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Posted: 16 May 2006, 06:50
by Ozpat
The top 3 (so far) seems to be:

1. CAB
2. Susanne
3. Summer

I can live with that! :D

Posted: 16 May 2006, 06:52
by Silver_Owl
Ozpat wrote:The top 3 (so far) seems to be:

1. CAB
2. Susanne
3. Summer

I can live with that! :D
And the 94 voters would seem to concur judging by the stats. :)

Posted: 20 May 2006, 09:53
by Rofocale
Fair enough. Now if the man just could release them properly too!!!

Posted: 20 May 2006, 23:06
by Medieval Babe
Ozpat wrote:The top 3 (so far) seems to be:

1. CAB
2. Susanne
3. Summer

I can live with that! :D
I totally agree. But can we add a few covers as well? I'm dying for a proper recording of 'Bei mir bist Du schoen' with lots of mean guitars...

Posted: 21 May 2006, 00:08
by mandrake
Come together:

First new song played I believe. 92/93? Loved this from the moment I heard it on a tape. Hoped it would be a Beatles cover but this was even better. Still haven't figured out the lyrics completely, but this one stands it's ground. musically and lyric wise. Studio/ Cd yes please.

War on drugs:

Sorry, never liked this. Not in any version played (correct me if I'm wrong but I think live there were two versions, in the beginning a different paced version) I don't like this musically mostly. Too all over the place. Lyrics? Not the best either even if there are some great snippets. "Seven shades of Shiva Rising Cd, not really, B-side, sure.


Absofucking brilliant. Loved this from the start. Another shade of you....Made my hairs stand up. Would have made a great single and would have proven the "old" Sisters were indeed no more. Almost Pop Rock. Cd? Cdsingle NOW!

Romeo Down:

I think this is my favourite. Lyrics that kinda cut me to the bone (even though I am not sure that I understand them to this day) "Till he p*ss blood in the palm of his hand" "One Romeo down" Seems like a dark reworked version of Romeo et Juliette. Also different versions played live.I just love this song and another studio favourite.


"Let the ether fall" Another classic, so far away from old Sisters yet so close. Another stonker, as most here agree. Spine chiller again.

Will I dream:

Nope, sorry again. I can never tell if it's "Detonation Boulevard" or "Will I' live. too much like the same stuff and same lyrics.

Crash And Burn:

Brilliant. Another instant classic.


Again nope...musically I kinda like it and it has grown on me, lyric wise it is just a bit too much "You could be the one" embarrasing so to say.


Weird from the minute I heard this I was sold. (intro a bit like "you stole the sun" from the Manics?) Sounded like old Sisters fused with the new. I can't stop playing this. And another studio fave.

So War, Slept, Will I no no, the rest please on cd.

Also, Eldritch once said that live they were playing mainly the "gung-ho" songs. THe others were for the cd. Still, to me I find a lot of these songs not so gung-ho. So what can we expect? Will this CD really ever happen? I sincerely hope so. After Amsterdam I truly though he had lost it, after hearing Brussel live (THANK YOU!) I am dubious.

What will happen this summer.......

We need at least some mp3 downloads Mister Andrew! :)


(oh and can someone finally put these song in chronologically order? I still can't work out where and when each new song was "born")

Posted: 21 May 2006, 03:25
by Matthew Holliman
I'd guess has this info. I think the order is something like the following:

Come Together '93ish?
War on Drugs, Summer - Distance over Time, '97
Romeo Down, Suzanne, Will I Dream - Event Horizon, '98
Crash and Burn, Snub Nose/Top Night Out - must have been around 2000 or so
Slept '03
Still '06

Of these, by far my favourite is Slept... I'm not sure what this is about, but based on the fragments of lyrics I can make out (the references to shame, drug overdoses, and the like), I can't imagine describing them as "YCBTO embarrassing". (Although perhaps I should be embarrassed to admit that YCBTO is easily one of my favourite Sisters tracks?) This one needs to be on a CD or MP3 download. Now!!!

I love the older versions of Suzanne where the main riff just flows really smoothly, like on the Visions at the Forum bootleg, but I don't like the way it's been played on this tour--it sounds too staccato with too much palm muting. If they record it, it had better be the original Varjak version! That was a fantastic song, easily my second favourite of the "new" ones.

Come Together and War on Drugs are both really simple but really damned catchy... neither sounded very special when I first heard them, but they both grew on me very quickly. (Frankly, I thought Come Together sucked when they played it in Philly '97 and I heard it for the first time... but then I couldn't get it out of my head the next day).

As far as Summer, I like the version on the Visions at the Forum bootleg, with some of the little guitar embellishments in the intro, but they seem to have dropped these and simplified the song over time since this. It's a bit of a shame. Good song, but while it sounded great initially, I don't listen to it as much as the other songs now.

