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Posted: 23 Feb 2007, 08:17
by allfear
maisey you should be in now on the rs list!

I keep forgetting im the moderator lol!


Posted: 23 Feb 2007, 10:54
by Maisey

My application form sounded like an essy written by a five-year-old.

In 200 words or less, explain why you want to part of this list:

Eh Oh!

I weally weally weally like Wosetta Stone...
And I also love flowers and sunshine and kittens.

Robert Maisey, age 5

Posted: 04 Mar 2007, 02:13
by A.void
A sort of Rosetta related item I'd love to track down is the ANCESTRY "Covenant of the righteous" 12". Anyone have that one?

Posted: 04 Mar 2007, 03:39
by CellThree
A.void wrote:A sort of Rosetta related item I'd love to track down is the ANCESTRY "Covenant of the righteous" 12". Anyone have that one?
That sounds familiar. I have a 12" by The Ancestry. Might by that one. Weren't they out of Birmingham?
Unfortunately I can't check to be certain as my records are on another continent.

**update** Yeah, that was the record I had. Found a page for them :

Posted: 06 Mar 2007, 00:16
by Maisey
I don't know them.

Who are they? What do they sound like and how are they RS related?


EDIT: Thanks much, you know who you are 8)

Posted: 12 Mar 2007, 00:49
by Maisey
Rather than start another thread I'll just keep this one going.

Does anyone know if there are versions of the early demos that were never re-recorded and released available?

I'm thinking of the things from "and how they rejoyce" etc. I'd be very interested to hear these.

Posted: 12 Mar 2007, 16:15
by Ramone
Ok here we go,I'm going to dig around my record collection and see If I've got any old Rosetta Stone discs lying around - and any spares I'll send to Maisey.

I've got some 'white labels' ( An eye for the main chance, The Witch, Adrenaline, ) But I'd rather keep hold of them just for sentimental purposes..)

Rosetta had a 'blackmail tapes' tape that was supposed to be just demos that the band had, but some how it was loaned to some one - that got copied that then got copied and so on, and it almost became seen as a release. So many people had it by then. Porl was a little embarrassed by the tape because it wasn't up to the standards of the rest of the bands material, you have to bare in mind it was mostly done in a home studio. But it became a 'rare keepsake' amongst most of the fans. the same way people seek out SOM demos and rehearsal tapes etc.

They did release some CD's early on for the American market via Cleopatra but these were mainly An Eye for the Main Chance with extra tracks ( previously found on other singles) and compilations of singles under another name (Foundation Stones - then Darkness and Light EP and s some 'live' tracks), Adrenaline (Ten track cd) and for Expression records in the UK : On the Side of Angels - Basically all the singles on one cd!! shocking bit of scamming I know)

The Ancestry ; Joie their lead singer married Neil R Garner ( Rosetta's artwork and sound engineer) and live in Liverpool ( Neil was here watching the Liverpool v Barcelona game t'other night) . The split up and Wez their bass player at one point was a roadie for Take That back in their hey day!

If theres anything else I can answer regarding Rosetta just ask, failing that Porl King would be the ideal choice to ask.

Posted: 12 Mar 2007, 16:47
by Quiff Boy
ramone: do you remember a guy called morgan? from either liverpool or the wirral - that way over, anyway... bit of a sex fiend look-alikey... :?:

i knew him because he used to come over to manchester and go to the banshee. we always used to travel to see rosetta together. he used to drive and i'd tag along. leeds, york, liverpool, birmingham, etc

i seem to recall you and he chatting a couple of times after gigs (upstairs at the duchess of york being one such example that springs to mind...)

was thinking about him the other day and wondering what happened to him 8)

Posted: 12 Mar 2007, 17:00
by Ramone
'fraid not old bean. I used know a Mandy Morgan, but she was a girl :)

Sorry Quiffy. :(

Posted: 12 Mar 2007, 17:01
by Maisey
Here is what I propose.

In return for Ramone sending a few unrealeased demos I will compile all the Rosetta Stone material I own that won't divert money away from the band onto a few cds and send them onto any die hard fans wishing for some cool stuff all on one disk.

A fan compilation of unreleased demos and good quality live cover versions. In return for folks sending them to me I will happily put it all together and send out 2 or 3. I realise that this might be better off in weeding but I figure that is "sisters only" space. I can't imagine Porl objecting to be perfectly honest, but I will ask him before I start making anything Rosetta related available on the net. I think he might have worked out my Rosetta projects are acts of love more than piracy :)


Since starting this thread with NO rosetta vinyls, I have bought (or in 1 case begged :D 8) ) almost the complete collection. Missing only the tyranny of inaction LP, the deadline mix of adrenaline and the quarriers ep. No doubt they will be added to the collection in good time.

