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Posted: 18 Feb 2007, 03:45
by Izzy HaveMercy
James Blast wrote:
Looks like I'm getting an cheap 'otel in Leuven, BTW.

Shite happens. :|
Wha? No Florent Hotel? :|

What went wrong?


Posted: 18 Feb 2007, 03:58
by Ahráyeph
James told me the price went up a fair bit. He then suggested to stay in Antwerp, but logistically it would not make sense to drive to Antwerp on Saturday to collect him and then back to Lier. I know other people would be happy to drive, but I've kind of taken that role now, so I suggested James would stay in the vicinity, so it would be easier to pick him up and drop him off. With Andrew staying at my place, that makes it a bit easier for me to collect everyone and be on time to do whatever we'll be doing when we're not attending The Gig...

Posted: 18 Feb 2007, 04:02
by Izzy HaveMercy
Ahráyeph wrote:James told me the price went up a fair bit. He then suggested to stay in Antwerp, but logistically it would not make sense to drive to Antwerp on Saturday to collect him and then back to Lier. I know other people would be happy to drive, but I've kind of taken that role now, so I suggested James would stay in the vicinity, so it would be easier to pick him up and drop him off. With Andrew staying at my place, that makes it a bit easier for me to collect everyone and be on time to do whatever we'll be doing when we're not attending The Gig...

And Hotel Chez Iz is booked full, what with Jos, Debs and Pat not from OZ in my living room! ;D


Posted: 18 Feb 2007, 10:09
by Obviousman
Debs timid? :eek: :lol:

Glad it went so good, IZ :D :notworthy: Sure it'll be even better next :innocent:

Posted: 18 Feb 2007, 14:42
by Izzy HaveMercy
Obviousman wrote:Debs timid? :eek: :lol:
Of course, YOU people never met Sam before :twisted:


Posted: 18 Feb 2007, 14:48
by Ahráyeph
Yeah, Sam is something else. He scared the s**t out of me when I met him at the Scorpio interview... :lol: ;) :lol:

Posted: 18 Feb 2007, 21:29
by Izzy HaveMercy
Where's Debs and Jos with comments and pictchoors anyway? Hope all's well :|


Posted: 18 Feb 2007, 22:22
by James Blast
Ye musta sucked, so they're in hidin' ;D

Dinna worry, it was only a rehearsal for nexXt Saturday. :notworthy:

Posted: 18 Feb 2007, 22:25
by Izzy HaveMercy
James Blast wrote:Ye musta sucked, so they're in hidin' ;D

Dinna worry, it was only a rehearsal for nexXt Saturday. :notworthy:
I never worry, only aboot people health, James ;)

No worries! ;D


Posted: 19 Feb 2007, 00:20
by Planet Dave
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:Where's Debs and Jos with comments and pictchoors anyway? Hope all's well :|

The thing is, Debs and Jos have lives :innocent: :lol: , and can't always get to a pc. And knowing Sedean as I do, it's no bloody wonder! :lol: :kiss: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 19 Feb 2007, 00:50
by James Blast
Kill Your Children! :twisted:

Posted: 19 Feb 2007, 10:33
by MadameButterfly
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Good morning good people!
I’m still on an after high from Saturday but that’s to be expected! Arriving in Arnhem and walking down to the Goudvishal, the first two chaps we met who were standing outside having a smoke were Sam & Niels. I walked straight up to Sam (having recognized him) and stuck out my hand in a friendly gesture asking if he was the real Sam de Vos which indeed it was. He knew who I was immediately! :eek: After quick introductions, Sam went to go call IZ who was like most of the rockstars I’ve met in my day, having a lie-down before the gig…. 8)

Moving inside awaited sir IZ’s entree and oh lala…we met with a huge hug and kiss! Had a quick chat before leaving again as TG’s stomach needed a meal. Back at the Goudvishal, we arrived and the venue started to fill slowly but surely. Stood around watching the pre-gig stress of the FGG camp set in but all was under control and with the stunning ladies supporting their men it was so good to meet everyone. Sam is indeed a character, remember glancing at his face and seeing his jaw muscles tensing so glanced at where that stress was coming from. Some dude, not from FGG was standing very near Sam’s equipment!
Not such a good idea obviously and as Sam and I were on the same wavelength we came up with a saying that goes “You can touch my woman but never ever touch my f**king equipment!!!� :twisted: and off he was up onstage to see what was going on!

IZ, was that PA person that blonde woman running around, because I’m sure she forgot to plug in the sound plug, bloody stupid female! :evil: The sound wasn’t what it’s supposed to be BUT seeing FGG perform live (as a practice before the real thing) it was awesome seeing the intensity in which you project as a band. Sam has an amazingly powerful voice, Izzy your interaction with the other members is brillant and Niel’s passion apparent, as was Dave’s intense concentration! And the images of the FGG camp were recognizable (seen some of them on here as avatars…) which gave the HL effect feeling there too. :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
Thank you so much for playing “Love your Terrorist� one of my favourites.
It was just over much too quickly so am looking so forward to next Saturday! ;D

Next up was Rome – a one man band with an acoustic guitar and he was amazing too! He had visuals that told the story of what he was singing about and I remember standing with IZ, Sam and Jos and two of his songs brought tears to my eyes. Rome uses black and white Vjing which he had to do to set the time period but it was rather touching.

The Protagonist were the last band and this one consists of three people (two guys and one gal). Again very interesting music as they base their music on the visuals they use. So we had visuals (some light seventies porn was one song) and what caught my attention was the visuals were not for the closed minded but when you looked at the personalities on stage they all looked too sweet to be the band members …. if that makes any sense?!?

All the music was breathtakingly beautiful and the whole evening was splendid as the meeting of the people within the FGG camp was so special!!! :D
To you all, thank you for a stunning Saturday evening. IZ it was a pleasure meeting you dear sir and your lovely missus, :notworthy: to my real Sam de Vos, you are such a great mad person and your lovely lady, :notworthy: to Niel and Dave, :notworthy: it was short but hey we have coming Saturday to look forward to and just thinking about that….the excitement makes me want to…..


MB (with love) xxx

Posted: 19 Feb 2007, 14:30
by Izzy HaveMercy
So glad I heard from you yesternight by SMS ;D

I WAS worrying a bit but then again, I'm always worrying...

"you can touch my woman but not my equipment" :notworthy:, that's sooo Sam ;D

The PA lady was the one with her eyes half-closed, a couple of piercings, rather smallish with long blonde-ashen hair...

And The Protagonist usually uses the video footage from gothic b-movies, indeed. Some of these movies they wrote music for themselves.

And ROME, I also thought his visuals were VERY nice, even in sync with what he was singing. Not that that is a very difficult thing to do, but it did something extra to the music.

I still didnae have the chance to see the visuals Save used, so I SO do hope the videoshoot next week succeeds without technical difficulties... :|

Oh and DEBS and JOS... I'm so looking forward to meet you peeps again next week, together with the other lovely HL peeps... with our without 'strooigoed' eh Jos ;)


Posted: 20 Feb 2007, 10:17
by Izzy HaveMercy
Some Pics by the Lord and Lady of the Lowlands! :notworthy:

In concise format for yer viewing pleasures! ;D



Posted: 20 Feb 2007, 10:22
by James Blast
Phew! Rock 'n' Roll! :D :notworthy:

Posted: 20 Feb 2007, 10:28
by Izzy HaveMercy
Also note the flapping around FGG logo on pic 1 ;D

Also note Dave (on the left of yer screen) and computer he uses ;)

Expect as much, mebbies even more, next Sat! :lol:


Posted: 20 Feb 2007, 11:39
by TourGuider
Hello FGG ,

Many thx for the great show. :notworthy:

We really had a super time in Arnhem.

Thx to you all see you all in a few days, as Claire quote's on myspace.

" no sleep till Belgium"


Posted: 20 Feb 2007, 11:47
by Izzy HaveMercy
TourGuider wrote:Hello FGG ,

Many thx for the great show. :notworthy:

We really had a super time in Arnhem.

Thx to you all see you all in a few days, as Claire quote's on myspace.

" no sleep till Belgium"

Da man! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Oh, yes, really looking forward to Saturday! :D


Posted: 20 Feb 2007, 12:20
by Izzy HaveMercy
Some minor website updates ;)

Spot all 7! ;D


Posted: 20 Feb 2007, 12:38
by Obviousman
Found five on a quick scan, I think :lol:

They do look good, the gig pics! 8)

Posted: 26 Feb 2007, 19:38
by therealsamdevos
never ever have their been this many pictures of me on a forum
and i'm only able to log on now... how peculiar... 8)

cheers for all the support to FGG

Posted: 26 Feb 2007, 21:42
by James Blast
I Image FGG :lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 26 Feb 2007, 21:45
by Obviousman
You wear 'em for underpants? :lol:

Posted: 26 Feb 2007, 22:28
by James Blast
Obviousman wrote:You wear 'em for underpants? :lol:
they're official FGG merchandise Zed, of course I do...
now stick on that 14+ 11 adult male of the species CD on, I ken ye'll dig it, richt after you've listened to Raf's meisterwerk first, of course :D

Posted: 26 Feb 2007, 22:30
by MadameButterfly
therealsamdevos wrote:never ever have their been this many pictures of me on a forum
hahaha, and now there are even more.... :twisted: :innocent: