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Posted: 03 Aug 2010, 22:48
by streamline
weird being at home when they are playing.

Posted: 03 Aug 2010, 22:50
by hellboy69
streamline wrote:weird being at home when they are playing.
Yes, that. Only Doctor Alice Roberts in a wetsuit can unfray my sanity...

Posted: 03 Aug 2010, 23:23
by sisxbeforedawn
James Blast wrote:your husband is right!
Easier, just change your husband :)

Posted: 03 Aug 2010, 23:24
by DocSommer
From eggi:

No Time To Cry
Body Electric slow version

und RAIN FROM HEAVEN ... 459#p10458

Posted: 03 Aug 2010, 23:27
by MadameButterfly
sisxbeforedawn wrote:
James Blast wrote:your husband is right!
Easier, just change your husband :)

we don't agree on many things, which is a good thing!

yay! can't wait now... for the gig on the mainland.

Posted: 03 Aug 2010, 23:41
by Husek
DocSommer wrote:From eggi:

No Time To Cry
Body Electric slow version

und RAIN FROM HEAVEN ... 459#p10458
He's joking , it`s the unique acceptable explanation for it.

Body Electric Slow? ok just 9 years without play it (am i right?)
Logic? Fine , we have heart it on last year.
But no time to cry? wtf, isn`t a Hussey song?

RAIN FROM HEAVEN? 2 sisterhood songs in a setlist? WTF?

It`s just a bad joke it all

Posted: 03 Aug 2010, 23:45
by DocSommer
We will see :lol:

I'm shure this newsflash is true.

Posted: 03 Aug 2010, 23:49
by Rise891
"We forgive as we forget..." Seems like an appropriate time to do this song.

Posted: 03 Aug 2010, 23:50
by Husek
DocSommer wrote:We will see :lol:

I'm shure this newsflash is true.
Allright Doc, i trust on eggi too , actually, he`s a heartlander too.`s so improvable, you know, it`s like a second coming of jesus.
Maybe it`s just a mistake, in 2009, other Heartlander have called On The Wire/Teachers as No Time to Cry too

Posted: 03 Aug 2010, 23:50
by Sita

Posted: 03 Aug 2010, 23:51
by DocSommer
other Heartlanders aren't eggi ;D

Posted: 03 Aug 2010, 23:55
by jherek
body electric (slow) no time to cry, logic + rain from heaven: its all true! rain from heaven was amazing, got to be heard to be believed. great venue, voice really strong + good volume. top nite out - roll on thursday.

Posted: 03 Aug 2010, 23:55
by timsinister
Can confirm Rain From Heaven played. No other surprises. Eldritch on form, chatty, but low volume vocals. Otherwise good.

Posted: 03 Aug 2010, 23:55
by Husek
DocSommer wrote:other Heartlanders aren't eggi ;D
Ouch :lol:
Just Fresh my mind, i think i saw eggi and 2 other heartlanders last year on Sao Paulo gig.
Eggi it`s the enviable guy who saw (almost)every sistah gig in 2009?

Oh f**k, it`s all true .
Sorry for doubt it you eggi , i`ll make a religion in your name soon :notworthy: :notworthy:

By the way... far Parade? any bootleg? :innocent:

Posted: 03 Aug 2010, 23:58
by jherek
eldritch after no time to cry: you're overly sentimental, something i don't suffer from. SHAPE UP!

Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 00:00
by DocSommer
By the way... far Parade? .
I think he would have mentioned it.
any bootleg?
That must be a rhetorical question :lol:

Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 00:02
by Husek
DocSommer wrote:
By the way... far Parade? .
I think he would have mentioned it.
any bootleg?
That must be a rhetorical question :lol:
Allright, just rephrasing it:
(insanely)Waiting (any) recordings 8)

Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 00:05
by DocSommer
yeah - I'm standing in the same line :lol:

Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 00:11
by Husek
Hey doc, did exist a english version of Poison Door?
You know, english its not exactly my main language but i'm working on it, and german it`s pretty hard

Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 00:42
by DocSommer
@Husek: click

Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 00:44
by Rise891
FYI If you use Google chrome as a web browser it will translate the pages for you.

Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 00:48
by Husek
Rise891 wrote:FYI If you use Google chrome as a web browser it will translate the pages for you.
My Mac ( A powerbook g4) doesn`t support Chrome =[

Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 01:09
by Screaming Dead
Hi, just got back from Leamington, can't log on with my old user name, but hopefully there are a few pictures of the gig.




Setlist from Leamington gig tonite

Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 01:16
by sushiho
OK I was going to be making a note anyway on my phone of everything played, but was lucky enough to be positioned by the sound guy and asked him before the start if I could have his printed out setlist at the end, if he didn't need it, and as soon as the last chords faded, he was good enough to hand it over! Will scan & add to images in due course, but here's tonight's full list which they did stick to throughout:

First And Last And Always
Train which merged into Detonation Boulevard
Crash and Burn
Body Electric
No Time To Cry
We Are The Same, Susanne (spelling as per setlist)
Amphetamine Logic
Flood II
Rain From Heaven
Vision Thing
Top Nite Out
Temple of Love

Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 01:16
by H. Blackrose
Has Von put some weight on? He looks almost healthy.