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Posted: 09 Apr 2007, 04:35
by Arch Deviant
Mr. Wah wrote:
Arch Deviant wrote: No reason for me to take offence, I'm not a Japanese oddball. But I may know a few by the end of the week :lol: :lol:
I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun.
Once the drizzle and smog passes I might get out and have some fun. Im not in any rush, after the last two weeks in Hawaii Im all for having a rest.

Posted: 09 Apr 2007, 04:49
by Mr. Wah
I don't know if you've been before, but...

Of course, the food is great. If you like sushi, the sushi in even fairly modest places is great, better than high-priced stuff I've had in Hong Kong or elsewhere in Asia.

As for nightlife, it's all a bit of a blur from Sake and Sapporo. But, Ronpongi sucks, although the formation dancing in the discos is something to behold! If I recall, Kabukicho has some good "ordinary" bars, not just sleaze. Quite fun.

Posted: 09 Apr 2007, 05:01
by Arch Deviant
Mr. Wah wrote:I don't know if you've been before, but...

Of course, the food is great. If you like sushi, the sushi in even fairly modest places is great, better than high-priced stuff I've had in Hong Kong or elsewhere in Asia.

As for nightlife, it's all a bit of a blur from Sake and Sapporo. But, Ronpongi sucks, although the formation dancing in the discos is something to behold! If I recall, Kabukicho has some good "ordinary" bars, not just sleaze. Quite fun.
This is my first visit so I have no expectations of the place. I don't like discos or clubs but I do like parties (my travelling companions are very good at seeking them out and getting invites). I do like gardens and I have every intention of visiting Tsukiyama & Karesansui Gardens whilst here

Posted: 09 Apr 2007, 11:33
by mh
Mr. Wah wrote:I don't know if you've been before, but...

Of course, the food is great. If you like sushi, the sushi in even fairly modest places is great, better than high-priced stuff I've had in Hong Kong or elsewhere in Asia.

As for nightlife, it's all a bit of a blur from Sake and Sapporo. But, Ronpongi sucks, although the formation dancing in the discos is something to behold! If I recall, Kabukicho has some good "ordinary" bars, not just sleaze. Quite fun.

Experiencing the mad stuff is the reason to go to these places, isn't it?

Have a blast, Archie! :notworthy:


Posted: 09 Apr 2007, 22:02
by Arch Deviant
mh wrote:
Mr. Wah wrote:I don't know if you've been before, but...

Of course, the food is great. If you like sushi, the sushi in even fairly modest places is great, better than high-priced stuff I've had in Hong Kong or elsewhere in Asia.

As for nightlife, it's all a bit of a blur from Sake and Sapporo. But, Ronpongi sucks, although the formation dancing in the discos is something to behold! If I recall, Kabukicho has some good "ordinary" bars, not just sleaze. Quite fun.

Experiencing the mad stuff is the reason to go to these places, isn't it?

Have a blast, Archie! :notworthy:

I'm not liking Tokyo! :(

Posted: 09 Apr 2007, 22:04
by boudicca
:( What's up with it, Archie?

Posted: 09 Apr 2007, 22:06
by Arch Deviant
boudicca wrote::( What's up with it, Archie?
It's way too loud, too many people (and believe me there are f**king billions of them!) and I have never felt as unsafe in my life. Have you been here?

Posted: 09 Apr 2007, 22:14
by boudicca
Arch Deviant wrote:
boudicca wrote::( What's up with it, Archie?
It's way too loud, too many people (and believe me there are f**king billions of them!) and I have never felt as unsafe in my life. Have you been here?
No (though I went to a Japanese noodle bar for my dinner this evening, does that count? :lol: )... it always appealed...

Maybe you just need to see more of the place, you know? Everywhere has its good and bad areas. Though I imagine wherever you are it will be pretty packed with (little) people :wink: .

I'm really surprised you say you feel unsafe. I think the crime statistics in Japan are actually very low indeed - some of the problems we have are virtually unheard of there... so relax :) I'm sure it will get better... and if it doesn't - ah well, you'll look back and laugh! :wink:

Posted: 09 Apr 2007, 22:23
by Obviousman
Arch Deviant wrote:
boudicca wrote::( What's up with it, Archie?
It's way too loud, too many people (and believe me there are f**king billions of them!) and I have never felt as unsafe in my life. Have you been here?
I've heard of it being just too much, yes. Apparently the only green spot left is the Belgian embassy which is due to be demolished soon. Thought it even had a garden/park bit, not sure, has been in Belgian news often lately.

Enjoy the food and try to ignore the rest, I guess :wink:

Posted: 09 Apr 2007, 22:28
by Arch Deviant
boudicca wrote:No (though I went to a Japanese noodle bar for my dinner this evening, does that count? :lol: )... it always appealed...

Maybe you just need to see more of the place, you know? Everywhere has its good and bad areas. Though I imagine wherever you are it will be pretty packed with (little) people :wink: .

I'm really surprised you say you feel unsafe. I think the crime statistics in Japan are actually very low indeed - some of the problems we have are virtually unheard of there... so relax :) I'm sure it will get better... and if it doesn't - ah well, you'll look back and laugh! :wink:
The 'unsafe' I feel is more an 'uneasy', I think it's a cultural thing as opposed to any kind of 'crime' thing. I just think I need to get out of the city, it also smells unpleasantly.
Can't think of one problem that exists in the UK that doesn't exist here. And I don't, and didn't think anyone believed in statistics. They prove nothing.

Posted: 09 Apr 2007, 22:33
by mh
Arch Deviant wrote:I'm not liking Tokyo! :(
Aw, I'm sorry to hear that. :(

Never been, but everything I've seen elsewhere indicates it's insane, so maybe it's just a shock to the system after the last few places? Hopefully a day or two will adjust you better.

The Japanese countryside looks pretty mindblowing though. You getting your ass out to there?

Posted: 09 Apr 2007, 22:34
by Dark
If you're in Tokyo.. would you mind taking a pic or two of the city at night? I want to go there, you see. :oops:

Posted: 09 Apr 2007, 22:36
by boudicca
Arch Deviant wrote:The 'unsafe' I feel is more an 'uneasy', I think it's a cultural thing as opposed to any kind of 'crime' thing. I just think I need to get out of the city, it also smells unpleasantly.
You should see if you can get out to some rural towns, then (on the train or something)... my father was in Japan for a couple of weeks on his way back from a stay in Australia (mind you this was about 30 years ago!), and he certainly spoke highly of the countryside.
Arch Deviant wrote:Can't think of one problem that exists in the UK that doesn't exist here. And I don't, and didn't think anyone believed in statistics. They prove nothing.
Just a turn of phrase... though I do believe the culture in Japan is sufficiently different that they do experience less of certain social problems than we do. As indeed they will experience more than others... ever heard of Hikikomori? Every society has its differences. All I meant was I can think of a lot of places on this planet where you'd be a hell of a lot more likely to get mugged. Here in Glasgow for starters! :eek:

Posted: 09 Apr 2007, 22:36
by Carpathian Psychonaut
I think that's one of the last places where you can truly feel something that powerful: Cultureshock.

I know a few people that have stood on one of those big crossings in the middle of the wave of people and just gone "bibble" in their head.

Most found a visit to the older quarters and a day in the historical side tempers things a bit, then going back into the madness isn't quite as bad the second time.

Posted: 09 Apr 2007, 22:40
by mh
This looks like a pretty good antidote for starters:


Posted: 09 Apr 2007, 22:41
by boudicca
Mmmmm yes.

A shinto shrine would be nice...

Posted: 09 Apr 2007, 22:42
by Arch Deviant
mh wrote:
Arch Deviant wrote:I'm not liking Tokyo! :(
Aw, I'm sorry to hear that. :(

Never been, but everything I've seen elsewhere indicates it's insane, so maybe it's just a shock to the system after the last few places? Hopefully a day or two will adjust you better.

The Japanese countryside looks pretty mindblowing though. You getting your ass out to there?
You're right the countryside is near awsome. I want to get out of here and take a guided treck into mountains for a few days, so tomorrow, well later today we will go and book something. Still, it means I can stay in and drink more sake

Posted: 09 Apr 2007, 22:57
by boudicca
That's the spirit! :twisted: :lol:

Posted: 09 Apr 2007, 23:02
by psichonaut
dear Arch...after all smog you must hinale in Tokyo....change your don't need him anymore

Posted: 09 Apr 2007, 23:28
by Arch Deviant
Hikikomori is a juvenile/evolutionary issue. Hoodies, goths, social misfits. I don't see that being any knind of threat.

Posted: 09 Apr 2007, 23:45
by boudicca
Arch Deviant wrote:Hikikomori is a juvenile/evolutionary issue. Hoodies, goths, social misfits. I don't see that being any knind of threat.
Oh no, no threat... just an example of odd little social phenomenon. The theory seems to be these young people (generally boys) are even more overwhelmed by the pace and pressure of Japanese society than you are. Hence their retreat into total isolation.

Just get out your hotel room soon though, to be on the safe side :wink:

Posted: 10 Apr 2007, 05:23
by Arch Deviant
So, in less than half an hour we left the hotel, found an agent and booked something else. Tomorrow we go :
We will travel from Tokyo to Kyoto and Nara, to see two former imperial capitals and repositories of much of Japan's cultural heritage. Our journey will then continue to Japan’s southern island of Kyushu. Kyushu is considered the cradle of Japanese civilization, and several locations connected with the Japanese creation myths feature on our journey. Kyushu is also known for its numerous active volcanoes, and we will explore the Kuju, Aso, and Kirishima ranges. A natural by-product of the volcanoes are 'onsen', or hot springs, and we will enjoy many relaxing dips in their soothing waters.
Then onto Toshogu shrine at Nikko, Yamadera, Hiraizumi and Dewa Sanzan, as well as the region’s more out of the way natural hot springs and beautiful national parks. We will take exhilarating walks through beautiful scenery in the Oze Marshlands, Mount Gas-san, and the Tono Valley. Accommodation is in family-run minshuku, traditional ryokan, mountain lodges and hotels. :D

Posted: 10 Apr 2007, 08:30
by MadameButterfly
Oh just let me crawl into your luggage!
Arch Deviant wrote:A natural by-product of the volcanoes are 'onsen', or hot springs, and we will enjoy many relaxing dips in their soothing waters.
ooo..I want to dip! Enjoy and relax and dip and enjoy some more! :wink:

Posted: 10 Apr 2007, 13:09
by Izzy HaveMercy

Posted: 10 Apr 2007, 14:05
by James Blast
You are one sick puppy Iz! :eek: