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Posted: 16 Apr 2006, 01:55
by James Blast
SINsister wrote:Christ, I'm jealous of you lot! :(
The Leeds and Glasgow gigs have still to come :D

Posted: 16 Apr 2006, 02:04
by 6FeetOver
James Blast wrote:
SINsister wrote:Christ, I'm jealous of you lot! :(
The Leeds and Glasgow gigs have still to come :D

Grrrrr - yeah, yeah, rub it in! Pffffffft. :( :evil: :von:

Posted: 16 Apr 2006, 02:58
by jay
Have I left it to late for tickets for Leeds?

Posted: 16 Apr 2006, 07:18
by christophe
doctoravalanche wrote:Guys, great news I have the bootleg of yesterday's show, awesome sound, even better than the Anaheim one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thats one Weed I want to hear! :D
Johnny M wrote:(But I will mention Christophe who seemed to shadow me and Sabine through the mosh. I'm not big, she's tiny, so always nice to have a friendly 6 footer standing by. :notworthy:)
it was my pleasure sir :notworthy:
as you said, the crowd was perfect over there, they all where very energetic but there was no pushing. Some Frenchies came to say hello during the show but even if I could here what they said I wouldn’t had understand it anyway… nice to meet them non the less. :lol: :lol:

Posted: 16 Apr 2006, 07:56
by snowey
What an ACE couple of days that was.

Arrived at the flea pit hotel (thanks for that tip Johnny) at 2.30 and the both of us fell asleep for 3 hours. Woke up feeling like we need another 3 but decided to meet up with everyone. Phone Johnny to find out that everyone was in the queue and I've got to get beer. Arrived at the venue only to find the Lovely Jo and QB (aka GOD :lol: :innocent: ) It was nice to see friendly faces. Mrs Snowey helped them drink there lager as everyone knows mancs can't drink :P

The venue : That's the 1st time I have ever had to stick my minidisc down my undercrackers but hey-ho. Got frisked by one of the nicest looking ladies in France and was tempted to queue again but I kept getting told to behave :lol: Inside the venue reminded me of a scaled down Wembley arena but that could just be me.

Parted with 50 euros for 2 t-shirts and stood with the heartland crowd soon to be swelled by Ez, Johnny and Lucien (what the f**k do they put in the food in South Africa? baby bio? ) plus a load more who's names I have forgotten in the last 48 hours....sorry.

Johnny played host introducing everyone to everyone and QB was introduced to possibly half the audience, or so it felt and then it was time to enter the main hall.

Ended up in front of one of the speakers speaking to a few people but the PA music was very bassy and decided that this was not the place to record from so ended up at the back off the standing area with Mrs Snowey standing on the 1st 2 steps so she could see.

The show was simply outstanding and all to soon was over. What a star Chris is turning out to be, his stage pressence has magnified since Leeds and Ben was acctually better than Adam imho.

After the gig we decided to have a few drinks in the music place near the main road. Poor QB 40 euros for 4 drinks. Ouch. After this place we ended up in a little place where about 15 of us crammed in. It was soon time for the barman to take the p*ss out of me for not speaking french. Beer sounds like beer wherever in the world you are :roll:

The 2 funnyest moments was Jo finding out that the toilets were outside (and people say Birkenhead is a backward town) and Quiffy turning a shade of white when I asked him if has brought a ring with him for Jo :lol: :P

Then sadly the night was over :cry:

All in all that was one of the best couple of days in my life and lets hope the UK tour is as much fun.

PS Where were you Scardy?? I have evens on you copping off with the air stewardess and Mrs S has 3/1 on you getting "finger" treatment at customs.

