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Posted: 19 Aug 2006, 19:55
by Mokarran
I don't know if 'barnstorming' is an absolute necesity (though obviously I wouldn't complain 8)). Take the example of another figure who was in self-imposed exile for ages – Kate Bush. Not strictly speaking my cup of absinthe, but she came back after a similar absence – in her case, raising kids – with a muted set of songs that didn't feature much showy off bits. Some of her fans liked it, some were lukewarm, but the concensus was that it was great to have someone of her creative individuality back in the game.

So, if Von decided to come back as, say, Leonard Cohen, I wouldn't complain. As a fan, I'd be delighted to be presented us with a set of a dozen or so artfully bitter ditties, perhaps more in the mould of 'I was wrong' than the more trad rock route he has been exploring live. I'm sure Von has changed with age, and he certainly doesn't (or can't) hide behind his hair anymore. Maybe the only way to record anything meaningful would be to lose the (metaphorical) shades and write from the heart, see what happens. In the Sisters, he has contrived a mechanism that allows him to do as he pleases - why not try something ambitious, whatever that may be?

I agree that he's given his fans all over the world a great year, so respect to him and the boys for putting in the miles, and if it means he gets to feed the cats on fish fillets and caviare... well, how could I begrudge them? :wink:

Your friend,


Posted: 19 Aug 2006, 20:04
by Zuma
Mokarran - spot on and exactly what I meant before about trying not to be cynical too, which is such an easy trap to fall into.
(Not that I have not fallen into the same thing myself).

Only pop music?




Posted: 19 Aug 2006, 20:36
by Mokarran
Ha - I seem to spend an inordinately large amount of time fetching said coat! :lol: I don't know what Von would feel right doing, just that as a fan I'd encourage him to be as fearless as he was when he first went into a studio. And if he turned out a few stinkers - hey, I'd ignore them and concentrate on what pleases me. I think it was Nick Cave who said that even on great albums, there only ever tend to be two or three truly great songs. Thinking about all the dark satisfaction that listening to something like 'Nine While Nine' has given me over the years... it's very hard to put a monetary value on it, but it's a hell of a lot more than the price I paid for the album in its various formats. It's unlikely, but if he felt like putting out an album of torch songs, I'd say go for it. We've all had so much fun with the bootlegs, I think we can afford to indulge him.

Still, everything I write is supposition. Who knows what he really gets up to when he hangs up the shades? Maybe he's really into hill walking, maybe he's got kids, maybe he's just discovered scuba diving or origami or something daft that just happens to make him happy? We know lots about Von as a young amphetamine head, but as a middle ager he has not given much away. He says on his own website that he's quite happy not releasing records, but I wonder if that's a tad disingenuous. Somone who loves music as much as Von must have the desire to continue making it...mustn't they?


Posted: 19 Aug 2006, 20:43
by James Blast
Are you a music journo Mokarran, I'm not being rude so please don't take it that way, but you do seem very well versed in writing about music and musicians?

Posted: 19 Aug 2006, 21:04
by 9while9
Mokarran wrote:he's just discovered scuba diving or origami Mokarran

:von: bend, fold, mutilate >


Posted: 19 Aug 2006, 21:31
by Zuma
9while9 wrote:
Mokarran wrote:he's just discovered scuba diving or origami Mokarran

:von: bend, fold, mutilate >

Think there was a deep, realistic and interesting point there..
like I said before about the too easy to be cynical thing..

Posted: 19 Aug 2006, 21:34
by sultan2075
Mokarran wrote: Somone who loves music as much as Von must have the desire to continue making it...mustn't they?

Making music and releasing music are two different things. I could understand why someone might not want to deal with the business side of things.

