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Posted: 15 Apr 2006, 10:46
by doctoravalanche
Lots of things to say for the review, too tired right now, but it was an awesome show for me.
I will write a full review later, for the moment here is a photo, enjoy :)


Posted: 15 Apr 2006, 10:49
by robertzombie
WHOA! Great picture :notworthy:

Posted: 15 Apr 2006, 10:54
by Silver_Owl
The Goblin King has shrunk a tad more I see.

Posted: 15 Apr 2006, 11:42
by doctoravalanche
Here are two other pictures, hope you will like them ...
I will do the complete review and photo list later !!!
That was too much of an important moment in my life to see the Sisters in France, I would have liked this moment to last forever :) Too much of emotion for me ...



Posted: 15 Apr 2006, 11:54
by vicus
great photos! :notworthy:

Posted: 15 Apr 2006, 12:23
by Ozpat
I just got home after a few hours sleep in the car in a parking near the venue... :roll:

Great day out! Very nice to meet quite a bit of kind
HL-ers :notworthy:

The band Nihil is not my kind of thing and I was kind of happy when they stopped playing.

The Sisters show was great. Good sound, good clear and loud voice (though Von had slight problems with it near the end of the show I guess).
The guys gave their best and Ben is a good replacement for Adam IMO.
There wasn't that much smoke. I expected a lot more after several stories from other gigs.
The audience was good. A lot of enthousiasm and not that many people complaining... :D

The setlist had no surprises. Nice to hear This Corrosion again and a bit of a shame that Burn was not included. complaining from my side at all!!!! :D

Looking forward to my next gig.....Cologne....

Nice photo's Doc A!!!

Posted: 15 Apr 2006, 12:39
by sistersvisions
vicus wrote:great photos! :notworthy:

Posted: 15 Apr 2006, 12:44
by daggs
How close were you to get those photos! good job! :notworthy: :notworthy:
My bf was very pleased to hear that this corrosion was played then not so pleased to hear that it replaced burn his favourite song from repile house. Enter a big debate between us over which we would prefer to rules sharing favourite bands with your partner :lol:

EDIT: would be nice to hear an acoustic version of I Was Wrong aswell! :D

Posted: 15 Apr 2006, 12:50
by Silver_Owl
daggs wrote:How close were you to get those photos! good job! :notworthy: :notworthy:
My bf was very pleased to hear that this corrosion was played then not so pleased to hear that it replaced burn his favourite song from repile house. Enter a big debate between us over which we would prefer to rules sharing favourite bands with your partner :lol:

EDIT: would be nice to hear an acoustic version of I Was Wrong aswell! :D
Surely Burn wins hands down - I'm with 'im in doors. :lol:
They'll play it in London - don't worry. :innocent:

Posted: 15 Apr 2006, 13:01
by Ozpat
Hom_Corleone wrote:
daggs wrote:How close were you to get those photos! good job! :notworthy: :notworthy:
My bf was very pleased to hear that this corrosion was played then not so pleased to hear that it replaced burn his favourite song from repile house. Enter a big debate between us over which we would prefer to rules sharing favourite bands with your partner :lol:

EDIT: would be nice to hear an acoustic version of I Was Wrong aswell! :D
Surely Burn wins hands down - I'm with 'im in doors. :lol:
They'll play it in London - don't worry. :innocent:
The Burn version they are playing this tour is quite short though... :innocent: :wink:

Posted: 15 Apr 2006, 13:10
by Silver_Owl
Ozpat wrote:The Burn version they are playing this tour is quite short though... :innocent: :wink:
Quality over quantity Ozpat. :wink:

Posted: 15 Apr 2006, 13:23
by Ozpat
Hom_Corleone wrote:
Ozpat wrote:The Burn version they are playing this tour is quite short though... :innocent: :wink:
Quality over quantity Ozpat. :wink:
:lol: :lol:

Burn is one of my favs as well but I prefer 5 minutes of TC to 1:30 min. of Burn....

But I might have answered this one different if I wouldn't have had the pleasure to experience Burn before.

Posted: 15 Apr 2006, 16:08
by Obviousman
Just got home :D

What an absolutely stunning show :notworthy:

I hardly can believe anyone was complaining, you should've been there, everyone joined in, even way up the back in the seats people were stomping with their feet to make some noise.

Wonderful setlist, no surprises, but extremely well worked out, highlights from each and every Sisters era.

