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Posted: 05 Mar 2003, 23:36
by Mrs RicheyJames
<Twats Ed!!!!!! And thinks about flicking X's pods>

Posted: 09 Mar 2003, 20:11
by X
Sexygoth wrote:<**** Ed!!!!!! And thinks about flicking X's pods>
I'm so glad you put an F in that!

Posted: 09 Mar 2003, 22:51
by Mrs RicheyJames
Even I wouldn't have said that you commen twit!!!! lol

Posted: 10 Mar 2003, 11:39
by Dream Weaver
oh dear... sailor mouth strikes again :(

Posted: 11 Mar 2003, 16:27
by Mrs RicheyJames
Shut it Dale Winton or i'll flick yours 8)

Posted: 14 Mar 2003, 00:46
by Dream Weaver
Remove the 'F' and your on...but please put your teeth in.

Posted: 14 Mar 2003, 12:03
by Mrs RicheyJames
Yeah!! Sorry about that, t'was a bit gummy last time lolololol

Posted: 14 Mar 2003, 16:26
by Carrie
<is knocked flying by Weaver's hasty exit, aka headlong screaming panic>

Think it might've been something you said SG... :?: :twisted:

Posted: 16 Mar 2003, 11:44
by Mrs RicheyJames
twit arsehole dickhead wanker! Bet thats all edited out !!!!!!!!!!

Posted: 16 Mar 2003, 11:45
by Mrs RicheyJames
Oops!!!! Thought it would have been actually lol :oops: :lol:

Posted: 19 Mar 2003, 17:42
by paint it black
Sexygoth wrote:Oops!!!! Thought it would have been actually lol :oops: :lol:

There's nowt clever about profanity young lady. If I may be so presumptuous as to call you a lady.

it just means I get to see less and less of this site during working hours

Now, f*ck off with yer b*stard swearing :wink:

Posted: 19 Mar 2003, 20:10
by Scardwel
:eek: Steady on, old chap! It isn't a good idea to mess with SG... And do you realise she'll be at the upcoming Leeds gigs? I'd watch your step if I were you! :wink:

Posted: 19 Mar 2003, 21:50
by paint it black
Scardwel wrote::eek: Steady on, old chap! It isn't a good idea to mess with SG... And do you realise she'll be at the upcoming Leeds gigs? I'd watch your step if I were you! :wink:
Oooooooops :oops:

In that case there's just the slimmest chance I'm scared :P

thanks for the tip off Scardwell :wink:

Posted: 19 Mar 2003, 22:45
by Mrs RicheyJames
bloody right on..............

Posted: 21 Mar 2003, 14:24
by Ed Rhombus
Soft as s**t!

Keep up the good work Paint it Black!

Posted: 21 Mar 2003, 21:08
by X
Be afraid, be very afraid.

Posted: 22 Mar 2003, 06:41
by cyn
Ed Rhombus wrote:Soft as ****!

Keep up the good work Paint it Black!
as a kiitycat? :roll:

Posted: 12 Apr 2003, 09:45
by Padstar
So, will anyone be charitable enough to join us on the 25th ?




Paddy ;)

Posted: 12 Apr 2003, 15:13
by pikkrong
Padstar wrote:So, will anyone be charitable enough to join us on the 25th ?




Paddy ;)
if i could :roll: :( :cry:

Posted: 12 Apr 2003, 15:39
by Dan
Padstar wrote:So, will anyone be charitable enough to join us on the 25th ?




Paddy ;)
Yeh I plan to be there. A Whole weekend of the Sisters. Wonderful.

Posted: 12 Apr 2003, 18:27
by Erudite
You already know the answer, Paddy!
And on May 31st.

Posted: 12 Apr 2003, 20:39
by Quiff Boy
the sisters in manchester on wednesday 23rd

friday 25th in leeds with the smurphs

then saturday 26th and sunday 27th in leeds with the sisters

gadzooks! just how much dry ice can one quiff boy's lungs take?!!? :D :D :D

Posted: 12 Apr 2003, 20:57
by Erudite
Quiff Boy wrote:the sisters in manchester on wednesday 23rd

friday 25th in leeds with the smurphs

then saturday 26th and sunday 27th in leeds with the sisters

gadzooks! just how much dry ice can one quiff boy's lungs take?!!? :D :D :D
I know the feeling well!

Good avatar, but I reckon Portillo needs more than a week.
And he should have to stay in a really scummy council estate.

Posted: 12 Apr 2003, 21:07
by Quiff Boy
it's his badge that says "mike" that cracked me up! :D :D :D

but well..... i really don't see what the fuss is all about. we can all live on £50 a week can't we? :o :urff: :roll:

Posted: 13 Apr 2003, 15:54
by Mrs RicheyJames
Count me in..........