I guess it's a pipe dream hoping for a studio release, but if it ever happens, I pray Adam and Mike don't block the release of the songs they co-wrote...

Posted: 21 May 2006, 03:41
by Kosminski
Susanne and I, we are the same

Posted: 31 May 2006, 21:00
by callmelightning
Susanne is such a powerful song, instant classic.

Posted: 31 May 2006, 22:19
by mh
To be honest, I've never really understood the "I don't like War on Drugs" brigade. To me it's the latest in a long line of total Doktor overloads that started with Floorshow and went through to the Gift LP. It's loose, groovy, vaguely exotic sounding, and has a wonderful pompous chorus. OK, the 97 era versions were the best, but it's still a great song, and I'd love to hear a full studio treatment with keyboards and various clattery noises in the background.

Posted: 26 Jun 2006, 14:56
by Rofocale
10 songs. I wanna see them properly released!!!
As pathetic it may seem, I'm still hoping.

Posted: 26 Jun 2006, 17:32
by the-happening
mandrake wrote:Come together:

First new song played I believe. 92/93? Loved this from the moment I heard it on a tape. Hoped it would be a Beatles cover but this was even better. Still haven't figured out the lyrics completely, but this one stands it's ground. musically and lyric wise. Studio/ Cd yes please.

War on drugs:

Sorry, never liked this. Not in any version played (correct me if I'm wrong but I think live there were two versions, in the beginning a different paced version) I don't like this musically mostly. Too all over the place. Lyrics? Not the best either even if there are some great snippets. "Seven shades of Shiva Rising Cd, not really, B-side, sure.


Absofucking brilliant. Loved this from the start. Another shade of you....Made my hairs stand up. Would have made a great single and would have proven the "old" Sisters were indeed no more. Almost Pop Rock. Cd? Cdsingle NOW!

Romeo Down:

I think this is my favourite. Lyrics that kinda cut me to the bone (even though I am not sure that I understand them to this day) "Till he p*ss blood in the palm of his hand" "One Romeo down" Seems like a dark reworked version of Romeo et Juliette. Also different versions played live.I just love this song and another studio favourite.


"Let the ether fall" Another classic, so far away from old Sisters yet so close. Another stonker, as most here agree. Spine chiller again.

Will I dream:

Nope, sorry again. I can never tell if it's "Detonation Boulevard" or "Will I' live. too much like the same stuff and same lyrics.

Crash And Burn:

Brilliant. Another instant classic.


Again nope...musically I kinda like it and it has grown on me, lyric wise it is just a bit too much "You could be the one" embarrasing so to say.


Weird from the minute I heard this I was sold. (intro a bit like "you stole the sun" from the Manics?) Sounded like old Sisters fused with the new. I can't stop playing this. And another studio fave.

So War, Slept, Will I no no, the rest please on cd.

Also, Eldritch once said that live they were playing mainly the "gung-ho" songs. THe others were for the cd. Still, to me I find a lot of these songs not so gung-ho. So what can we expect? Will this CD really ever happen? I sincerely hope so. After Amsterdam I truly though he had lost it, after hearing Brussel live (THANK YOU!) I am dubious.

What will happen this summer.......

We need at least some mp3 downloads Mister Andrew! :)


(oh and can someone finally put these song in chronologically order? I still can't work out where and when each new song was "born")
Mandrake, thanks for this you just saved me hours of typing (a broken arm restricts my typing speed! I have to say I agree with everything you have said, not often that happens - spooky.

Posted: 26 Jun 2006, 18:15
by mandrake
the-happening wrote: Mandrake, thanks for this you just saved me hours of typing (a broken arm restricts my typing speed! I have to say I agree with everything you have said, not often that happens - spooky.
Eeek! That is indeed spooky..or at least confusing ;>

Oh I figured out the "Birth" of these songs, what I can gather from the Tours site is:

Come Together
02 Dec 1993 - Bank Austria Zelt, Wien, Austria

War on Drugs
3 June 1997 - Joseph's Well, Leeds, United Kingdom

11 June 1997 - Manchester Apollo, Manchester, United Kingdom

We are the Same, Suzanne & Romeo Down
14 Jan 1998 - Stadthalle, Erlangen, Germany

Will I Dream?
24 Jan 1998 - Colosseum, München, Germany

Crash and Burn
12 Aug 2000 - M'era Luna festival, Drispenstedt/Flughafen, Hildesheim, Germany

01 April 2003 - Jahrhunderthalle, Frankfurt, Germany

umm 2006

Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 00:24
by Badlander
mandrake wrote: Still
umm 2006
Nottingham 07.05.06 ?
Anyway, nice effort indeed. Should get stickified I guess. 8)

Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 11:10
by robertzombie
mandrake wrote:
the-happening wrote: Mandrake, thanks for this you just saved me hours of typing (a broken arm restricts my typing speed! I have to say I agree with everything you have said, not often that happens - spooky.
Eeek! That is indeed spooky..or at least confusing ;>

Oh I figured out the "Birth" of these songs, what I can gather from the Tours site is:

Come Together
02 Dec 1993 - Bank Austria Zelt, Wien, Austria

War on Drugs
3 June 1997 - Joseph's Well, Leeds, United Kingdom

11 June 1997 - Manchester Apollo, Manchester, United Kingdom

We are the Same, Suzanne & Romeo Down
14 Jan 1998 - Stadthalle, Erlangen, Germany

Will I Dream?
24 Jan 1998 - Colosseum, München, Germany

Crash and Burn
12 Aug 2000 - M'era Luna festival, Drispenstedt/Flughafen, Hildesheim, Germany

01 April 2003 - Jahrhunderthalle, Frankfurt, Germany

umm 2006
It would be great it someone (who has all of these gigs) would make a weed of the these songs, I would like to hear them in their original form and hear the crowd reactions.

Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 11:39
by _emma_
robertzombie wrote:It would be great it someone (who has all of these gigs) would make a weed of the these songs, I would like to hear them in their original form and hear the crowd reactions.
Such a weed has been done I think.
As for the crowd reactions, they depend mostly on how intoxicated the crowd is. The original form depends on how intoxicated Von is. Until the songs are put on record, they're living organisms that change depending on circumstances. Putting them on record would surely kill them. :twisted:

Just kidding, of course. We all know that putting them on record would make them immortal. :von: But please let Romeo Down sound the way it did in Krakow. :notworthy:

Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 11:43
by Badlander
mandrake wrote: Come Together
02 Dec 1993 - Bank Austria Zelt, Wien, Austria

War on Drugs
3 June 1997 - Joseph's Well, Leeds, United Kingdom

11 June 1997 - Manchester Apollo, Manchester, United Kingdom

We are the Same, Suzanne & Romeo Down
14 Jan 1998 - Stadthalle, Erlangen, Germany

Will I Dream?
24 Jan 1998 - Colosseum, München, Germany

Crash and Burn
12 Aug 2000 - M'era Luna festival, Drispenstedt/Flughafen, Hildesheim, Germany

01 April 2003 - Jahrhunderthalle, Frankfurt, Germany

umm 2006
Just realized you forgot

Top nite out : 2000/08/12 - M'era Luna festival, Hildesheim, Germany

Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 11:59
by robertzombie
I think at that time it was called Snub Nose

Posted: 27 Jun 2006, 12:46
by Badlander
robertzombie wrote:I think at that time it was called Snub Nose
You're right. wrote:This song was billed as "Snub Nose", "Or Whatever", "Adam Decides", "This Night", "Hinkathonic", "Protosonic", "Nuber's Called" and "!" during the inductory Trip the Light Fantastic tour; the legend has it that it was planned to pick one of these names at random after the tour. The first name stick among fans though, and in next Exxile on Euphoria tour it got the name Snubnose, only to be changed into Top Nite Out in summer 2001.

Posted: 22 Jul 2006, 22:05
by Jaymz
1. Crash & Burn
2. Top Nite Out
3. Will I Dream?

Posted: 22 Jul 2006, 22:08
by scotty
Is it just me or does anyone else still think of Lucretia, Dominion and The Corrosion as "New Songs" :(

Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 13:35
by kazamel
Come Together is still one of my fav new songs. But lately I have been enjoying Summer quite a lot. It does have all the ingredients of a (a) good (b) Sisters track. While we're waiting for the next one to arrive...

Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 14:09
by Ahráyeph
No guesses which one I picked ;D. But Suzanne would take an equal place (no, I won't do a cover of that song as well :P)

Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 14:20
by Izzy HaveMercy
I picked 'war on Drugs', because it is such a stomping war-dance of a song.

Closely followed by 'Suzanne' and 'C&B'.

'Will I Dream' comes in the drawer labelled 'Leftovers', next to YCBTO. Utter pish, no body, yawn all over the place, only bright moment is when AE sings "when it's over..." and I glance up in hope... only to see him plungeing in again :|


Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 14:26
by wild bill buttock
deffo We are the same Susanne.
Its one of the most danced to tracks at Hex-in the-city since Cruelbrit "aquired" a copy.Amazing since its never been officially released,such is the power that Yvonne still exerts over us Goffy types.
Close second though,for me, is Crash and burn

Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 14:31
by Purple Light
Strange that this topic has appeared again, I was just thinking yesterday (I was bored) if my faves are in a different order. And.... they're not.

Crash & Burn very closely followed by Romeo Down.
Love them all but these two are the camel's testicles for me.