has got nothing to do with their latest tour. In 1996 some of us started to feel that things were different, the tour that year seemed a bit lame and no surprises, really. We felt like they did a halfhearted job if half of the songs were played the tour before. Nowadays, things have erally changed. Some get excited over three new songs per tour. And the rest is the same songs as they now have done since for a decade or so.

It can still be fun. But that is thanks to the fans who come together and have a good time. But the show itself is no longer exciting an fresh. And this is something that only the band can do something about. But they don´t. Casue they don´t care about the fans. They don´t have to. And why work if you get paid anyway?

Besides. I just read on Chris formspring that he will not answer questions about the Sisters for a while. So much for caring about the fans. Those annying fans. I had some respect to the guy for at least saying something about Sisters, even if he really didn´t was answering questions that matters and are interesting to the Sisters fan. But being a guitarist in wto bands and only seems willing to talk about one of them is respectless as hell. And concidering the fact that one of those bands are really big and really important and that it is THIS band he doesn´t want to talk about only makes things worse.

Or maybe its just a way to say: ask about Eurika Machine, cuuse we are a band, but there is nothing to say about Sisters cause there is nothing to discuss.

The Sisters past will not be talked about. And there is no present or future news. This pretty much says it all.
I think you're taking things far too seriously.

Every Sisters tour has had repeats of songs from the previous tour, and this is nothing new. How many songs from the 85 tours were played in 84? How many from 84 were played in 83? Perfectly normal, nothing to see here.

By contrast, in 97 they suddenly started pulling out obscure B-sides that had never been played before. Not fresh? You entirely sure about that?

Chris, as is his right, has just chosen to not answer questions about the Sisters for a while? So what? Big swinging. They're about to embark on another tour, so he's gonna be busy for starters. He may not have time for questions. Plus he didn't have to do this in the first place. It's certainly far more public contact with the fans than the Sisters have ever done before.

Me, I think you're nitpicking here. I don't know if this is true or not, but you really come across as if you're just looking for excuses to not like the band anymore.
In 1985 the played 8 songs from the new FALAA album. Apart from late 1984 only Walk Away was played 1984.
In 1984 they did Walk Away, Body And Soul and Train. None of them were played 1983.

Pulling out obscure B.sides? I guess you mean Blood Money? Yes, that was fun, I liked that. But apart from that only song, and Confide In Me, it was exactly songs as they did when I saw them four year earlier.... If I am sure that one new song in four years in fresh enough for me? Yes.

More contact from Chris than the Sisters have ever done before. Depends on how you see it. Internet-wide maybe. But it was easy to meet them and hand out with them , answering all sorts of questions and getting answers, up until 1993. I myself was a given guest at all their shows untill Brixton Academy 1993 which was the last time I was personally invited. Have met them since but it is getting more and more difficult.

Looking for excuses to not like the band anymore? You cannot be more wrong. Not after hundreds of shows, lots of fun with them, more records than I can count. I am trying very hard to like them, doing what I can to convince myself that "next time they will surprise us all".
However, it has been too long now since they did. Which is why my next concert in two weeks will be my last with The Sisters Of Mercy.
If not..........but, of course, they won´t........

Posted: 07 Nov 2011, 15:28
by markfiend
Oh well, guest-listed, you must be the über-fan. Andrew must be quaking in his boots at the thought that he might have lost a ticket sale... that you've always felt entitled to get for free anyway.

Why do you think the Sisters owe you anything? Sounds to me like you've been freeloading for years and now you're whining that you have to pay your way for once.

Edit to add:
Please confirm or deny that you are the same person as Andersja who was banned from here due to reneging on trades...

Posted: 07 Nov 2011, 23:45
by stufarq
Isn't this whole thread starting to get a bit over-serious and personal? Perhaps it's time to close it.

Posted: 08 Nov 2011, 09:37
by markfiend
You might be right...

Posted: 08 Nov 2011, 11:42
by playboy
markfiend wrote:Oh well, guest-listed, you must be the über-fan. Andrew must be quaking in his boots at the thought that he might have lost a ticket sale... that you've always felt entitled to get for free anyway.

Why do you think the Sisters owe you anything? Sounds to me like you've been freeloading for years and now you're whining that you have to pay your way for once.

