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Posted: 22 May 2006, 10:38
by jay
First heard them in a house down Ivanhoe Road, Liverpool. I think Ramone knows the house

Posted: 24 May 2006, 11:47
by bananacamel
Had a friend with an older brother who loved the Sisters. It was mid '87 I was 14 and when I listened to it, thought it was the worst noise I'd ever heard. :?

(Hey I was 14, and was still listening to U2, Simple Minds etc) :innocent:

Then saw Dominion on TOTP, I can't remember if I liked it, all I know is my mum didn't, and it seemed like a good idea to spend my money on my first sisters record to annoy her. (Teenagers, who'd have 'em :roll: )

Couldn't remember the name of the song when I walked into HMV, so I remember waiting in the shop until they played it. Bought Floodland, loved it, and so the obsession began. :notworthy:

Saw them for the 1st time, Wembley 1990.

So I guess I have my mum's poor taste in music to thank for my good taste :lol:

Posted: 24 May 2006, 12:38
by the-happening
A friends cousin introduced me in 1983 to the SISTERS he had a copy of TOL and played it non stop, the rest just follows. I had to wait until 1984 to see them live at the Electric Ballrom as i was too young to drive and trains didn't go to my world, said person gave us a lift although that in itself was quite amusing as he got to Oxford Circus got lost and decided to follow a bus that was going through Camden! So thank you Howard the SISTERS was one success but the rest of your musical taste was too salty for me.

Posted: 24 May 2006, 15:46
by Mickpit
Basement bar at The Garage, Nottingham 1983. I heard Temple of Love for the first time and was blown away, they played it 3 times that night and I shouted for another. It was fast, furious and friendly :eek: , the ceiling was very low and my back-combed hair was scraping the ceiling. Next day I started the collection of TOL, Alice, BE, Anaconda RHep and soon after blagged my mate into selling me his original Damage Done (which i still have) for a couple of quid.

Posted: 24 May 2006, 15:49
by jkbcold
My first experience with the sisters of mercy was a the beginning of the nineties,,,, I was around 4 yo,,, my aunt was working in a shop for an old clothe brand called " school rag",,, and in the store was always playing the floodland album ,,, especially dominion...
after, I really discovered the sisters with first and last and always,,, and I was completely hooked by "logic" ,,, ( which is still my favorite TSOM song)
It was just before my 15th birthday,,, today I'm twenty yo , and still fan of this incredible band and of the awesome spiggy's voice... ;-)

Posted: 24 May 2006, 18:40
by Big Si
kitty_karate wrote:For me it was when I saw the video for Dominion on some pop music show. I must have been about 14 and it was just so different from all the cruddy pop that was around at the time.
Ditto! :notworthy:

I believe it must have been the chart show - when it was on channel 4 at 6pm on a friday night, that's when I 1st saw it!

It was the white suit and the beard that did it for me! :notworthy: :D


Posted: 24 May 2006, 21:18
by brunobossier
The good old weekly parties back in 83/84 where they used to play TOL and Alice a lot. In 85 also Marian and Walk away. The DJ still organizes twice a year new wave parties and is a big Sisters fan (for the Belgians around Brussels : DJ Zebedeus).

Posted: 24 May 2006, 21:42
by spot778
Was buying a copy of Play Dead's 12" This Side Of Heaven :innocent:

The guy behind the counter took pity on me and and recomended the TOL 12" as well.

Haven't looked back since ;D

Posted: 24 May 2006, 23:06
by James Blast
I will hear no calumny about Play Dead!

Posted: 24 May 2006, 23:12
by mh
Nor will I.

They were one fantastic band.


Still an all-timer.

Posted: 24 May 2006, 23:19
by James Blast
I'm more a CoJ man.

Posted: 24 May 2006, 23:34
by mh
I s'pose cos I'd heard the live versions on the Final Epitaph LP first I was always pretty disappointed with that one.

Posted: 25 May 2006, 09:12
by twp
First and Last and Always I'm afraid.

Posted: 25 May 2006, 17:03
by wild bill buttock
Big Si wrote:

I believe it must have been the chart show - when it was on channel 4 at 6pm on a friday night, that's when I 1st saw it!
The chart show used to be ace before it moved to ITV on Saturdays.

They used to play "Serpent's kiss" and "Blue water" almost every week at one time.