Posted: 16 Apr 2006, 08:00
by Badlander
SINsister wrote:Christ, I'm jealous of you lot! :(
I've been jealous of you all for 15 freakin' years, so please let me enjoy my moment of glory ! :wink: :lol: 8)

Just as snowey said : Ben is a fantastic guitarist and more than a bit of a poster boy. :innocent:
I've said it before & I'll say it again. ;D

And Chris was actually in the hall, walk among us common mortals, with his girlfriend right before the show. What a nice bloke he seems to be. :eek: :notworthy:

EDIT : Just checked this new French Sisters forum, where reactions range from so-so to very negative. There's no way I'm going to register ! It's much more comfortable here. ;D
And they don't like Chris and Ben ! :eek: :urff:

Posted: 16 Apr 2006, 08:47
by TheBoyNextDoor
Thanks for you reviews people!
Now I'm really getting started to feel excited about tonight's gig, and the rest to come. :D

I'm off to Hamburg, ta!

Posted: 16 Apr 2006, 09:42
by Ozpat
Nice reviews people! :notworthy:

Makes me realize I forgot to mention a lot of other experiences and talks in my own review...
Debs is certainly right about how "I was wrong" was sung by our loved one...Gave me goosebumps as well. It was a pleasure to meet you and Jos the night before and travel to Paris with you. :notworthy:
We'll certainly meet again...

Eric, you looked great with that hat and certainly deserved your moment of glory after 15 long years! I thought the number of people present would be about 5000. It was pretty packed and there also were a lot of people drinking at the bars during the gig.... :eek:
Koen (a fab guy)and my mate Leo seemed to get along very well. I think he invited our Belgian friends for a "whisky tasting night". :lol: You are very welcome!
Thanks Zeno for letting me stand in front of you...first row... :notworthy:
It was more than great to finally meet you!!!! Nice to have met the very friendly young man Christophe as well!!!!

Lucien, I hope you didn't fall ill because you seemed to have a pretty bad could.

Nice to have a few words with Quiffy and mrs Quiffy. Lovely people.... :D
Johnny M. We did not have a long conversation but I can conclude that you are a very nice, true gentleman!

Nice to read that there is a first Europe 2006 weed. Thanks Doc A. Nice artwork as well! It was good to meet you.

Doc P, our conversations where mainly through short messages by phone :lol: but we'll make up for that in Cologne.... :D

Making this post makes me realize again what an unbelievable gig with marvelous athmosphere it was....What a band, what a HL....

Our boys must have had a great Paris experience as well. They truly rocked. Hard to believe the disappointing experiences at other gigs.... :roll:

Happy Easter....whatever that means to you.... :wink:

Posted: 16 Apr 2006, 09:48
by Ozpat
Badlander wrote:
And Chris was actually in the hall, walk among us common mortals, with his girlfriend right before the show.
His girlfriend did not look bad at all... ;D

Posted: 16 Apr 2006, 09:57
by Badlander
Ozpat wrote: Our boys must have had a great Paris experience as well. They truly rocked. Hard to believe the disappointing experiences at other gigs.... :roll:
I've already found a couple of very negative reviews here and there in the virtual world. I think that's much more a difference of perspective rather than anything else. I mean, how could you possibly not enjoy the Paris concert ? :eek: :?:
The answer is quite simple really : some folks didn't like it because they don't get the spirit of the 2K6 Sisters and because (and that's the other side of the story) they got stuck in the goth darkness at some point around 85. You gotta move along boys... :roll:
In other words, they can't enjoy a stonking, earth shaking, nerves wrecking, mind blowing display of high energy rock & roll !!! :twisted:

Posted: 16 Apr 2006, 10:04
by Obviousman
How the hell can there be any negative reviews, didn't they see that bloody crowd going mad? :eek:

So many posts I need to react to, but I won't. It was all UBG, and all of you were at least equally UBG :von:

PS: Snowey didn't you see us crazy Belgians waving like mad to you while you were hanging out of your hotel room window yesterday morning? :lol:

Posted: 16 Apr 2006, 10:08
by Ozpat
Badlander wrote:
Ozpat wrote: Our boys must have had a great Paris experience as well. They truly rocked. Hard to believe the disappointing experiences at other gigs.... :roll:
I've already found a couple of very negative reviews here and there in the virtual world. I think that's much more a difference of perspective rather than anything else. I mean, how could you possibly not enjoy the Paris concert ? :eek: :?:
The answer is quite simple really : some folks didn't like it because they don't get the spirit of the 2K6 Sisters and because (and that's the other side of the story) they got stuck in the goth darkness at some point around 85. You gotta move along boys... :roll:
In other words, they can't enjoy a stonking, earth shaking, nerves wrecking, mind blowing display of high energy rock & roll !!! :twisted:
You must be right...stuck in the 80's.

I told it before in the Thessaloniki thread....these people should stay at home and watch the WAKE video....

Posted: 16 Apr 2006, 10:14
by Obviousman
Now, this thread has gone past the Tilburg one, and it's looking we'll be taking over the highest ranked Meet thread too ;D

Posted: 16 Apr 2006, 10:18
by Badlander
Obviousman wrote:How the hell can there be any negative reviews, didn't they see that bloody crowd going mad? :eek:
Clicky and clicky again.
But you don't really need to read these negative reviews, I mean life's too short, isn't it ? I have better things to do, like looking forward to the Luxembourg gig... :twisted:
Apparently the Luxembourg venue is even bigger than the Zénith (6,500 vs 6,300). :eek:
And I did check : the Sissies are playing the main hall, not the club, which still holds a respectable 1,200.

@ the boys from the French forum (if any of them are browsing this here forum) : don't get me wrong, I do appreciate the gesture. A new Sissies forum is always good news. But it looks like we very much disagree on quite a lot of things regarding The Band. Too bad.

Posted: 16 Apr 2006, 10:27
by Obviousman
Life's way too short, especially if you can see another gig instead ;D

Just push all those miserable sods aside, they don't enjoy it anyway :twisted:

Luxemburg seems quite big indeed, curious how they'll be filling that up :eek: And though this didn't sell out, apparently, it seemed quite stuffed indeed.

Posted: 16 Apr 2006, 10:35
by Badlander
Obviousman wrote:Just push all those miserable sods aside, they don't enjoy it anyway :twisted:
Oh crap, they can think and say whatever they want, as long as they don't do it here. HLers are twisted minds, you see. :roll: :twisted:

Posted: 16 Apr 2006, 10:39
by Ozpat
Don't give it too much attention.

The Sisters in Paris 14-04-2006 made history!!!!!!
Nothing's gonna change that! :twisted:

Posted: 16 Apr 2006, 10:54
by doctoravalanche
Hello boys, thanks for the nice comments about the photos and cover, I will put everyhting very soon on a special website I am doing as a tribute of this historic concert, this will be a real fanpage, not like this french forum Badlander speaks about and that was created by teens and/or uncompetent people ...
So on friday morning I was really excited, could not sleep a lot during the night, that was the result of a wait I thought would never end, indeed I discovered the Sisters in 1987, I was 12 years old (thanks to my brother, who at the show with me), as since the Vision Thing tour Eldritch and his folks always ignored our territory, and the interviews given were not of the kind of giving hope to us ... So I was saying that I arrived at the venue at 11h15 , we were only 5 people to wait. Then at the beginning of afternoon Albérick arrived with we went the other side of the venue to wait for the arrival of the Sisters, finally they arrived at the venue at 15h10 in a small grey Mercedes van, and they say us hello by the window as we were the only two guys waiting for them and Ben recognzied me, the day before we decided of an appointment). Then the soundcheck started half an hour later, we had in the order of play:
15h46 First and last and always / 15h54 Giving ground / 15h59 Suzanne / 16h04 I was wrong / 16h06 Temple of love / 16h15 This corrosion / 16h17 Dominion / 16h21 Something fast / 16h24 Neverland / 16h27 Lucretia / 16h31 Crash and burn / 16h35 end of the soundcheck. This soundcheck already indicated us that the sound of the show was going to be loud and clear and would be ready for this very special concert.
Half an hour later, Ben Christo came to see us, he was a little bit tired but really happy to talk with us, I gave him the now famous tee-shirt "Sisters Bite Paris 2006" and he immediatly tried it in front of us, he also told us he would really enjoy to work on a new Sisters album, so let's all cross our fingers for this miracle to happen some day ... Later we went back to the doors, there we met Robochrist who was looking for his girlfriend from Leeds, just the time to say a few words, sign the ticket and take a picture. There I also met the very nice Badlander with his brother and sister, it seems the Sisters are a love affair in his family, that's a good education :) I also met some other nice heartlanders, I won't name them all but you all look great :)
The doors opened very early at 18h30, I was quite surprised, but it allowed me to go quickly to the merchandise boot the buy the tour tee-shirt and then go in the front row with the other heartlanders, waiting for my brother and my girlfriend to arrive.
The wait is over the support band is called Nihil, in case we don't understand it the singer spells the name of his band at least 10 times N.I.H.I.L. !!! Boring but the singer also says that he is really delighted to open for such a great act like the Sisters.
I will not describe the cocnert of the Sisters, you already did it, that was a wonderful experience, the sound was powerful, clear, the whole band was in a great mood, but Andrew could have spoken a little bit more to the french audience, nevertheless he said "merci" many times to the audience which was really enthusiastic, and also he said "Ca me gêne pas" at the beginning of I was wrong, this sentence will remain forever in the memories and that's why I decided to call the bootleg like this :)
The show was wonderful and probably one of the best in the mind of the Sisters themselves, here is what Ben wrote me
"Hey! Thanks again for the shirt. I'm wearing it right now!
I hope you enjoyed the show...for me, it was best of the entire tour. Definitely.Stay in touch,Ben"
There was 5000 people in Le Zénith of this moment that will stay forever in our mind.
Merci merci Mr Eldritch !!! 9a me gêne pas que tu reviennes en France un jour :)
As a present here is one song of the Paris bootleg, enjoy This Corrosion !!!! ... rosion.MP3

PS: sorry for my bad english full of mistakes !!!!

After the show I

Posted: 16 Apr 2006, 10:59
by Silver_Owl
Audrey Tatou aside, you're rapidly becoming my favourite French person -doctoravalanche
Thanks for the download - excellent :!: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 16 Apr 2006, 11:06
by doctoravalanche
You are welcome Hom_Corleone, and I know I cannot compete with Audrey, simply impossoble ;) :)

Posted: 16 Apr 2006, 11:07
by Obviousman
I was wondering: It wasn't really that loud, was it? Sound was perfect alright, but standing right in front of the speakers, the beeping in my ears stopped very soon after the gig, I think it was gone after a couple of hours even :eek:

Posted: 16 Apr 2006, 11:09
by Badlander
@ Laurent : :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
CLT This corrosion :D
Ace recording.

@ Zeno : the sound was just fine, and you know I have a partially damaged ear, which requires protection when there's too much noise around. I didn't even need any earplug.

Posted: 16 Apr 2006, 11:10
by Silver_Owl
doctoravalanche wrote:You are welcome Hom_Corleone, and I know I cannot compete with Audrey, simply impossoble ;) :)
Indeed. ;D :lol:

I was just listening to the mp3 download here at work and my colleague heard the scream at the end of TC. and wanted to know if The Sisters are a spoof band :lol: :lol:

The only reply I could think of was 'No, they are one man's dream and a million peoples nightmare.' :von: :lol:

The sound quality is excellent by the way. :notworthy:

Posted: 16 Apr 2006, 11:15
by doctoravalanche
MadameButterfly wants to cry again to here it is :)

Posted: 16 Apr 2006, 11:17
by Badlander
doctoravalanche wrote:MadameButterfly wants to cry again to here it is :)
Can I cry too or is that too much of a girlie thing ? :oops: :wink: :notworthy: