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Posted: 16 May 2006, 11:33
by kazamel
First and last and always - Bar that never closes
Phantom & Ghostrider Ltd. - Delivery services (we assure 90% customer satisfaction!)
Good things - "Bar"
Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves - Outlet store
Walkin' the Dog - guess what? :wink:
Where spirits fly - Aviation catering

Posted: 16 May 2006, 12:42
by Izzy HaveMercy
Good Things Candy Shop.

Bury Me Deep Funeral Services.

Marry Anne Bridal Shoppe.

Two In The Nose Tattoo and Piercing Shop.

Shut The Fùck Up Laywer Agency.


Posted: 16 May 2006, 13:37
by EvilBastard
Picture & Sculpture Movers: (Stop) Dragging My Art Around

Posted: 16 May 2006, 13:48
by markfiend
EvilBastard wrote:Picture & Sculpture Movers: (Stop) Dragging My Art Around
Oof! Image

Posted: 16 May 2006, 14:05
by Ghostrider
Wide receiver: global postal services
Romeo Down: school for dog training
Garden of Delight: flower shop that sells canabis plants for home growing
Gimme gimme gimme: laywer agency that helps the women get all the cash
I was wrong: selfhelp group for gay priests
Just walk on in: club for gay priests
Amphetamine Logic: your local dealer with best prices
(re)possession: the repo man
heartland: a forum for fans of a certain band.. :S
floorshow / kiss the carpet: kinky peepshows
You could be the one dating services
when you don't see me: dating service for maried ppl

Posted: 16 May 2006, 14:25
by aims

Posted: 16 May 2006, 14:48
by Dark
Snowdriver - Snowploughing services.

Posted: 16 May 2006, 14:48
by EvilBastard
I used to work around the corner from a high-end ladies outfitters that shared office space with a builders merchant and home decorating company - Furs & Laths & Hallways

Posted: 16 May 2006, 15:08
by markfiend
My head hurts.

Posted: 16 May 2006, 15:19
by Dark
markfiend wrote:My head hurts.
Adrenochrome? :innocent:

Posted: 16 May 2006, 16:04
by Bartek
markfiend wrote:Rain From Heaven garden sprinklers
I thought about it as a car wash

Posted: 16 May 2006, 16:05
by Doktor Gott
This Corrosion acid etching...

Posted: 16 May 2006, 16:13
by markfiend
Dark wrote:
markfiend wrote:My head hurts.
Adrenochrome? :innocent:
:lol: I'm not entirely sure that it would help. Image


Posted: 16 May 2006, 16:25
by 9while9
markfiend wrote:
Dark wrote:
markfiend wrote:My head hurts.
Adrenochrome? :innocent:
:lol: I'm not entirely sure that it would help. Image

Adrenochrome semicarbazone

Has a nice ring to it, don't it?

I smell a new tune..................................... :lol:

Posted: 16 May 2006, 18:53
by mh
"Oh see man, do youse?" - opticians

Good God, that was vile.

Posted: 16 May 2006, 18:54
by mh
"A lease, don't give it away" - bastard landlord.

Posted: 16 May 2006, 19:23
by jande
Where spirits fly - 'Anytown' trendy public house (especially on a friday or saturday night)

Posted: 16 May 2006, 19:26
by Zuma
Dark wrote:
markfiend wrote:My head hurts.
Adrenochrome? :innocent:
Custom Bike shop? :innocent:

Posted: 16 May 2006, 19:36
by James Blast
mh wrote:"Oh see man, do youse?" - opticians

Good God, that was vile.
don't you mean Vision Thing? :innocent:

Posted: 16 May 2006, 19:39
by mh
Nah, I mean 2 vast & trunkless legs of stone :)

Posted: 16 May 2006, 19:43
by Big Si
Mine is extemely, extremely crap......

Hearth's and Bath's and Hallways - House Cleaners :urff:

(well at least it rhymes :roll: )

Posted: 16 May 2006, 22:12
by Ghostrider
"top night out" a pub that plays 24/7 sisters + related tunes

Posted: 16 May 2006, 22:19
by 9while9
Ghostrider wrote:"top night out" a pub that plays 24/7 sisters + related tunes
That's just sucking up. :roll:

If they also featured The Sisters of Murphy on occasion
then you could call the place "Top Night Out" :P

Posted: 16 May 2006, 23:14
by mh
We are the same, Suzanne: human cloning experimental facility.

Posted: 17 May 2006, 01:31
by EvilBastard
Just saw an ad for a hair restoration place -

Alopecia, My Infection

My coat's around here somewhere...