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Posted: 21 Sep 2008, 00:42
by Francis

Posted: 21 Sep 2008, 00:54
by psichonaut
suggestions about the new James T-shirts are allowed to finally have a great forum-shirt

Posted: 21 Sep 2008, 01:04
by Francis
Have I missed something?

Posted: 21 Sep 2008, 01:04
by James Blast
Franco you aren't here often enough to keep up with the latest buzzwords and catchphrases, ye just show up in the early hours of Sunday (after drink has been taken?) and post obscure new topics - FACT! :lol:

Posted: 21 Sep 2008, 01:05
by psichonaut
Francis wrote:Have I missed something?
your on the mirror if it still is in the right place ;D

Posted: 21 Sep 2008, 01:10
by Francis
Please accept my humblest appologies. I've been working over to support my nicotine and alcohol habits since the price hike in petrol, gas and electricity has consumed all my disposable income. Thankfully, I've still got two years to go on my fixed rate mortgage or I'd be out driving a taxi as we speak. Or maybe not, since I'm fluent in English and know my way around the streets of Leeds too well.

Posted: 21 Sep 2008, 01:12
by James Blast
you never got that grant for the 'Gothic Leeds - a guided tour and history' then :|

Posted: 21 Sep 2008, 01:21
by Francis
The original seedy parts of Leeds are now full of shiny, happy new Europeans. No more quick tenners to be earned round the back of the Mucky Duck.