Posted: 25 May 2006, 17:41
by davedecay
our friend "Sid" (sometimes a lurker here) used to put on Gimme Shelter at his fraternity parties after we'd badger him for a while. Most of the idiots there didn't like it. A few thought it was David Bowie (with the deep Cat People voice), so in their minds it was OK. this was probably '85-'86.

trying to recall the first one i heard; it was probably ToL or the Alice EP. i recall we had one of the rare Brain Eater pressings at the radio station. summer of 85 i was overloading on FALAA and buying up all the EPs and 7s i could find. surely got Body & Soul & Reptile House EP that summer. used to prowl the shops in Philly, eventually found the 12" with the Long Train flexi and the German gatefold FALAA in the same store & quickly snapped up both!

Posted: 25 May 2006, 18:20
by Big Si
wild bill buttock wrote:
Big Si wrote:

I believe it must have been the chart show - when it was on channel 4 at 6pm on a friday night, that's when I 1st saw it!
The chart show used to be ace before it moved to ITV on Saturdays.

They used to play "Serpent's kiss" and "Blue water" almost every week at one time.
And "Indie" music, not independant record label releases :wink: :(

Posted: 25 May 2006, 20:23
by spot778
I wasn't dissing them, still have my 12"s and LPs you two are the only ones I've seen who

a) know whom they are

b) actually LIKE them !

Cheers lads !


Posted: 25 May 2006, 20:54
by James Blast
spot778 wrote:I wasn't dissing them, still have my 12"s and LPs you two are the only ones I've seen who

a) know whom they are

b) actually LIKE them !

Cheers lads !

Welcome Home! :D

and I meant the dude in the record shop, not you
BTW The Boss thinks they're pants, the fool!

Posted: 26 May 2006, 00:24
by vicus
In 1987 I heared "This Corrosion" on german radio - liked it, bought the 12".

Went to a local club a few weeks later and listened to "Temple" for the first time. I was blown away by the hell that broke loose on the dancefloor after the intro. Had no idea that this was the same band until I asked the DJ. The next day I visited a local "indie"-record-shop, bought every Sisters-12" I could afford - and 1 week later the "They Shall Not Pass"-LP.

"Floodland" came out a few weeks later, then I bought "First & Last & Always", "Gift"...

ok - I'm an addict for about 19 years now...

Posted: 26 May 2006, 15:13
by godafoss66
It would be in ’83, after hearing Temple of Love on the John Peel show. I finally got around to seeing them for the first time earlier in the month at Leeds Uni, 21 years after first trying to see them at the York Festival.

Posted: 28 Jul 2006, 02:07
by Janko
I was at the MOTORHEAD gig and I thought:

"I shoud really forget everything and just go and get every band that mentioned their love for Lemmy and Co."

So it was...

Posted: 28 Jul 2006, 10:15
by EricSweden
i was visiting a friend for two weeks during the summer of 1992 and we would most of the time hang out with his friends and party.
one guy would constantly play the vision thing album at his house.
i didn't think of it too much at first.
it was just some alternative rock.

hearing the album over and over again pretty much brain washed me.
i was hooked. so i bought it.
then the same summer temple of love 92 was released.
so i bought a slight case of overboming.
then i bought floodland.
then last i bought first and last and always which didn't impress me much.

i got into sisters backwards you could say, which is why i'm not too fond of the early sisters.

then it was around 1997 that i started to notice that the sisters was considered by most people to be a"goth/cult band".
to me they had always been and still are an alternative rock band.
may the sisters rest in peace now.

:notworthy: :von:

Posted: 28 Jul 2006, 10:32
by dinky daisy
in my teens i was sceptic about them because in my village there were some goofs with sisters shirts the one day and some spooky goth s**t the other day. And they danced stupid with their arms as if they had strings to pull away, like Robert Smith always do. Which is very bad.

But then i bought Vision Thing four years ago because... i liked dirty disco and hardrock but never heard it combined untill a friend of mine says: now THIS is music to drive your car with.

I'm a Vision Thing thing. Only a year ago listened to First And Last And Always, thanks to a lot of video footage i found on Youtube and soulseek and all that s**t. I wouldn't base my fanship on their pre-VT period, although Lucretia and Dominion give me shivers.

And i feel attracted to them because they don't update websites, don't bring out corny albums and AE is very, i think the MOST funny frontman in the world.

Posted: 28 Jul 2006, 19:21
by shiver
It was 84/85 (I forget). My mate and I had just got The Cult - Love and The Bunnymen - Songs to Learn and sign.

Someone lent us FALAA. Didn't play either of the other records for about 6 months.

Posted: 28 Jul 2006, 19:44
by salmonella
In my case it was simple - the artwork to ''Slight Case Of Overbombing'' .