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Posted: 30 Dec 2006, 23:18
by bangles
I thought of the Metal Guru's as yet another example of Wayne et al trying to impress the music press - which they did for a suprisingly long time - with their "we're just a bunch of normal northern lads who like a p*ss up and a lark..." It seemed the witless kid in school that was the gang's resident clown & willing to stoop to anything if it got a laugh and some column inches.

Posted: 30 Dec 2006, 23:38
by James Blast
nuthin' wrong with a good laugh

Posted: 31 Dec 2006, 00:28
by Dark
Exactly. "I'm A Cult Hero" anyone?

Posted: 31 Dec 2006, 01:19
by weebleswobble
Crazy Horses

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 31 Dec 2006, 13:10
by Karst
Mick was going out with Sandy Ball (designer of Mish artwork at the time) when he joined. Not sure how long he and Claire are an item.

Wayne has never pretended that his lyrics were great. Some of them are good. Wake (rsv) is about the Sisters split. After that he never reallt went back to it IMHO.

Getting in the papers was a good thing at the time, which Hussey must have learned from Pete Burns. Fortunatly he's not taking it as far as poor Petey had done over the past year or so.

Posted: 04 Jan 2007, 00:51
by bangles
Sorry - didn't mean to appear unneccessarily humorless - I am but that's beside the point!
I just never found the joke of the Guru's to be remotely funny...

Crazy Horses on the otherhand is the stuff of legend!

Posted: 04 Jan 2007, 10:55
by King of Byblos
from my misspent youth i remember Mercenary which i alsways assumed was about AE
You're a sycophantic, s**t, cock sucking, arse licking, mercenary
Mind numbing, money grabbing, motherfucking scum of the earth, mercenary
You're a cringing, grovelling chicken s**t, pissing waste of time
You're a crawling, whining hypocrite, you f**king piece of slime
You can take the money and run, but there's nowhere you can hide,
You arsehole mercenary
Send you woman I done by [?]
But you took me for a ride, you s**t mercenary
You're a parasite of the f**king world, cockroach I wanna kill
If I don't catch you first then instant karma will
So screw you, f**k you
Screw you, f**k you
You're a cringing, grovelling chicken s**t, pissing waste of time
You're a crawling, whining hypocrite, you f**king piece of slime

on a striclty musical level M were just suckered in to the wishywashynewagecrap despite actually having decent rock'n'roll sensibility... songs about blowjobs, overblown 12" mixes and lack of quality control on the covers front
(or do i get shot for saying that?)

Posted: 04 Jan 2007, 15:03
by mh
Wasn't Mercenary about the road crew (Wiffen, Turner, etc) buggering off back to the Sisters?

Posted: 04 Jan 2007, 15:26
by Karst
Yeah, Brown and Hussey wrote that together as most of the crew left to join the Tour Thing, leaving the 2nd leg of the Deliverance Tour without its regular personnel. Can't blame them though, apparently Eldritch offered them plenty of dosh.

Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 05:31
by Syberberg
IIRC, from chatting to Jez Webb at the 10th Anniversdary gig at Leeds Uni, He and a few other of members of the Crew were wearing Mish Crew shirts and I asked him about it. The reply was along the lines of: "Well, we were the original crew for The Sisters and when they stopped touring, we signed up to crew for Wayne's new band. The Mish are having a break form touring this year, The Sisters aren't, so here we are."

Jez dropped a few hints about exactly who, or what, was playing the bass on that tour.

Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 15:44
by Mothra
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:sometimes less is more, don't you think?

"you reap what you sow..."

or even better, the two-fingered nah-nah-ner-nah-naah! of


i bet hissy wishes he'd (got the cash through having) written that. :twisted:
Wasn't the run out groove on the vinyl of Gift inscribed "And now perhaps we can sleep" or something to that effect (in German)??
I'm sure I read it was a statement that to Eldritch the matter was now over and he was moving on (as ever though, its open to interpretation). I like that explanation though - kinda leaves anything that Hussey says next look as if he's carrying on a fight that his opponent no longer cares about. Mind you, the next release was This Corrosion, so I guess he did!!

Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 16:01
by markfiend
Mothra wrote:Wasn't the run out groove on the vinyl of Gift inscribed "And now perhaps we can sleep" or something to that effect (in German)?
Yup: und jetz konnen wir vielleicht schlafen, oder?

Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 16:02
by streamline
Syberberg wrote:
Jez dropped a few hints about exactly who, or what, was playing the bass on that tour.
what exactly are you trying to say?? :eek: :innocent:

Shurely Not?

Posted: 06 Jan 2007, 04:40
by Syberberg
streamline wrote:
what exactly are you trying to say?? :eek: :innocent:

Shurely Not?
Well, the good Dok started up the drums to Alice (I'd just met Von inside...more on that later...and left him to sort out the drum sounds etc on the Dok) and the bass suddenly kicked in. I asked Jez if Tony was around and the reply was: "Nah, that's the sequencer. At least it can keep better time than Tony. It's being over used." Infer from that what you will.

Posted: 06 Jan 2007, 12:54
by robertzombie
So Tony was "miming"? :?

