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Posted: 03 Nov 2006, 15:19
by mh
PipoTheClown wrote:The version I have sounds a bit more full, more bass and more "powerfull" I would say. It's not the remastered version but
the first CD-version, I suppose, and I like it a lot. The latest release sounds not so punchy allthough some instruments can be better heard (but not the bass guitar).

So these tracks sound like the ones on vinyl?
The first CD version was also the remixes. Only the original vinyl and cassette from '85 have ever contained the originals before now.


Posted: 03 Nov 2006, 15:25
by PipoTheClown
Ok, thanks for the info!

Posted: 03 Nov 2006, 17:15
by bismarck
douglasb wrote:No discussion of the studio logs? Maybe I'm just out of the loop - very possible - but they were new to me. For those who haven't seen them, or don't intend on buying these release, here's how the recordings sessions were logged - at some point during the sessions:

Poison Door
Scottish One A
Nine While 9
Little Wing
Andy's Little Wing
Down To E
No Time To Cry
A Rock and A Hard Place
Scottish One B
Spit On Your Grave
Wide Receiver
Evil Come Evil
On The Wire

Yes, I wondered about this, too. I only know what is, I think, pretty common knowledge, but hopefully someone else can magnify our understanding of this by adding some info.

"Scottish One" is "FALAA". A and B were just different arrangements.
"Down to E" is Logic.

"Wide Receiver" has been well discussed in another thread... was a demo originally recorded by Andy alone and suggested as an album track (the only suggested album track he wrote, btw), but the band didn't get too enthused about it and 'twas dropped.

"Evil Come Evil Go" is, I think, the proper name for the song, but I don't know which song it is.

Songs we know of that are not listed, "Black Planet" and "SKOS," could be evolutions of (in no order) "Little Wing," "Spit On Your Grave" or "ECEG," but I have no idea which could be which.

Last bit of info for those who don't know: "I Spit On Your Grave" is an amazing and legendary underground feature film, extremely violent, about a woman seeking revenge on a group of men who did her great harm. Highly recommended for the uninitiated.

Maybe Quiffy could put the question to Herr Marx for clarification? It would be most fascinating...

Posted: 03 Nov 2006, 17:20
by mh
I believe that the "Little Wing" choons are actually SKOS. At least, it was mentioned on Dominion recently.

ECEG could be a reference to a chord sequence.


Posted: 03 Nov 2006, 19:44
by robertzombie
PipoTheClown wrote:Just got back from the recordshop where I listened to the re-issue of FALAA. It sounds very different from the original version I have on CD, much thinner I would say. The tracks on this release, are they the same as the "digitally remastered" tracks of 1992?
My one sounds fantastic :roll:

Posted: 03 Nov 2006, 20:35
by Obviousman
I love this mix :eek: :notworthy:

Big improvement over the other mix, never liked it that way, this sound is way more appealing! Shame about the long Some Kind of Stranger though, doesn't come near the other one IMO :|

BTW: Is it true - as the booklet says - SKOS is about groupie culture? Never seem to have come across that before...

Posted: 03 Nov 2006, 20:55
by robertzombie
SKOS appears to be about prostitution so it's possible that it could be about random groupies having sex with him

Posted: 03 Nov 2006, 21:15
by mh
robertzombie wrote:SKOS appears to be about prostitution so it's possible that it could be about random groupies having sex with him
Von's "any girl in the world song", I believe Mr Marx called it once.

Posted: 03 Nov 2006, 21:46
by bismarck
mh wrote:
robertzombie wrote:SKOS appears to be about prostitution so it's possible that it could be about random groupies having sex with him
Von's "any girl in the world song", I believe Mr Marx called it once.

I believe it was "every girl in the world." A subtle - but important - difference :wink:

Posted: 03 Nov 2006, 23:24
by James Blast
It's about the end of love, when a relationship breaks down and neither of you will admit it.


Posted: 03 Nov 2006, 23:31
by Obviousman
James Blast wrote:It's about the end of love, when a relationship breaks down and neither of you will admit it.

That's how I thought it was as well! :notworthy:

Posted: 03 Nov 2006, 23:38
by UglyasSin
Personally I thought it was about doing to many drugs, and drinking too much, and just shagging anything that moved, then forgetting who name of the girl the liaison was with.

As I don't own the original vinyl of First and Last and Always I can't comment on how much better or worse it sounds than this re-issue/re-master. I can say it sounds a damn site better than the 2 earlier CD's. I shall now go any bury those 2 CD's in the garden, before my thinks I'm bonkers owning 3 CD's of the same bloody album.

Yes I also agree that the "additional tracks" are not re-mastered with the same care as the album tracks and are too loud in comparison.

Posted: 03 Nov 2006, 23:42
by Johnny Rev 7.0
Close but no cigar Zeno. It's one of the fabled ¾ songs. Alles klar?

