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Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 22:54
by Ozpat
Sorry scoop.....thread derailed!

Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 22:55
by MadameButterfly
thanks ems!

Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 22:55
by canon docre
James Blast wrote:
canon docre wrote: Third place goes to Zeno because orange is the new goth.
but... but... but, I'm a Trad Goth and my lardy appearance and baldiness is my badge of honor and courage.

No? :lol:
I smell a new poll rearing up it's ugly head. The contestants for the rearward places are Mr. Blast and myself I reckon. :lol:

Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 22:56
by Obviousman
canon docre wrote:
emilystrange wrote:but who is the goffest one of all?
I vote for Claire or this funny looking guy called Kafka from the gallery. (Not sure if he counts though). Third place goes to Zeno because orange is the new goth.
Thank you for that :lol:

Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 22:57
by MadameButterfly
emilystrange wrote:what's goth, but a second hand emotion?
ooo babes, i just want to say that i love you on this thread.

Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 22:58
by Planet Dave
canon docre wrote:
James Blast wrote:
canon docre wrote: Third place goes to Zeno because orange is the new goth.
but... but... but, I'm a Trad Goth and my lardy appearance and baldiness is my badge of honor and courage.

No? :lol:
I smell a new poll rearing up it's ugly head. The contestants for the rearward places are Mr. Blast and myself I reckon. :lol:
:lol: Surely you were never a cantankerous little goth, Jess? :wink:

<strokes chin, devilish gleam in his eye>

Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 23:01
by canon docre
Planet Dave wrote:
canon docre wrote:
James Blast wrote:but... but... but, I'm a Trad Goth and my lardy appearance and baldiness is my badge of honor and courage.

No? :lol:
I smell a new poll rearing up it's ugly head. The contestants for the rearward places are Mr. Blast and myself I reckon. :lol:
:lol: Surely you were never a cantankerous little goth, Jess? :wink:

<strokes chin, devilish gleam in his eye>
oh-oh-oh, Ravey, don't you dare.... we're talking about recent gothness here for sure. And I can provide at least a handful Farrah Fawcett-lookalike pictures to prove un-gothness beyond doubt.

Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 23:03
by UtterlyBastardGroovy
canon docre wrote:
I vote for Claire or this funny looking guy called Kafka from the gallery. (Not sure if he counts though). Third place goes to Zeno because orange is the new goth.

EDIT: funny link provided. :wink:
I thought the keywords particularly apt:
hair, backcombing, saddo, goth, makeup ;D

Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 23:05
by Planet Dave
canon docre wrote:
Planet Dave wrote:
canon docre wrote: I smell a new poll rearing up it's ugly head. The contestants for the rearward places are Mr. Blast and myself I reckon. :lol:
:lol: Surely you were never a cantankerous little goth, Jess? :wink:

<strokes chin, devilish gleam in his eye>
oh-oh-oh, Ravey, don't you dare.... we're talking about recent gothness here for sure. And I can provide at least a handful Farrah Fawcett-lookalike pictures to prove un-gothness beyond doubt.
Hmm, I was thinking that ice seemed pretty thin. :innocent: :kiss:

Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 23:05
by wild bill buttock
Welcome to this wonderful forum Scoop .Take no notice of those lot.The first rule of being a goth is that you must deny you're gothness at all times.

Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 23:09
by canon docre
Planet Dave wrote: Hmm, I was thinking that ice seemed pretty thin.
Planet Dave wrote: Bless ya baby. Thank fcuk no pictures exist of my old winklepickers. :innocent: :lol:
Alrighty. let me see some of those and I tell you if we'd have had matched. :twisted:

Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 23:32
by James Blast
wild bill buttock wrote:The first rule of being a goth is that you must deny you're gothness at all times.
The first rule of (HL) Gothness is derailing any thread you subscribe to.

Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 23:38
by MadameButterfly
James Blast wrote:
wild bill buttock wrote:The first rule of being a goth is that you must deny you're gothness at all times.
The first rule of (HL) Gothness is derailing any thread you subscribe to.
ssshhh...rule one of (HL) don't give away our secrects in any thread you subscribe to...

Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 23:38
by mh
While I do like both traditional Coke and Pepsi, the high sugar content is worthy of concern, so I normally prefer to drink the sugar-free versions. Here's where things get decidedly odd, as I prefer Coke to Pepsi, but prefer Pepsi Max to Diet Coke.

Weird or what?

This new cappucino flavour Pepsi Max is, however, total Donkey's Puke.

Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 23:40
by MadameButterfly
any sugar-free version will kill you so don't listen! ;D

Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 23:43
by James Blast
I'm proud of you two, you're doing a fine job. :notworthy:

please continue...

Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 23:44
by Badlander
James Blast wrote:
wild bill buttock wrote:The first rule of being a goth is that you must deny you're gothness at all times.
The first rule of (HL) Gothness is derailing any thread you subscribe to.
And the second rule is : "Be careful of fartypants." ;D

Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 23:55
by MadameButterfly
James Blast wrote:please continue... humble! i scared off Fix, and lots more not to mention.
maybe i should stay away from saying hello and just attack the prey when they get out of hand! :twisted:

our god is heading for the best day of his life
our meerkat is a hippie pushover
our other mods seem to be old or having real life pressures or are
practicing on their strings....

it's up to the village folk to seize the day... i'm affraid!


*coat please*!

Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 23:58
by James Blast
Badlander wrote:And the second rule is : "Be careful of fartypants." ;D
And typing 'indeed' every so often, is acceptable.

Posted: 23 Nov 2006, 00:48
by wild bill buttock
James Blast wrote:
Badlander wrote:And the second rule is : "Be careful of fartypants." ;D
And typing 'indeed' every so often, is acceptable.
Yes 'tis indeed an unwise fool that incurs the wrath of Fartypants

Posted: 23 Nov 2006, 23:13
by scoop
Bloody hell Guys and Gals
yes im a Ex Goth not a "Goff" or an old Goff! But a nice Goth. Ive been on duty for the past 5 so not been able to reply! There are so many posts i dont know where to start!!!! However my fav is
culprit wrote:mmmm Gearbox...

I did prefer the Thursday nighter at the Mayfair, 1p in and a free pint!!!

pull up a stool... :D
...and welcome!! :von:
Yes thursday night was my Fav too. I had many many many of those 1p pints in the plastic glasses too! Up from the Broken Doll can you remember that place! sometimes from the barley mow or the cooperage and if your as old as me! the Redhouse!!!! (That was the start of my Goth Days so im not that old) Few old names "Lid" "Jew" "Goeff" oh the list is endless, great days. Sorry to bore some of you people.

Kind regards

Posted: 23 Nov 2006, 23:46
by James Blast
It Lives!

... run for the hills!...

Posted: 24 Nov 2006, 07:53
by timsinister
I'm impressed, he got back in the line of fire. Carry on, scoop!

Posted: 25 Nov 2006, 23:54
by scoop
timsinister wrote:I'm impressed, he got back in the line of fire. Carry on, scoop!
Yes yes yes come on have a go if you think ya hard enough!!!!

Ya bunch of unfriedly Feckers!


Posted: 26 Nov 2006, 00:12
by James Blast
scoop wrote:Ya bunch of unfriedly Feckers!
Sir, I think you have been most graciously welcomed, I mean, look:
no one got stabbed
no one got called a FUD!!!

just for a change

the FUD!!! bit might be wrong, I couldn't be 'ersed scrolling back ;D