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Posted: 03 Sep 2006, 22:17
by boudicca
d00mw0lf wrote:That's why I'm sticking to rats.
Noone can stop me calling 'em Glitz & Dibber! :lol:
Yeh, rodents tend to be groovy about these kinds of things 8) .

Posted: 04 Sep 2006, 00:41
by Andy Christ 666
I wanted to call our son either Eldritch, Lemmy or Harley but 'she who must be obeyed' wouldn't have it, so we decided on Brandon.
We thought about calling our daughter Xena, Scarlett or Sky, couldn't decide on any of them, so she's called Mae-Lea.
Thank gawd I've had the snip, cuz there's no way we could agree on any more names.

Posted: 04 Sep 2006, 07:40
by Norman Hunter
For the (limited) few that know me, you'll understand why we couldn't name our daughter Holly or - better still - Summer :lol:

Posted: 04 Sep 2006, 10:00
by markfiend
I knew a guy called "Richard Cheeseman" who was regulalrly abbreviated as "Dick Cheese".

I remember some woman on University Challenge many moons ago called "Viv Acious" -- Drama student, I'd imagine.

My brother swears blind he was at Uni with a girl called "Iona McIntosh" :roll:

Posted: 04 Sep 2006, 10:02
by aims
My mum went to school with someone called "Strawberry Slack". Thankfully (or not), that was a deed-poll jobby because Ms Slack was shagging some rock star :lol:

Posted: 04 Sep 2006, 10:48
by markfiend
I used to know a couple who said they were going to call their kids Amber (for a girl) and Feral (for a boy).

Bloody goffs :lol:

Posted: 04 Sep 2006, 11:01
by Ed Rhombus
"Much rough work is pulled at the font"