Posted: 04 Nov 2006, 01:33
by aims
Johnny Rev 7.0 wrote:Alles klar?
Nice intro but where's the song? ;)

That would be Driven Like The Snow :innocent:

Posted: 04 Nov 2006, 06:22
by sultan2075
James Blast wrote:It's about the end of love, when a relationship breaks down and neither of you will admit it.

Many years ago, at a Social Distortion show, Mike Ness introduced a song ("Dear Lover" maybe?) with the comment: "Here's where we seperate the men from the boys, the ladies from the girls. It's about the day when you wake up and realize it's all been over for a year; and all that's been left is just f**king." It always seemed somehow apropos for SKOS as well--though it ain't a perfect fit.

Posted: 04 Nov 2006, 10:44
by randdebiel²
James Blast wrote:It's about the end of love, when a relationship breaks down and neither of you will admit it.

what about the "I don't care what you're called, tell me later if at all" then? :innocent:

Posted: 04 Nov 2006, 10:46
by Obviousman
Could refer to a previous row?

Posted: 04 Nov 2006, 17:28
by James Blast
randdebiel² wrote:
James Blast wrote:It's about the end of love, when a relationship breaks down and neither of you will admit it.

what about the "I don't care what you're called, tell me later if at all" then?
the relationship has become so strained, he's wishing for that feeling of first love returning from someone he now regards as a stranger

Posted: 04 Nov 2006, 19:53
by RetroGoth
Finally - a decent digital copy of the title track! All done on the cheap and as mentioned by others, levels on the extra tracks put them way out of place. Vocals on the bait track (some kind of stranger - early version) makes von sound like a drunkard. Interesting all the same.

Poison Door, top rate song that and it's one of my all time favourite songs by the girls. Great not listening to a turntable underneith it! This may have been asked elsewhere so sorry if it has - did Ghost Dance ever do a studio version of that song?

Posted: 04 Nov 2006, 22:59
by GC
James Blast wrote:
randdebiel² wrote:
James Blast wrote:It's about the end of love, when a relationship breaks down and neither of you will admit it.

what about the "I don't care what you're called, tell me later if at all" then?
the relationship has become so strained, he's wishing for that feeling of first love returning from someone he now regards as a stranger
My thought on this was that he's broken up with his love and that he'd rather be in bed with anyone (a stranger)rather than being alone.

"Some kind of stranger" someone you've shagged but hardly know. Been intimate with someone but maybe don't even know their name.

Posted: 05 Nov 2006, 00:55
by James Blast
Gollum's Cock wrote:
James Blast wrote:
randdebiel² wrote:what about the "I don't care what you're called, tell me later if at all" then?
the relationship has become so strained, he's wishing for that feeling of first love returning from someone he now regards as a stranger
My thought on this was that he's broken up with his love and that he'd rather be in bed with anyone (a stranger)rather than being alone.

"Some kind of stranger" someone you've shagged but hardly know. Been intimate with someone but maybe don't even know their name.
it's only my take on it, and I'm usually wrong

Posted: 05 Nov 2006, 13:42
by mandrake
Wow, SKOS demo is weird but wonderfull. That "weeping" guitar in the back ground is a bit weird. I thought there was someone crying at first. Very strange guitar indeed, otherwise great demo.

Remasters are worth having. Haven't bought Vision Thing yet. (Only one which didnt arrive at the shops. strange..)

1st no typos, great Quality. This version of 1st should have been the opening track. Overall more to discover in the tracks now, hidden layers and stuff. Plus the B sides in good (but indeed louder) Quality.

Yep, I am not ashamed for buying these. Right so where is the new one? Or that DVD? :twisted:

Posted: 05 Nov 2006, 13:51
by RetroGoth
mandrake wrote:Wow, SKOS demo is weird but wonderfull. That "weeping" guitar in the back ground is a bit weird. I thought there was someone crying at first. Very strange guitar indeed, otherwise great demo.
I thought that guitar sound was amazing. If Mr Marx views this forum, I'd love to know how he came up with it (I am right in saying it isn't hussey? Dosen't sound like him to me).

Posted: 05 Nov 2006, 16:26
by Big Si
RetroGoth wrote:
mandrake wrote:Wow, SKOS demo is weird but wonderfull. That "weeping" guitar in the back ground is a bit weird. I thought there was someone crying at first. Very strange guitar indeed, otherwise great demo.
I thought that guitar sound was amazing. If Mr Marx views this forum, I'd love to know how he came up with it (I am right in saying it isn't hussey? Dosen't sound like him to me).
Yep, i'm sure it's all Gazza, and it's his version of the wedding march 8)

Posted: 06 Nov 2006, 09:23
by Ozpat
Received FALAA 06 on Friday! I love it! Great sound!
SKOS early is long but not that great...Nice to have though. :D