Edit to add:
Please confirm or deny that you are the same person as Andersja who was banned from here due to reneging on trades...
First: I love my Sisters-fellowers and I have shared some nice and friendly moments with them. This was not one of the friendly moments I´m afraid. Which in a way only makes it more apparent to me that some of the fans today are very different from the ones I grew up with. I have taken some and helped them to meet the band and so on, shared very unique moments.
If someone wants to debate about their music, members, ex-members, setlists and so on, I feel that is constructive and maybe we all can learn something new and get to know each other a little better. very harlmless, it´s just a question of taste and maybe how long you have followed them etc. It is just tunes, innit?
But this seemed to be a bit uncomfortable, and I can not tell if you want to interfeer with my personal relationship with Andrew, or maybe trying to say that Andrews friends are not your friends (??!!!????), or if you just are jealous. Either way, continue write about the band as much as you can but leave stop this, it is really low.

Not the uber-fan, no. But an early fan. And a friend. Back then they used to hang out with fans and became good friends with some of them. I happened to be one of them. Andrew and I also had some workingprojects in early 90:s. I met him even when not on tour with Sisters.
Mind you, Andrew contacted me up and wanted to see me and not the other way around. And I never, ever asked for passes.

Paying for once? Well, the ticket cost is NOTHING compared to the travel and hotelcosts to Spain, Belgium, UK, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Italy etc etc. I wouldn´t mind at all paying for tickets.
And if you read what I wrote I have so done for many years now, I will not start whining about that suddenly.

Same person as who? I don´t think so no.

Posted: 08 Nov 2011, 11:45
by playboy
stufarq wrote:Isn't this whole thread starting to get a bit over-serious and personal? Perhaps it's time to close it.
Markfiend made it a little too personal.

Posted: 08 Nov 2011, 11:58
by markfiend
playboy wrote:
stufarq wrote:Isn't this whole thread starting to get a bit over-serious and personal? Perhaps it's time to close it.
Markfiend made it a little too personal.
OK, please accept my apologies.

Posted: 08 Nov 2011, 12:55
by DeWinter
Being645 wrote: ... Hell, this is a question of taste ... and tastes differ ... :lol: ...
I, for one, can't even stand watching a vid from any of their gigs for longer than 25 seconds ... Image Image Image ... :lol: :lol: :lol: ...
Indeedy do. But considering that's basically TSOM without Eldritch you're listening to you, must struggle to listen to FALAA by that logic. Hell, even I can have "Vision Thing" on in the background without wincing.
Being645 wrote: Well, as far as I can see The Sisters are not at all decided to be "a pub band". You can, however, just state things as such ... and of course
not because you were angry, noooh ... it's only because you care (unasked) ... for The Sisters, for their audience (to which you won't belong
any longer, as you stated, until fulfilment of your expectations has been submitted), and for the "Goths" at WGTs, where The Sisters never play
- and even without whining :eek: :eek: :eek:
I think you assume people care as much about the band as you do. They weren't a life-changing experience for me. Just a band I liked and drifted out of when they stopped releasing anything, and drift back into when I hear the songs I like. If I'm even mildly miffed at them it's for grossly over charging for ticket prices for what are often, according to a fair few people on this site with no connection to me whatsoever, very patchy performances.
Didn't Eldo play Wave? Must have been just Ben Christo. Eldy certainly played Mera Luna, "Europe's largest dark/alternative festival" a couple of times.
Being645 wrote: To the contrary, but that's perhaps the point. No weeping when the Hussey left the camp
and tried to get the better of all The Sisters were, and of everything others had build up
in hard work and paid for with their health ... no, no weeping, but effective counteraction ... :twisted: :lol:
and with support from friends, one might have thought to have alienated thoroughly enough ...

But, hoh yeah, had it been nice to have Andrew sing all those shabby m*****n lyrics - and be the one to cope with the effects -
while Hussey could have had his heads each night ...
Image Image Image ... :lol: :lol: :lol: ...
The entire band walked out on Eldritch, not just Hussey. And they were as much responsible for the FALAA sound as him. No-one asked Andy E to pump himself full of chemicals and wreck his health. He doesn't anywhere blame anyone else for that, he, with quite commendable honesty, says he took/takes drugs because he really quite enjoys it. I wish other drug users would be as frank.
Am I misreading your last sentence totally, or are you implying that Hussey planned to get all the groupie blowjobs while Eldritch was onstage singing Wayne's lyrics?