Posted: 07 Jan 2007, 09:36
by Syberberg
robertzombie wrote:So Tony was "miming"? :?
I couldn't honestly give a deffinate answer to that one, but I have some serious suspicions about it. I was at both the 10th Aniversary gigs and have a boot of the Leeds Poly gig, I just wish I could remember which songs Tony ended with a long pick slide that didn't come over the PA. I also wouldn't mind comparing the bass sound from the gigs that Tony played and from when the Doktor took over full time, to see if there is any great difference. I'd like to think that Tony only "mimed" the songs he couldn't actually play, rather than the whole set list. It could also explain why Von's rather reluctant to have a full time bass player in the band after the problems from both Craig and Pat, particularly if Tony didn't come up to standard as well.

However, there are a few things that are on the SSS site that make me seriously wonder exactly how much bass playing Tony actually did in The Sisters:

"Looking back on it , I must have actually recorded for only about 3 hours in that whole time...even if on the really slow track Andrew had to play the bassline for me cos I just couldn't get it..."

"...then Billy Idol called out of the Blue and said did we want to reform Generation X for a one off show that Chrysalis were gonna film, after one of his solo gigs at the Astoria... wow... such fun and I so yearned to play real live organic rock n roll again after the Sisters drum machine hell..."

Posted: 07 Jan 2007, 16:49
by Quiff Boy
dunno about with the sisters, for with sputnik didnt tony say he played a midi guitar that triggered synth samples?

Posted: 07 Jan 2007, 17:07
by Dark
Wouldn't suprise me.

I would.. a high E playing an "Ultraviolence..." would be pretty damn cool. :lol:

Posted: 07 Jan 2007, 17:12
by eotunun
Probably the same with the Sisters.
Wal midi bass

We bought two Wal basses for Tony James. I sold the non-midi one. This is a very heavy guitar. Used for recording only. Too uncomfortable for anything else.
..which doesn´t tell me Tony didn´t use it onstage.

Posted: 08 Jan 2007, 05:57
by davedecay
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:
markfiend wrote:Maybe I'm wrong then. Wouldn't be the first time ;)
the more i think about, the less sure i am about my previous opinion. the possibility that it was a (cheap?) shot at hussey is very in keeping with the rest of the stuff eldritch was writing & saying around that time...

i'd be interested to know how literal it was meant.

maybe its a shot at the first handful of mish tunes, which after all started life as sisters demos? :?:
with lyrics that were dumped once already from black planet etc "second-hand passions"?
catching up a bit... that's what i was thinking.

Posted: 08 Jan 2007, 11:49
by Quiff Boy
eotunun wrote:Probably the same with the Sisters.
Wal midi bass

We bought two Wal basses for Tony James. I sold the non-midi one. This is a very heavy guitar. Used for recording only. Too uncomfortable for anything else.
..which doesn´t tell me Tony didn´t use it onstage.
aye, i seem to recall that live TJ used a gibson thunderbird bass didnt he? a bit like craig's old one (no, not the blue fender bass used on wake)

Posted: 08 Jan 2007, 22:24
by RetroGoth
the sisters stole "hussey & his trademark guitar sound" from dead or alive in the first place :!:

hussey has always had a distinct guitar sound - listen to the ealr dead or alive stuff - like "misty cirlces" - ffs!. all eldritch did was hear that & think "i want that jangly s**t on my records!"
Body and Soul's guitar line was the bass line from DOA's "It's Been Hours Now". Pussey has even said that "Tower Of Strength" came from DOA's "The Stranger", he/it even said he ripped it off from the song. I could go on and on about the other stuff that was lifted from DOA's stuff...

Posted: 08 Jan 2007, 22:30
by RetroGoth
King of Byblos wrote:from my misspent youth i remember Mercenary which i alsways assumed was about AE
You're a sycophantic, s**t, cock sucking, arse licking, mercenary
Mind numbing, money grabbing, motherfucking scum of the earth, mercenary
You're a cringing, grovelling chicken s**t, pissing waste of time
You're a crawling, whining hypocrite, you f**king piece of slime
You can take the money and run, but there's nowhere you can hide,
You arsehole mercenary
Send you woman I done by [?]
But you took me for a ride, you s**t mercenary
You're a parasite of the f**king world, cockroach I wanna kill
If I don't catch you first then instant karma will
So screw you, f**k you
Screw you, f**k you
You're a cringing, grovelling chicken s**t, pissing waste of time
You're a crawling, whining hypocrite, you f**king piece of slime

on a striclty musical level M were just suckered in to the wishywashynewagecrap despite actually having decent rock'n'roll sensibility... songs about blowjobs, overblown 12" mixes and lack of quality control on the covers front
(or do i get shot for saying that?)
I thought it was about the sound crew who were with Pussey's band after the split (who were Sisters crew and then went back when the Sisters became a proper, touring band again.

Posted: 08 Jan 2007, 23:10
by Quiff Boy
RetroGoth wrote: I could go on and on about the other stuff that was lifted from DOA's stuff...
:eek: :notworthy:

please do :idea: :D

Posted: 08 Jan 2007, 23:14
by Syberberg
Quiff Boy wrote:
RetroGoth wrote: I could go on and on about the other stuff that was lifted from DOA's stuff...
:eek: :notworthy:

please do :idea: :D
Then we can copy and paste said info onto The Mish offical forum. Or am I just being evil?