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Posted: 24 Jul 2007, 03:56
by Petseri
Hom_Corleone wrote:
SINsister wrote:I think most of FALAA is pants, actually.

ETA: then again, without actually looking at the CD case, I'm hard-pressed to remember most of what's on Vision Thing, either. Hmm...
Let's face it - we're all here for one reason and one reason only.....YCBTO. :von:
Many -- nay, too many -- words have been written about that song. It certainly is not the nondescript. :roll:

I fully understand skipping that track, though. ;D

Posted: 24 Jul 2007, 10:09
by Nic
itnAklipse wrote:aDRENOCHROME.
You must be kidding! :eek:

Posted: 24 Jul 2007, 11:41
by Pista
Ozymandias & Sandstorm.
Thankfully very short & no question about it....fillers. :|
I find them annoying TBH

utter cack too

Some MINDS Wander By Mistake

Posted: 28 Jul 2007, 02:11
by Ferrette
Pista wrote:Ozymandias & Sandstorm.
Thankfully very short & no question about it....fillers. :|
I find them annoying TBH

utter cack too
Ozymandias is "Dominion" played backwards :innocent: Sandstorm was a component and not meant as a stand-alone release.

Otherwise, there are NO Sisters non-descript songs. :notworthy:

PROOF: Listen to an Internet Radio station for awhile, when DJ, DB, Torch, etc. come on, they :idea: outshine :idea: what was just played. Or, if you have a multi-disc stereo, set it to shuffle.

WHAT IS REALY HAPPENING: The human mind tends to 'screen out' what is too familiar like listening to the same somgs (myself 16+ years) continuously. SOLUTION: Play less often or play other artists.

Posted: 28 Jul 2007, 18:33
by markreed
Romeo Down : starts, goes on a bit, stops. Dull as hell.
Posession does much the same : no drama, no reason.
Doctor Jeep (Overbombing edit). Lordy, that's boring.

Re: Some MINDS Wander By Mistake

Posted: 28 Jul 2007, 21:57
by Pista
Ferrette wrote:
Pista wrote:Ozymandias & Sandstorm.
Thankfully very short & no question about it....fillers. :|
I find them annoying TBH

utter cack too
Ozymandias is "Dominion" played backwards :innocent: Sandstorm was a component and not meant as a stand-alone release.

Otherwise, there are NO Sisters non-descript songs. :notworthy:

PROOF: Listen to an Internet Radio station for awhile, when DJ, DB, Torch, etc. come on, they :idea: outshine :idea: what was just played. Or, if you have a multi-disc stereo, set it to shuffle.

WHAT IS REALY HAPPENING: The human mind tends to 'screen out' what is too familiar like listening to the same somgs (myself 16+ years) continuously. SOLUTION: Play less often or play other artists.
Well Hello Ferrette & welcome.
I hear what you're saying & I stand by what I say.
They are "reach for the remote control to skip" tracks.


Posted: 29 Jul 2007, 13:40
by Ferrette
markreed wrote:Romeo Down : starts, goes on a bit, stops. Dull as hell.
Posession does much the same : no drama, no reason.
Doctor Jeep (Overbombing edit). Lordy, that's boring.
Have not heard "Romeo Down" yet so I will pass on that one...for now.
"Possession" I used to skip this song-by-committee until I heard it on headphones, the last part has a 8) stereo effect with Andrew's voice going left and right in an, ahem, how shall I put this :oops: , intimate way., Really! :D
"Doctor Jeep" motors along with a rapid beat, and, again, :oops: on headphones, the musical elements slide in and out (make of that what you will). As this is not the lyrics forum, I will refrain from commenting on the treasure trove within. :wink:

Posted: 29 Jul 2007, 14:08
by robertzombie

Posted: 29 Jul 2007, 20:35
by mh
Well put Rob.

Possession live, particularly the 90s versions, kicks total butt.

You get it!

Posted: 30 Jul 2007, 09:23
by Ferrette

:notworthy: As Andrew would say, "Touche!" :notworthy:

Posted: 30 Jul 2007, 10:13
by silentNate
Thanks for that- pretty cool versions :notworthy:

Posted: 06 Nov 2007, 14:04
by Almiche V
Don't know how i found this thread but i did.

Slept and Still for me. Both are a big so-what, no emotion and defo gig filler to say "look, new stuff!" Bunch of arse.

Posted: 06 Nov 2007, 17:32
by Tidal
After getting involved more and more with the Sisters I believe I can now say what songs I find most "nondescript".

Body and Soul-
For simply not having any beat or groove and being sung way too high for the Sisters.
I find myself again and again forgetting about this song. It's got nothing special, I think.
Rain from Heaven-
Although I don't think it's a bad song it just doesn't to anything to me.
Not as much as the others, but still it cannot spot, too mediocre, no extravagance.

Posted: 06 Nov 2007, 19:25
by BillyBadBreaks
The reason the Sisters are my top band is that every song works at some level on some occasion. Admittedly some require more alcohol than others..... :innocent:

Posted: 06 Nov 2007, 21:09
by paul
Hom_Corleone wrote:
SINsister wrote:I think most of FALAA is pants, actually.

ETA: then again, without actually looking at the CD case, I'm hard-pressed to remember most of what's on Vision Thing, either. Hmm...
Let's face it - we're all here for one reason and one reason only.....YCBTO. :von:
I totally agree! It IS the most boring song the Sisters ever made. YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU COULD BE THE ONE :urff: .... c'm on, :von: , you can de better than that ...

I love Afterhours though. The monotone pounding sound gives me that feeling of melancholy which I miss in contemporary music .

Posted: 07 Nov 2007, 12:11
by splintered thing
BillyBadBreaks wrote:The reason the Sisters are my top band is that every song works at some level on some occasion. Admittedly some require more alcohol than others..... :innocent:
Yep - well put!


Though on a recent 10hr flight I did find myself going "oh yeah, forgot that one" every time I heard 'When you don't see me'

Posted: 07 Nov 2007, 12:18
by alice
I absolutely hate Dr jeep...but then again i dislike it so much, it can't be really nondecript....mhhhh :innocent:

Posted: 07 Nov 2007, 14:00
by bookish
Detonation Boulevard is just so ... meh

Posted: 07 Nov 2007, 14:40
by Quiff Boy
dj jeep 7" is over too quick to actually make much impact

the 12" however has some very cool of soaring "panzer-attack" guitars weaving in & out of the mix. very cool :von:

detonation blvd is a bit cock rock, and not really very good cock rock. but it does have a few lines in it that eldritch sounds very cool singing... all that nonsense about 'the l.a. rain' (rose of avalanche anyone? :lol:) and ensenada 8)

me? i can take or leave torch, and more is a bit, well, arse, but there aren't really any that i think are nondescript (apart from one or two of the 'newer' songs :o :oops: :lol:)

Posted: 08 Nov 2007, 12:26
by NOF
No Time To Cry
Lucretia, My Reflection
Detonation Boulevard

Posted: 08 Nov 2007, 15:12
by deadagain
_emma_ wrote:Torch is one of the most beautiful songs ever made. So is body&soul (which should have been combined with confide in me the way comf. numb/SKOS were). A rock & a hard place is pure electrical sex, and so is dr jeep regardless of its length. :P

That is my opinion, thank you for listening.
i couldn't agree with you more on the first three emma!; dr jeep, though... hmmm... depends how rawk i'm feeling.