Posted: 12 Mar 2007, 17:23
by Quiff Boy
the deadline mix of adrenaline is on the "on the side of angels" compilation cd isnt it?

i'm pretty sure i have "the tyranny of inaction" on cd. i'd sort of stopped bothering by that time but i saw a copy a while back and bought it out of curiosity :)

ramone: ahh, thanks anyway :| :(

Posted: 12 Mar 2007, 17:45
by Ramone
Maisey, You total and utter bustard..because of you banging on and on about Rosetta, I found a old rehearsal tape of theirs (pre Main Chance), and it took me back to how damn good that band were!!

Ahh the good old days before it all went Pete Tong :(

Posted: 12 Mar 2007, 17:50
by Ramone
Quiff Boy wrote:the deadline mix of adrenaline is on the "on the side of angels" compilation cd isnt it?

i'm pretty sure i have "the tyranny of inaction" on cd. i'd sort of stopped bothering by that time but i saw a copy a while back and bought it out of curiosity :)

ramone: ahh, thanks anyway :| :(
Same here, when they went 'industrial' sort of overnight I jumped ship - my heart wasn't into it at that point. Which was a shame , I really did love working for that band at that time. :( wahhhhhh :(

Posted: 12 Mar 2007, 18:33
by Quiff Boy
Ramone wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:the deadline mix of adrenaline is on the "on the side of angels" compilation cd isnt it?

i'm pretty sure i have "the tyranny of inaction" on cd. i'd sort of stopped bothering by that time but i saw a copy a while back and bought it out of curiosity :)

ramone: ahh, thanks anyway :| :(
Same here, when they went 'industrial' sort of overnight I jumped ship - my heart wasn't into it at that point. Which was a shame , I really did love working for that band at that time. :( wahhhhhh :(
aye, "the witch" made me raise an eyebrow, "nothing" sent me running in the opposite direction :lol:

Posted: 12 Mar 2007, 18:33
by Silence is platinum
A.void wrote:A sort of Rosetta related item I'd love to track down is the ANCESTRY "Covenant of the righteous" 12". Anyone have that one?
i ve got this one!! hear it every now and then,this 12" has a couple of excellent songs, anyone know if their tapes are good as well?

Posted: 12 Mar 2007, 18:35
by Dark
You did say you'd take a look for any white labels or anything for me, or at least something to educate me further in the ways of RS. :innocent: ;)

But get Maisey sorted out first and foremost, yanno? ;)

Posted: 12 Mar 2007, 19:13
by Ramone
Dark wrote:You did say you'd take a look for any white labels or anything for me, or at least something to educate me further in the ways of RS. :innocent: ;)

But get Maisey sorted out first and foremost, yanno? ;)
FCUK me I did say that didn't I !!! I'm going to keep the 'white label' stuff like I said, Maisey already had some stuff of me cos he got hysterical and made this really girly like shrieking noise So to calm him (her) down I sent him or her a care package - so yeah , If I find anything I'll send it to you ( sorry Maisey) Mr Dark.

I found a tape of when Rosetta supported the m*****n in Sheffield. SEnd me your address and I'll try and copy it.. damn this old technology.

Posted: 12 Mar 2007, 19:32
by Maisey

nah, fair play. Thanks for getting me started off Ramone, I'm well on my way to building up a little collection of my own.

@ Dark. When you realise just how truely excellent they are you must promise me you'll let them (RS)know. I still have this unwavering belief that if a band know they are still loved they will take up arms :)

@Ramone. We're going to go through this one more time...him. ;) I'm sure I could manage 'her' if you gave me advance warning though :twisted:
Do you have any of the unreleased demo material hanging around? If you can upload it MP3 it would be cool. Obviously no pressure, you have been kind enough!

I have my care package all nicely framed and up on my wall :D

Posted: 12 Mar 2007, 21:11
by Dark
Tapes rock for bootlegs. Far more than CD-R ever could. 8)
I'll spare your ears any girly screaming, if it gets me somewhere. :lol:

PM incoming. 8)

@ Maisey: I'll let them know as best I can. ;)

Posted: 01 Apr 2007, 18:30
by InetUID

Posted: 01 Apr 2007, 18:37
by Dark
Nice one. ;D

Posted: 02 Apr 2007, 19:33
by Maisey
Hi Five to that man!

Posted: 02 Apr 2007, 19:47
by InetUID
Lyrics sheet for Darkness & Light - ... 300DPI.jpg

Posted: 02 Apr 2007, 20:19
by Maisey

Posted: 02 Apr 2007, 20:44
by Maisey
If anybody has any old live footage of them I'd quite like to see that (what with Porl being UTTERLY incapable of being convinced to play live).

Will swap for CD copy of under the rose or the last gig, or a cd version of Slowburn/Revelations/Eye, or real money, obviously.