Obviously all the HLers were top people once and again too. Debs and Jos are still on their way home (we drove together but split up right before Antwerp), was an honest joy travelling together with you guys. Travelling to Paris with the two of you and Pat & Leo (lovely car guys, really!) was great too, very sorry we didn't get to say goodbye to the two of you Pat! (Make Leo to get his arse up here :lol:). The other Belgian boys were great too, as ever :notworthy:

Then there's the others, Johnny, you're a great man, lovely to get to meet you again :notworthy: Would've been great if you would've been able to join us in our picknick this morning, but then again you were in more of a rush than we were :wink: Great to meet Lucien too, you're a very fine person too, should come over to Europe more often (or will the next HL-do be in SA? ;D).

Great to stand next to Quiffy and Jo during the gig too! We spotted they were just Milli Vanilli all the way, didn't we ;D Top folks :notworthy: The great doc P was obviously his lovely enthousiast self again, great to meet your wife too :notworthy: Very nice to meet PiB as well, you're a nice man, and the Snoweys were great too obviously! And then obviously Badlander and doctoravalance, you're both nice guys :notworthy: (thanks for posting the fur coat pic, BTW, bloody hilarious :lol:)

So, let me see, did I :notworthy: everyone? :lol: Ah, go on, have another one :wink:

:notworthy: > goes out to all of you!

Then the gig, as mentioned, was great, everyone was really into it, some goths annoy everyone, but hey, that's life at a Sisters gig I'm affraid :lol: Support was rubbish, but then that only made the Sisters themself even better. The two slow songs were really magic! You could hear Von had a bit of a sore throat, but he managed it really quite well!

Actually, I like it better, this way he has to manage it much more when he howls, and can't get too high - which usually is the part I don't like him doing :lol: Ben, the new guitarist was lovely too, and he was really enjoying himself! Just the way I like it 8) Ladies: Stand at the left side of the stage :lol: There was quite some smoke too, hardly saw Von while I was standing right in front of Ben, but I didn't mind, it really added to the overall experience, and lessened after one or two songs.

I need more :von: :notworthy:

Posted: 15 Apr 2006, 16:40
by doctoravalanche
Yeah Obviousman , that was the show to go, great venue, great sound, good atmosphere !!!!!
Great to meet you and all the other heartlanders, you are all very nice.
Here is Ben with the tee-shirt I gave him:




Posted: 15 Apr 2006, 17:00
by christophe

Posted: 15 Apr 2006, 17:14
by christophe
the show was what I was expecting, they gave the new France audience what they had been waiting for these 25 years. If you know the sisters there was NO reason to complain, and to be honest the audience seemed to like it yesterday.
Maybe Andrews voice wasn’t that good but we know that by now don’t we? The new guitarist showed he knows what he is doing and Chris Catalyst has been updated to be 100% Sister.

But what made yesterday fantastic was not only the gig but meeting all of you people,
I’m not going to name all of you (because I didn’t even realise who all of you where at the time anyway :lol: ) but it was just great!
you people know who you are anyway.

Posted: 15 Apr 2006, 18:01
by Badlander
f**king AWESOME GIG!!!
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

A top nite out really.

Posted: 15 Apr 2006, 18:19
by doctoravalanche
Guys, great news I have the bootleg of yesterday's show, awesome sound, even better than the Anaheim one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: 15 Apr 2006, 18:21
by Obviousman
Weeding? ;D

Posted: 15 Apr 2006, 18:22
by doctoravalanche
Sure !!!!!

Posted: 15 Apr 2006, 18:24
by doctoravalanche
Badlander wrote:f**king AWESOME GIG!!!
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

A top nite out really.
Sure my friend, and what a pleasure to hear Andrew saying "merci", who could have ever imagined that ??? ;)

Posted: 15 Apr 2006, 18:24
by Obviousman
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 15 Apr 2006, 18:25
by doctoravalanche
Should I create a topic in the Weeding section ?

Posted: 15 Apr 2006, 18:28
by Badlander
doctoravalanche wrote:Should I create a topic in the Weeding section ?
Is that really a question ? :wink: :lol:
You can count me in anyway. :notworthy:

I quite didn't make it clear in my previous post : I love you all guys ! :kiss: ;D
You really made my day. :notworthy:

Posted: 15 Apr 2006, 18:39
by _emma_
:eek: :D 8) :oops:
What a LOVELY outfit!
I hope he,ll wear it again tomorrownight! :notworthy:

Herzliche grüße aus Hamburg! ;D