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Posted: 10 Jan 2007, 12:23
by King of Byblos
Ahráyeph wrote:
King of Byblos wrote:how can you be a pacifist and then want someone to die a slow and painful death?
Perhaps it would be easier if all UK citizens who had been to prison for sex offences had to wear a big red 'P' on their chests or a yellow star...oh, hasn't that been done? :roll:
I don't think abusing and molesting children is the same as being persecuted for being a certain race or having a certain religion. Don't twist my words; I don't support racism or discrimination of any kind (unlike some people who post stuff about 'unfortunate' unpleasantness and living in reckless abandon because of it)....
but i was on about the name-and-shame aspect
"that's where the kiddy fiddler lives"
in my mind has a similar ring to other types of ghetto-isation

Posted: 10 Jan 2007, 12:27
by King of Byblos
I don't think suffering is part of life.

In fact life in general is very enjoyable, pleasant and fun, so much so that I'm inclined to believe that the whole purpose of life is to enjoy being alive.

I also happen to believe in total personal freedom to do whatever you want, so long as doing so doesn't impact on anybody else's similar freedom.


and amen to that