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Posted: 14 Dec 2006, 18:41
by Obviousman
eotunun wrote:
Obviousman wrote:But, more importantly forgot my all-time favourite car:


What a superb design!:
:notworthy: :notworthy: My words! :notworthy: :notworthy:
Beauties, all of them. Astons are the most elegant sportscars of all!
They are, but the DBS (first series) is just so much more than a regular Aston, completely different from every other one, that's what makes it better than all the rest!

Have a guess what the S stands for by the way ;D
boudicca wrote:I don't care as long as it's old, and angular. Mmmm - BOXY ;D

What's with making cars more "aerodynamic" ferfuckssake - they're not going to be going fast enough to make a blind bit of difference... :roll:
They keep getting rounder and rounder - soon we're all going to be rolling along in balls.
That's why I love this one:


(as mentioned before)
And this one


There's a mat black one with black alloys driving about here, very nice!

Posted: 14 Dec 2006, 18:46
by bushman*pm
Obviousman wrote:
EDIT: How could I forget about Star Trek on wheels, the Aston Martin Lagonda? A real feeling of a science fiction on wheels, a futuristic vision of the 70/80ies come true.. It´s :eek: , it´s :twisted: , it´s :notworthy: . Maybe the pictures don´t impress anyone. But on a job several years ago I had the pleasure of driving one for about a mile..
Obviousman wrote:But, more importantly forgot my all-time favourite car:


What a superb design!:
:notworthy: :notworthy: My words! :notworthy: :notworthy:
Beauties, all of them. Astons are the most elegant sportscars of all!

and what mathematical fact does Aston Martin and Land Rover share?

both manufacturers can claim a minimum of 75% of all their product are still on the road, obviously LR have a few more tho!

Posted: 14 Dec 2006, 18:50
by Obviousman
bushman*pm wrote:and what mathematical fact does Aston Martin and Land Rover share?
The Ford parts bin ;D

Posted: 14 Dec 2006, 21:34
by Zuma
I'm daft enough to drive and love this piece of history...


Prior to that
an Alfa 155
and prior to that
another Alfa 155

Posted: 14 Dec 2006, 22:03
by Obviousman
eotunun wrote:The Jags are probably victims to english humor. For some reason. That is beyond comprehension to me Mercedes or BMW get highest respect anywhere in the world. Yet, when I drove longer distances the cars I saw having a breakdown matched a Merc-VW-BMW-VW-Merc-VW-BMW.. scheme. With BMW smoking from their bonnet rather often.
Forgot to reply to this bit earlier on :)

Of course you have to take into account there are far more German cars on the road than English/Italian (i.e. bad reputation) ones, so it might well be just the break down rate being worse. But then again it is a fable German cars are immune to breaking down/bad building quality/... I know loads of people with Volkswagens of which all sorts of bits just fall off, and when they go to the garage they find this 'normal' :eek: :roll: And on top of that they just lack the beating heart of English/Italian/... cars :twisted:

Another classic favourite:


Posted: 14 Dec 2006, 22:19
by christophe
I got one of these (first one so farr)

if mony wouldn't be a problem (is it ever? :innocent: )
wow, just take a look at those headlights clicky and clicky (don't blame me, blame Google)

Posted: 14 Dec 2006, 22:21
by Andie
if money wasn't an option (fuel costs being the main example) then i would have one of these baby's

Holden Commodore SSV 6ltr V8

but as fuel costs are a concern...i'll go and get the Vectra VXR

2.8ltr Turbocharged V6

Posted: 14 Dec 2006, 22:31
by esox
canon docre wrote:@esox. sorry, but a Porsche is just for men with small penisses, IMHO of courrrrsssseee. :wink:
I wish I had a small penis actually: years of the woman being on top so they've got full control and don't hurt themselves is not much fun I can tell you....

Posted: 14 Dec 2006, 22:46
by canon docre
esox wrote:
canon docre wrote:@esox. sorry, but a Porsche is just for men with small penisses, IMHO of courrrrsssseee. :wink:
I wish I had a small penis actually: years of the woman being on top so they've got full control and don't hurt themselves is not much fun I can tell you....
... and another superstition just got proven right. Thanks for emphasising my point, Esox. :wink:

Posted: 14 Dec 2006, 23:00
by Zuma
And I wondered if there were more Alfa owners out there as they take the same dedication to run as supporting a certain band :innocent:


Posted: 15 Dec 2006, 01:34
by boudicca
canon docre wrote:
esox wrote:
canon docre wrote:@esox. sorry, but a Porsche is just for men with small penisses, IMHO of courrrrsssseee. :wink:
I wish I had a small penis actually: years of the woman being on top so they've got full control and don't hurt themselves is not much fun I can tell you....
... and another superstition just got proven right. Thanks for emphasising my point, Esox. :wink:
:lol: :notworthy: :lol: You tell 'im, Jess! :twisted:

Posted: 15 Dec 2006, 22:17
by bushman*pm
Obviousman wrote:
bushman*pm wrote:and what mathematical fact does Aston Martin and Land Rover share?
The Ford parts bin ;D
:lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol:

Posted: 15 Dec 2006, 23:32
by esox
canon docre wrote:
esox wrote:
canon docre wrote:@esox. sorry, but a Porsche is just for men with small penisses, IMHO of courrrrsssseee. :wink:
I wish I had a small penis actually: years of the woman being on top so they've got full control and don't hurt themselves is not much fun I can tell you....
... and another superstition just got proven right. Thanks for emphasising my point, Esox. :wink:
What superstition: don't walk under ladders? And what's IMHO? I've only recently found out that ROFL is not a badly typed abbreviation for Rolf Harris, cut me some slack here...

Posted: 16 Dec 2006, 00:44
by eotunun
Jess, Claire I see you two excell in taste! :notworthy: :notworthy:
And for the modern crates, I found nice universal tools.
That´s the advantage of modern cars: The simple handling.
:innocent: ;D

Posted: 16 Dec 2006, 00:44
by James Blast
well, I drive a 'medium' sized car, but I ken how tae work it

no complaints, so far... ;D

Posted: 16 Dec 2006, 18:20
by canon docre
esox wrote:
canon docre wrote:
esox wrote: I wish I had a small penis actually: years of the woman being on top so they've got full control and don't hurt themselves is not much fun I can tell you....
... and another superstition just got proven right. Thanks for emphasising my point, Esox. :wink:
What superstition: don't walk under ladders? And what's IMHO? I've only recently found out that ROFL is not a badly typed abbreviation for Rolf Harris, cut me some slack here...
In My Humble Opinion. :D sorry for the usage of nerdish net-lingo.

Posted: 16 Dec 2006, 22:57
by Zuma
Car game for you to practice your handbrake turns Libby :)

Posted: 16 Dec 2006, 23:16
by James Blast
I scored a magnificent 0.000 :oops:

way too hard man

Posted: 17 Dec 2006, 01:28
by boudicca
No-one has offered to help me in my Tricycle Quest yet :cry:

I'd like to go it from Zeebrugge to Vladivostock(sp?)

For charidee, of course. Not 'cos I'm a mental or anything...

Posted: 17 Dec 2006, 02:12
by eotunun
boudicca wrote:No-one has offered to help me in my Tricycle Quest yet :cry:

I'd like to go it from Zeebrugge to Vladivostock(sp?)

For charidee, of course. Not 'cos I'm a mental or anything...
That´s because jet engines are not allowed in street trafic, A car 20 yards behind you would melt...
Edit: :lol: Several years ago a bloke I knew owned a Chevrolet Van with one of those noisy blubbery sounding exhausts that are a wee less than legal in Germany. No mufflers, just a straight tube that came out under the rear bumper. Okay, and the carburetor was adjusted less than perfect, it ran somewhat rich..
Then there was that tuned up Schiroko. It´s driver tried to asure his sportive attitude by getting close enough to be a trailer of the Chevy. That happened on a german motorway, shortly before they left it at an exit at well over 120Km/h. When they reached the exit, the guy in the Chevy took his foot of the accelerator which resulted in the engine blowing hot unburnt gasses out of the exhaust, and two long flames blowing into the VW´s plastic nose for several seconds.. I don´t know if it actually caught fire, it may just as well have molten..

Posted: 17 Dec 2006, 02:52
by James Blast
boudicca wrote:Not 'cos I'm a mental or anything...
Nah! jist a bit daft ;D :D

Posted: 17 Dec 2006, 03:06
by eotunun
James Blast wrote:
boudicca wrote:Not 'cos I'm a mental or anything...
Nah! jist a bit daft ;D :D
Okay James, you can have my last cigarette..

Posted: 17 Dec 2006, 03:11
by James Blast
thanks Jurgen but I plan ahead... ;D

plenty of fags (smokes, OK?!) at Chateau B'Last

Posted: 17 Dec 2006, 03:22
by boudicca
eotunun wrote:
James Blast wrote:
boudicca wrote:Not 'cos I'm a mental or anything...
Nah! jist a bit daft ;D :D
Okay James, you can have my last cigarette..
What's with all this talk of "last cigarettes" today, Jurgen?

I haven't seen that film yet, you are still safe... :innocent: :twisted: :P

Posted: 17 Dec 2006, 03:27
by eotunun
boudicca wrote:
eotunun wrote:
James Blast wrote:Nah! jist a bit daft ;D :D
Okay James, you can have my last cigarette..
What's with all this talk of "last cigarettes" today, Jurgen?

I haven't seen that film yet, you are still safe... :innocent: :twisted: :P
Safety is absence of danger. I am in danger of you watching it and massively threated by the outcome.. :eek: :cry: