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Posted: 16 Jun 2006, 13:29
by Passing_through
Andrew never lived with any aunts, uncles or grandparents.
Yes he was born in Ely.
Yes he lived in Singapore when very young.
Yes he lived (with his family) in Malvern for a few years when he was at primary school.
He has one younger brother who is not called Robert and with whom to the best of my knowledge he is not in contact.
He has one younger sister who is not called Gina and he is not in contact with her either.
He has no older brothers.

Posted: 16 Jun 2006, 14:18
by _emma_
Thank you. Dead Stars and myself would be even more happy if you could tell us the exact time (hour and minutes) when he was born. We badly need this information for some important scientific research.

Posted: 16 Jun 2006, 14:21
by Quiff Boy
_emma_ wrote:Thank you. Dead Stars and myself would be even more happy if you could tell us the exact time (hour and minutes) when he was born. We badly need this information for some important scientific research.

lordy me, is she still trying to get those details for her moon chart or whatever it was? ;D

@ Passing_through: thanks for the information. :notworthy: & welcome to our humble home (not to mention place of worship :lol: :roll:) 8)

Posted: 16 Jun 2006, 14:28
by _emma_
Quiff Boy wrote:lordy me, is she still trying to get those details for her moon chart or whatever it was?
Yes, and I can guarantee that if she had them, we would know the answer why the new record hasn't happened. :lol:

Posted: 16 Jun 2006, 19:22
by James Blast
this Passing_through cove sounds interesting...

Posted: 16 Jun 2006, 19:43
by elamanamou
_emma_ wrote: We badly need this information for some important scientific research.
Astrology chart? :lol:

I know Taurus and Leo are very compatible! :von: :wink:

Posted: 17 Jun 2006, 01:12
by wild bill buttock
And Mars is about to enter Uranus.

Posted: 17 Jun 2006, 11:33
by elamanamou
wild bill buttock wrote:And Mars is about to enter Uranus.

Emma.I aim to please ;D

The Taurus Man: April 20 - May 20 :von:
by Susan Miller

The Taurus man loves creature comforts. He is sensuous, tactile, giving, practical and stable. When a Taurus man falls in love it is forever, because Taurus guys aren't wanderers. One of the sexiest characteristics of a Taurus man is his wonderfully sexy, deep voice. Taurus rules the throat, and many Taurus are well known singers

Posted: 17 Jun 2006, 16:26
by 9while9
elamanamou wrote:
wild bill buttock wrote:And Mars is about to enter Uranus.

Emma.I aim to please ;D

The Taurus Man: April 20 - May 20 :von:
by Susan Miller

The Taurus man loves creature comforts. He is sensuous, tactile, giving, practical and stable. When a Taurus man falls in love it is forever, because Taurus guys aren't wanderers. One of the sexiest characteristics of a Taurus man is his wonderfully sexy, deep voice. Taurus rules the throat, and many Taurus are well known singers
All I can say to the above is fact, my birthday May 3rd........... 8)

Posted: 17 Jun 2006, 16:40
by scotty
Is he / has he ever been married? (was he wearing a wedding ring in the WAKE video?)

Does he have any children?

How short is he?

Does he dress to the Left or Right?

Does he wear Briefs/Thong/Boxers/Commando?

Whats his favorite colour?

Eastenders/Corrie or Emmerdale?

Does he bite his finger nails? (I dont, Ive stopped:-))

Which Gig was better, Leeds : Getting all your stuff knicked, or Glasgow : Watching James Ray get thrown oot :-(

Posted: 17 Jun 2006, 16:53
by streamline
scotty wrote:
Whats his favorite colour?


Ooh, that'd be what I'd ask him, keith, along with what range of furniture polish he uses and does he know how to get the nasty oil stain off my driveway :lol: :lol:

P.S. good luck with the nails.....

Posted: 17 Jun 2006, 16:58
by 9while9
streamline wrote:
scotty wrote:
Whats his favorite colour?


Ooh, that'd be what I'd ask him, keith, along with what range of furniture polish he uses and does he know how to get the nasty oil stain off my driveway :lol: :lol:

P.S. good luck with the nails.....
What, you wouldn't ask him for dry cleaning tips?crushed velvets got to be a bitch.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 17 Jun 2006, 17:01
by mh
Passing_through wrote:Yes he was born in Ely.
You mean he wasn't spawned in a vat?

Bugger, that's that theory out the window then.

Posted: 17 Jun 2006, 19:41
by robertzombie
scotty wrote: Does he bite his finger nails? (I dont, Ive stopped:-))
I remember the first time I watched the Wake video I noticed his nails looked like they could do with a cutting. so I'm guessing he didn't bite them back then :wink:

i stopped biting mine after watching that :oops:

after saying that, I've watched the video back countless times looking for them nails, and I can't see em, maybe it was my brain subconsciously telling me to stop... :lol:

Posted: 17 Jun 2006, 21:17
by 9while9
_emma_ wrote:Thank you. Dead Stars and myself would be even more happy if you could tell us the exact time (hour and minutes) when he was born. We badly need this information for some important scientific research.
"Black magic is a way of covering up the inability of making any intelligent comment. Like the reference to Tarot on the new single says: "In illusion comfort lies" which means black magic is just another illusion that people use to wrap themselves up in and hide from the real world." - Andrew Eldritch, Sounds 1982.


Posted: 19 Jun 2006, 09:49
by _emma_
Astrology is not exactly black magic. At least, not the future-telling kind of astrology but the one that describes people's personalities.

Posted: 20 Jun 2006, 21:33
by semtex
scotty wrote:Is he / has he ever been married? (was he wearing a wedding ring in the WAKE video?)

Does he have any children?
Well, after reading this article:, I guess he's gay...

Posted: 20 Jun 2006, 21:46
by mh
semtex wrote:
scotty wrote:Is he / has he ever been married? (was he wearing a wedding ring in the WAKE video?)

Does he have any children?
Well, after reading this article:, I guess he's gay...
I think we can all be pretty certain that's not the case!

Posted: 20 Jun 2006, 22:03
by EvilBastard
mh wrote:
semtex wrote:
scotty wrote:Is he / has he ever been married? (was he wearing a wedding ring in the WAKE video?)
Does he have any children?
Well, after reading this article:, I guess he's gay...
I think we can all be pretty certain that's not the case!
Hey, I don't know - I mean, who's to say that he's not just hopelessly in the closet? Had things for Tori Amos, Ofra Haza, and Teri Nun, which were apparently unconsummated, the breakup with Clare was never fully explained ("Andrew, why can't you accept you're gay?" "I'm *not* gay, I'm *not* - fine, leave me, I'll just write bitter songs about the whole experience!"), likes cats (a sure-fire way to tell, apparently), this whole Miss Detroit thing is getting just a teensie bit long in the tooth, Patricia Morrison is the archetypal raving junkie fag-hag, and if you want absolutely damning proof, he has whicker furniture...
On a completely unrelated note (oh, I'll admit it - I was googling "sisters of mercy" plus "closet" plus "lyrics" and came across it :oops:), has anyone ever played this game..?

Posted: 20 Jun 2006, 22:17
by semtex
mh wrote:
semtex wrote:
scotty wrote:Is he / has he ever been married? (was he wearing a wedding ring in the WAKE video?)

Does he have any children?
Well, after reading this article:, I guess he's gay...
I think we can all be pretty certain that's not the case!
"we"...."all"......."pretty certain" - well, I don't know what makes you so sure about it, because I've never read anything about a girlfriend, a child or something like that :eek:

Therefore, I find Evilbastards concrete hints or thoughts much more interesting... :wink:

Posted: 20 Jun 2006, 22:20
by Quiff Boy
@ EvilBastard: :lol: :roll: :D

Posted: 20 Jun 2006, 22:35
by EvilBastard
scotty wrote: Does he have any children?
Only us, his darkling offspring of the night - bwa ha ha ha ha...
scotty wrote:How short is he?
5'8", apparently, although the fact that he won MM's Gnome of Darkness award would suggest that's a little exagerated
scotty wrote:Whats his favorite colour?
British Racing Green, accoring to one interview - a 'beard' colour if ever there was one
scotty wrote:Eastenders/Corrie or Emmerdale?
Used to watch Corrie when he visited his grandparents, which is when he decided that Oop Noorth was a friendlier place than Dahn Saath

Mind you, if this is anything to go by then I've been good with colours for years :lol: (and if this thread isn't enough to make Him come out of the woodwork, if not the closet), then I don't know what is :lol:)

Posted: 20 Jun 2006, 22:38
by aims
While this image would appear to support your case, the fireman's jacket faux-pas, if I someone would be so kind as to provide a visual aid, proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Eldritch is very much heterosexual (and not even a very well coordinated one at that ;)) :innocent:

Posted: 20 Jun 2006, 22:44
by EvilBastard
Oh, let's not forget that he's shaving his head these days too - just sayin'... :innocent:

Posted: 20 Jun 2006, 22:45
by mh
semtex wrote:
mh wrote:
semtex wrote: Well, after reading this article:, I guess he's gay...
I think we can all be pretty certain that's not the case!
"we"...."all"......."pretty certain" - well, I don't know what makes you so sure about it, because I've never read anything about a girlfriend, a child or something like that :eek:

Therefore, I find Evilbastards concrete hints or thoughts much more interesting... :wink:
Well, I was thinking primarily this:
Andrew Eldritch wrote:Claire is still going strong, but Claire is not so much a cat as an ex-girlfriend. As a breed, ex-girlfriends are a mixed bunch. Some of them are as friendly as Claire; some of them will only hiss at you (or, indeed, at the mere thought of you).

After extensive research, I can confirm that ex-girlfriends require considerably less maintenance than girlfriends. Unless, of course, you've married any of them - which I haven't.
Plus a few old interviews and the like ("I like sleeping with women!").

Personally, I'd have doubts that he's exclusively hetero, but y'know, it is his own business.