Posted: 19 Aug 2006, 23:34
by James Blast
Zuma wrote:Think there was a deep, realistic and interesting point there..
like I said before about the too easy to be cynical thing..
and I will not contribute, for I am Roadkill! :twisted:

Posted: 20 Aug 2006, 01:29
by Badlander
Mokarran wrote:I don't know if 'barnstorming' is an absolute necesity (though obviously I wouldn't complain 8)). Take the example of another figure who was in self-imposed exile for ages – Kate Bush. Not strictly speaking my cup of absinthe, but she came back after a similar absence – in her case, raising kids – with a muted set of songs that didn't feature much showy off bits. Some of her fans liked it, some were lukewarm, but the concensus was that it was great to have someone of her creative individuality back in the game.
This one was even better than anything I'd dreamed of and hoped for. :notworthy:
I won't go as far as saying it was worth the 12 year wait, but...

Posted: 20 Aug 2006, 08:12
by A.void
People seem to think that Eldritch personally owes them something for being his most loyal nutcases.

Posted: 20 Aug 2006, 09:26
by Syberberg
A.void wrote:People seem to think that Eldritch personally owes them something for being his most loyal nutcases.
Not nevessarily. Personally, I'd like to hear the studio versions of the new songs as I'm getting rather bored of only hearing them live (particularly as the live perfromances have also become rather samey for about 6 years now) and to hear what new songs aren't being performed live.

My main complaint is that nothing has changed in 6 years, hence my use for the word "stagnated". I find it disappointing that for someone of Von's obvious talent, he seems somewhat reluctant to go down an independant route and release a CD via internet disribution from the band's website, or sales at gigs. Or perhaps to sign a distribution deal and press up the CD's under the Merciful Release label. The Sisters don't need a huge distribution deal in the first place. But it's what Von sems to be holding out for. Mind you, they were very cautious when they first signed to a major and waited until Warners pretty much offered them all they were asking for, and look how that eventually turned out.

Posted: 20 Aug 2006, 11:04
by slicepack
A.void wrote:People seem to think that Eldritch personally owes them something for being his most loyal nutcases.
He's had enough of my cash over the last 20 years...

Posted: 20 Aug 2006, 11:07
by Badlander
A.void wrote:People seem to think that Eldritch personally owes them something for being his most loyal nutcases.
This argument must have been used a gazillion times on an infinite number of forums about a gazillion recording artists. The usual answer is : "Of course he/she/they doesn't/don't owe us the fans anything. No one ever promised us a new record/tour/DVD... I'm not demanding anything, I'm just saying blah blah blah..." It also usually includes the phrase "we have no right to..."

Hope you're feeling better now. :P

I, along with a good number of other HLers as it seems, just think it would be great to get my filthy hands on a brand new Sisters official release. Which BTW in my view is not a question of inspiration, as I happen to actually enjoy the "new" songs. 8)

Posted: 20 Aug 2006, 11:56
by Mokarran
"Are you a music journo Mokarran, I'm not being rude so please don't take it that way, but you do seem very well versed in writing about music and musicians?"

Not guilty, James. The Sisters is the only band I have ever written about, and Heartland is the only place I've written about music. I like it here - lots of good humour, people who are clever in the right way and grown-ups who can swap a bit of banter without rattles being ejected from prams. It helps that the Sisters fanbase is a very broad church, I think.

I am a writer of sorts, and like all good people I love music, but I don't listen to enough different stuff to justify writing about it for a living. I enjoy obsessing over a small number of songs for long periods of time, while the few music writers I know have to cover a lot of ground, getting to grips with piles of new albums every week. For me, it takes a while to wake up to the magic in a song – I play a new album a few times, slowly latch onto one or two songs, then leave it alone for a few months (or longer) and then realise something else has been playing on my subconscious. With my mindset, I'd be a rubbish music writer, but in any case I'm very happy doing what I do. The clue's in the name...

All the best,


Posted: 20 Aug 2006, 13:07
by smiscandlon
Mokarran wrote:I like it here - lots of good humour, people who are clever in the right way and grown-ups who can swap a bit of banter without rattles being ejected from prams.
You really haven't been around here for long, have you? :roll: :P

Posted: 20 Aug 2006, 13:32
by Badlander
smiscandlon wrote:
Mokarran wrote:I like it here - lots of good humour, people who are clever in the right way and grown-ups who can swap a bit of banter without rattles being ejected from prams.
You really haven't been around here for long, have you? :roll: :P
Don't scare him. :innocent: :lol:

Posted: 20 Aug 2006, 15:01
by Mokarran
Oh, believe me...I've seen a lot worse than this lot.

One forum devoted to another of my interests is dominated by a guy who routinely sends out death threats. Apparently he's quite pally if you get to know him.

Have the moderators ever had to chuck anyone off Heartland?


Posted: 20 Aug 2006, 15:08
by smiscandlon
Mokarran wrote:Have the moderators ever had to chuck anyone off Heartland?

:lol: Shall we invoke the name of Rosalie...? :eek:

Posted: 20 Aug 2006, 15:24
by Dark
Ye dare speak its name!? :eek:

Posted: 20 Aug 2006, 15:53
by James Blast
don't forget Carl aka Black Horizon

Posted: 20 Aug 2006, 15:57
by Dark
I just took a look through Rosalie's threads.. dear god, it was so "Must shock people" (in one case, those were her actual words). :lol:

BH seemed fairly friendly at times.. shame he wasn't. :|

Posted: 20 Aug 2006, 18:05
by Syberberg
Dark wrote:I just took a look through Rosalie's threads.. dear god, it was so "Must shock people" (in one case, those were her actual words). :lol:
I just had a quick read as well...looks like another successful patient of a charisma by-pass operation.

Right, what were we talking about again?

Posted: 20 Aug 2006, 18:13
by Ramone
Mokarran wrote:Oh, believe me...I've seen a lot worse than this lot.

Have the moderators ever had to chuck anyone off Heartland?

I must be coming seriously close to that by now..Hi ooohhh :D

Posted: 21 Aug 2006, 14:23
by wild bill buttock
A.void wrote:People seem to think that Eldritch personally owes them something for being his most loyal nutcases.
Sorry mate but this statement is complete old bollocks.
Andrew Eldritch does owe his loyal fanbase.Simply because he continues to use "The Sisters of mercy" brand name.
If you look at Bauhaus,you could liken it to the Sisters situation(although very different in most ways,but bare with me);No product for years but still a large fan base so they get back together do a greatest hits tour,make a s**t load of cash and please all their fans.Everybody's happy.
What does Von do?A substandard tour every couple of years,when the taxmans on his back,that contains mainly unreleased material and totally murdered versions of the material people Actually want to hear.Into the bargain he calls 90% of his fans(i.e.goths,ex goths whatever) nutters.Most level headed people know its bollocks but because it all goes under the SOM brand name accept it because of the band's undoubtably brilliant past.
Sorry but it pisses me off.The vast majority of the "New" material could well be excellent,but the only access we get to it is from bootlegged live recordings.IMO all live albums are rubbish-live gigs are very much a case of "you had to be there" and never stand up to close scrutiny but some people really would say that a bootleg of Von farting in the bath was genius.Then these twats accuse goths of being nutters :evil:

Posted: 21 Aug 2006, 14:31
by Ramone
wild bill buttock wrote:
A.void wrote:People seem to think that Eldritch personally owes them something for being his most loyal nutcases.
Sorry mate but this statement is complete old bollocks.
Andrew Eldritch does owe his loyal fanbase.Simply because he continues to use "The Sisters of mercy" brand name.
If you look at Bauhaus,you could liken it to the Sisters situation(although very different in most ways,but bare with me);No product for years but still a large fan base so they get back together do a greatest hits tour,make a s**t load of cash and please all their fans.Everybody's happy.
What does Von do?A substandard tour every couple of years,when the taxmans on his back,that contains mainly unreleased material and totally murdered versions of the material people Actually want to hear.Into the bargain he calls 90% of his fans(i.e.goths,ex goths whatever) nutters.Most level headed people know its bollocks but because it all goes under the SOM brand name accept it because of the band's undoubtably brilliant past.
Sorry but it pisses me off.The vast majority of the "New" material could well be excellent,but the only access we get to it is from bootlegged live recordings.IMO all live albums are rubbish-live gigs are very much a case of "you had to be there" and never stand up to close scrutiny but some people really would say that a bootleg of Von farting in the bath was genius.Then these twats accuse goths of being nutters :evil:

:notworthy: Spot on, Mr Buttock.