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Posted: 01 Jan 2007, 22:51
by Ahráyeph
Just letting you guys know that the CD's will be ready by the end of the week, so they'll be sent out pretty soon...

Posted: 01 Jan 2007, 23:15
by more-sedatives-pls
a man of the word

I like


Posted: 01 Jan 2007, 23:55
by James Blast
Aye, I'll wait and see... :lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 02 Jan 2007, 00:18
by Izzy HaveMercy
Me too :D

Top job, Image!


Posted: 11 Jan 2007, 14:31
by Ahráyeph
Last update : the CD's will be ready for shipping in the weekend, so Monday they'll be sent out to everyone. And that's a dead cert this time.

Posted: 18 Jan 2007, 01:14
by Ahráyeph
Final Notice : The CD's will be shipped tomorrow, Thursday the 18th to you all. Thanks again for your interest in the band! :notworthy:

Posted: 18 Jan 2007, 01:16
by wild bill buttock
Good man,Raf.Looking forward to it.
Hope I get mine for Saturday and I'll give it a spin at the local "Not goth at all,well maybe a bit then,ok quite a lot" night.

Posted: 22 Jan 2007, 12:14
by Izzy HaveMercy
I received my SIGNED copy today, and listened to the silvery thingy for a couple of hours now.

That's on repeat of course ;)

Absolutely stunning, first track has a definite FOTN feel, but the following tracks still still bear sings of a heavier past ;D (double bass drums, heavier guitarwork etc)

A MASSIVE sound, a superb production, I'm a wee bit overwhelmed by it all, so you'll have to wait a bit longer for an unbiased review of the tracks.

For one, I'm happy you decided to quit on other stuff instead of this lovely project! :notworthy:

Ah, and I have copy 2 of 50! Who beat me to it? ;)

And there seems to be something wrong with my copy. There are only three tracks mentioned on the sleeve, but it contains FOUR tracks? The ghost track rings a bell tho ;D

Top CD, HeartLand has a new Number One Belgian Star, and I will gladly pass over my medal to Image :twisted:


Posted: 22 Jan 2007, 12:38
by Ahráyeph
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:I received my SIGNED copy today, and listened to the silvery thingy for a couple of hours now.
Ah, the first missile hit its target. Nice :)
That's on repeat of course ;)
Indeed... ;D
Absolutely stunning, first track has a definite FOTN feel, but the following tracks still still bear sings of a heavier past ;D (double bass drums, heavier guitarwork etc)
'Misanthropia does have a FOTN feel, for which I will not apologize. It's just me paying tribute to those who inspired me. Having that said, the following tracks are the hardest of the upcoming CD, because I wanted a fast paced demo. They could well have been other tracks, which are slower and more soundscape- ish. And then there's the one I call my SoM/Bauhaus/Joy Division tribute, because I feel it incorporates aspects of all three bands.
A MASSIVE sound, a superb production, I'm a wee bit overwhelmed by it all, so you'll have to wait a bit longer for an unbiased review of the tracks.
Thanks, I try my best. I'm no IZ yet, though... ;)
For one, I'm happy you decided to quit on other stuff instead of this lovely project! :notworthy:
Well, this is all me and at least people will know it this time around. I'm just glad you like it... :)
Ah, and I have copy 2 of 50! Who beat me to it? ;)
It doesnae take a lot of guessing who will receive the first copy in a few days, does it? ;D
And there seems to be something wrong with my copy. There are only three tracks mentioned on the sleeve, but it contains FOUR tracks? The ghost track rings a bell tho ;D
Just thought it would be a nice bonus... ;)
Top CD, HeartLand has a new Number One Belgian Star, and I will gladly pass over my medal to Image :twisted:

Thank you, thank you! :notworthy: But I've still got ways to go before I can steal your crown 'round these parts... ;D

Posted: 22 Jan 2007, 12:44
by Izzy HaveMercy
Ahráyeph wrote:
Top CD, HeartLand has a new Number One Belgian Star, and I will gladly pass over my medal to Image :twisted:

Thank you, thank you! :notworthy: But I've still got ways to go before I can steal your crown 'round these parts... ;D
So, you didnae steal mah crown but you positively nicked mah ARF-isated Mr. Green smilie to decorate your sig with? ;)


It is becoming a TREND to nick the IZmeister's smilies, or so it seems :| ;)


Posted: 22 Jan 2007, 12:47
by Ahráyeph
Ah declayre, I most suh-ley did, Suh Iz. Then again, who gave you the idea in the first place? ;)

Posted: 22 Jan 2007, 12:50
by Izzy HaveMercy
Ahráyeph wrote:Ah declayre, I most suh-ley did, Suh Iz. Then again, who gave you the idea in the first place? ;)
Spoilsport :|

And by ra way, I positively nicked them meself! :twisted:


Posted: 22 Jan 2007, 12:54
by Ahráyeph
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:Spoilsport :|

And by ra way, I positively nicked them meself! :twisted:

I wouldnae have guessed... ;D

Posted: 22 Jan 2007, 13:02
by Quiff Boy
its just a shame we dont allow images in signitures innit ? ;)

Posted: 22 Jan 2007, 13:16
by Izzy HaveMercy
Quiff Boy wrote:its just a shame we dont allow images in signitures innit ? ;)
SAYS WHO eh! :evil: The only one around allowed to say such....oh...

Hi Barry... :blush: ;) ;D

BTW, that's not an image, it's a smilie... :innocent:


Posted: 22 Jan 2007, 13:27
by Quiff Boy
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:its just a shame we dont allow images in signitures innit ? ;)
SAYS WHO eh! :evil: The only one around allowed to say such....oh...

Hi Barry... :blush: ;) ;D

BTW, that's not an image, it's a smilie... :innocent:


Code: Select all

_________________<br /><span style="color&#58; darkred"><span style="font-weight&#58; bold">Just say</span></span> <img src="http&#58;//" border="0" />
the bit that says "<img src=" ... es/arf.gif" border="0" />" would disagree ;)


Posted: 22 Jan 2007, 13:41
by eotunun
But aren´t smileys somewhere between cryptic characters and pictures, only slightly more--picturesque than, say, chinese letters? :innocent:

Posted: 22 Jan 2007, 14:09
by Ahráyeph
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:its just a shame we dont allow images in signitures innit ? ;)
SAYS WHO eh! :evil: The only one around allowed to say such....oh...

Hi Barry... :blush: ;) ;D

BTW, that's not an image, it's a smilie... :innocent:

Oh... :oops: :( (I wonder... Could our Boss Man be bribed with a CD? ;))

Posted: 22 Jan 2007, 14:14
by Izzy HaveMercy
eotunun wrote:But aren´t smileys somewhere between cryptic characters and pictures, only slightly more--picturesque than, say, chinese letters? :innocent:
Or Russian drivel... eh... characters? ;D

Of course, rules are rules...

You can always make it thus:

Just Say ARF! ;D



Posted: 22 Jan 2007, 14:48
by Ahráyeph
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
eotunun wrote:But aren´t smileys somewhere between cryptic characters and pictures, only slightly more--picturesque than, say, chinese letters? :innocent:
Or Russian drivel... eh... characters? ;D

Of course, rules are rules...

You can always make it thus:

Just Say ARF! ;D


Duly noted. ;) Thanks IZ!

Posted: 22 Jan 2007, 15:08
by Izzy HaveMercy
Ahráyeph wrote:
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
eotunun wrote:But aren´t smileys somewhere between cryptic characters and pictures, only slightly more--picturesque than, say, chinese letters? :innocent:
Or Russian drivel... eh... characters? ;D

Of course, rules are rules...

You can always make it thus:

Just Say ARF! ;D


Duly noted. ;) Thanks IZ!
Such a shame that Mr. Green ain't a Mr. Black, or we had a Belgian Inverted Tricolore Thing going on! ;D :notworthy:


Posted: 22 Jan 2007, 20:01
by more-sedatives-pls
Holy Mozes, that's a sh!tload of guitars :eek: :eek: :eek:

Thanks Raf!

Nr4/50 is MINE !!!!!!!!

I'll cherish this and spread your sound to another continent. Radio Scorpio will freak Leuven out! :D

sounds very nice indeed - I need some listening days & more sedatives to really let it sink in though; will let you know then (for what it's worth).

Merci !

Posted: 22 Jan 2007, 20:24
by Ahráyeph
You're welcome, Pat... :)

Posted: 22 Jan 2007, 20:38
by James Blast
... and I'm still waiting... :cry:

Posted: 22 Jan 2007, 20:53
by Ahráyeph
James Blast wrote:... and I'm still waiting... :cry:
They all went out on the same day, James. So it's understandable yours will take a bit longer; sorry 'bout that. Think of the people across the Pond, who will have to wait even longer. Perhaps rereading IZ's first post and my reaction to it will make the wait a bit more pleasant... ;)