Posted: 08 Nov 2011, 15:59
by playboy
markfiend wrote:
playboy wrote:
stufarq wrote:Isn't this whole thread starting to get a bit over-serious and personal? Perhaps it's time to close it.
Markfiend made it a little too personal.
OK, please accept my apologies.
Of course I do accept that. Thanks.

Posted: 08 Nov 2011, 16:39
by Being645
playboy wrote: Besides. I just read on Chris formspring that he will not answer questions about the Sisters for a while. So much for caring about the fans. Those annying fans. I had some respect to the guy for at least saying something about Sisters, even if he really didn´t was answering questions that matters and are interesting to the Sisters fan. But being a guitarist in wto bands and only seems willing to talk about one of them is respectless as hell. And concidering the fact that one of those bands are really big and really important and that it is THIS band he doesn´t want to talk about only makes things worse.

Or maybe its just a way to say: ask about Eurika Machine, cuuse we are a band, but there is nothing to say about Sisters cause there is nothing to discuss.
Obviously, your decision to paint everything dirty is entirely relentless ... :lol: ...

So soon you're simply doing away with this very kind move of Chris to answer questions at all? We didn't have that much communication for a decade!

But of course, those who pose questions to him, do have an impact as well, and some might be quite aware and make a struggle of it, even challenging the guy in person and trying to make mischief within the band as much as between the band and those fans who remain preferably unconsidered for they form the (un)important not so close majority ... on one hand, while being potentially open to suggestions of any kind on the other.

And to reply to your point of playing in, hell, two bands ...
If you read a bit about Chris, you will soon learn that he has been playing even in three bands at a time, and that he has been doing so for most of the time. I think this is surely a good strategy, recommendable for any musicians, for you don't get sucked up and frustrated with those issues that regularly come when you do things within a small group. This way, sometimes things go on well here, while they are a bit difficult there, and next week it's the other way round. That makes the impact of such occurences a relative thing and you have enough of a distance to address them on a not so immediate but way more practicable level. If everybody in the band does the same, there will always be new impulses from everybody and new inputs and by that, they can only WIN. And that's how it is with The Sisters - Ben has Night By Night and his DJ thing, Si has The March Violets, and Chris the Eureka Machines and else, and Von has The Sisters Thing going on. That's great for everybody.

Anyway, Chris cannot answer questions about Andrew's private life or his plans with his band, but AFAICS, he is always prepared to answer any technical questions or factual issues openly and without any resentment. What else would you want? Rumours? Slander? Chatting?

I, personally, find it quite interesting what he writes about the Eureka Machines or his other projects and how they cope with the biz, no matter whether I prefer The Sisters or not. It gives a me a view of the conditions for bands at various stages of success nowadays ... And can you imagine there are people on formspring who got there because of the Eureka Machines and who'd give a damn about The Sisters? ...

However, The Sisters are at work and touring right now, and so is Chris. Go to the gigs and see... ;D ;D ;D ...

playboy wrote: The Sisters past will not be talked about. And there is no present or future news. This pretty much says it all.
What does it say? Would you really want to discuss the 25-years-ago past now and in every shabby detail? What for? Anyway, we're doing that here, and as it looks the long-term fanbase seem to be the better experts. And for the present and the future, you can obviously tell it anyway ...

But really, if you can't find joy with The Sisters' gigs anymore, and have no respect for all their effort, I think, it's just your personal issue and approach. Nothing general, not even really directed at The Sisters at all, but at every band in the world, and surely not what the vast majority of fans encounter, who can not afford to see more than a few gigs of their favourite bands in a year, not to mention travel so far, and for whom it is indeed - a precious thing.

Posted: 08 Nov 2011, 17:32
by centurionofprix
What a thread. For fans of such an intelligent band we sure get a bit stupid sometimes. :lol:

Posted: 08 Nov 2011, 17:33
by panzerfaust
just wanted to say i have a huge respect for playboy and im really glad he joined the forum and i enjoy all those small pieces of information he throws in every now and then. big up man! you repeatedly made my day.

on the other hand im becoming slightly concerned with Sabine's (Being645) tendency towards a) total disrespect of mishun and wayne and b) blindfold apologetics of recent state of TSOM and Eldritch in general.

no offense meant here, Sabine, its just getting too much sometimes.

Posted: 08 Nov 2011, 17:48
by markfiend
I think I understand where Sabine is coming from, yes Wayne is part of the Sisters' history, but he was in the band for less than three years out of what is now a 30+ year history.

On the other hand, Andrew/Wayne/Gary/Craig is seen by many fans as the "definitive" Sisters line-up, a line-up which produced maybe 30% of the band's official output to date.

For better or worse, Wayne is a big part of what attracted many of us to the band in the first place.

Posted: 08 Nov 2011, 17:56
by Silence is platinum

with this line up the sisters released their finest records, played they best concerts and became legendary.

Like it or not its the best line-up this band ever had.

Posted: 08 Nov 2011, 18:10
by playboy
Being645 wrote:
playboy wrote: Besides. I just read on Chris formspring that he will not answer questions about the Sisters for a while. So much for caring about the fans. Those annying fans. I had some respect to the guy for at least saying something about Sisters, even if he really didn´t was answering questions that matters and are interesting to the Sisters fan. But being a guitarist in wto bands and only seems willing to talk about one of them is respectless as hell. And concidering the fact that one of those bands are really big and really important and that it is THIS band he doesn´t want to talk about only makes things worse.

Or maybe its just a way to say: ask about Eurika Machine, cuuse we are a band, but there is nothing to say about Sisters cause there is nothing to discuss.
And to reply to your point of playing in, hell, two bands ...
If you read a bit about Chris, you will soon learn that he has been playing even in three bands at a time, and that he has been doing so for most of the time. I think this is surely a good strategy, recommendable for any musicians, for you don't get sucked up and frustrated with those issues that regularly come when you do things within a small group.

However, The Sisters are at work and touring right now, and so is Chris. Go to the gigs and see... ;D ;D ;D ...

playboy wrote: The Sisters past will not be talked about. And there is no present or future news. This pretty much says it all.
What does it say? Would you really want to discuss the 25-years-ago past now and in every shabby detail? What for?

But really, if you can't find joy with The Sisters' gigs anymore, and have no respect for all their effort, I think, it's just your personal issue and approach. Nothing general, not even really directed at The Sisters at all, but at every band in the world, and surely not what the vast majority of fans encounter, who can not afford to see more than a few gigs of their favourite bands in a year, not to mention travel so far, and for whom it is indeed - a precious thing.
1: Playing in three bands etc etc. Yes, it proves ever so much that Sisters are a hobbyband today.
"frustrated with those issues that regularly come when you do things within a small group." Well, first of all, a "small group" sounds funny. What does it mean? Secondly, if frustrated or sucked up with something it is better for all to leave the the company so they can move forward, instead of not seeing eachother for a while and start all over again. No wonder they do the same shows over and over.

2: The Sisters are touring.... etc. Yes, and I will see them.

3: "Would you really want to discuss the 25-years-ago past now and in every shabby detail? What for?"
Well. Have you ever heard of biographies? The Sisters have been a band with surrounded by many myths and legends. Like Joy Division. The movie released the other year about Ian Curtis was very interesting. Book are written all the time about every band and artist, and a book about Sisters and Andrew would be welcomed by many, trust me.

4: I used to see them so often when I was younger it was crazy. The reason I don´t do that anymore is directed at Sisters. It is a combination of a various things. Some personal (I rather stay home with my kids), some to blame the Sisters (I know that the next concert will have at least 13 songs, out of 21, identical to the last concert, even compared to the concerts from 2001. Ten years ago.)
I might go and see a hobby band if they are playing nearby, but not travelling half Europe. That band is gone.

That said, there are other bands/artists I would still travel longer for.

Posted: 08 Nov 2011, 19:51
by lachert
Silence is platinum wrote:Andrew/Wayne/Gary/Craig

with this line up the sisters released their finest records, played they best concerts and became legendary.

Like it or not its the best line-up this band ever had.
you mean Andrew/Ben/Gary/Craig, right? :eek: :eek: :eek: :lol:

Posted: 08 Nov 2011, 19:55
by mh
lachert wrote:
Silence is platinum wrote:Andrew/Wayne/Gary/Craig

with this line up the sisters released their finest records, played they best concerts and became legendary.

Like it or not its the best line-up this band ever had.
you mean Andrew/Ben/Gary/Craig, right? :eek: :eek: :eek: :lol:
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: