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Posted: 16 Jul 2007, 19:17
by Dr. Moody
you wear your influences on your sleeve and the goth scenester thing is a little jaded non ?

Posted: 16 Jul 2007, 19:35
by Dark
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:Sounds scaringly like a gazillion of old third-rate Batcave/deathrock combos no?

Try listening to some other bands than, say, The Sisters exclusively.
That first part isn't necessarily a bad thing, Iz. ;)

But hey.. nowadays I don't listen to TSOM. And my musical ability has increased no end since I used to listen to them all the time. :lol:

Posted: 16 Jul 2007, 19:41
by mh
I like it.

OK, there's nothing that really grabs me by my "little bag of onions" and makes me believe that I've heard the future of rock 'n' roll, but it's nowhere near as bad as it could have been.


Edit: now that I've heard all 4 tracks, I think a qualified reappraisal is in order. Two OK tracks (Spiritworld, Burning Souls), and two that would have me run screaming from any room.

Thanx Again

Posted: 16 Jul 2007, 20:38
by ro prasad
Thanx again, for all your heartfelt / honest appraisals both FOR and Against.
It is feels good to receive personal messages from SISTERS FOllOWERS,
who like the NEO-GOTH/DARKWAVE music of ASHIKA and want the ALBUM.

The album is now available at BOTH RESURRECTION RECORDS and SISTER RAY in LONDON UK.


We leave on Wednesday 18th July for a promotional tour in OZ/USA,
may not get a chance to return here for a month or so.
Regards and respect

Posted: 16 Jul 2007, 20:53
by Ozpat
Shut.the.f**k.up. :|

Posted: 16 Jul 2007, 20:57
by mh
Nowt wrong with a little bit of "hey, listen to my band" - a few other regulars and long timers have done it; but the hard sell is a bit wearying (and ever-so-slightly creepy with it).

Posted: 16 Jul 2007, 21:00
by BillyBadBreaks
mh wrote:Nowt wrong with a little bit of "hey, listen to my band" - a few other regulars and long timers have done it; but the hard sell is a bit wearying (and ever-so-slightly creepy with it).
Quite good marketing from a spammer! :lol:

Posted: 16 Jul 2007, 21:09
by 6FeetOver
Well, now I feel bad about not having booted this guy at the outset, but, as I'd seen his post at the other (text-based) place, I'd thought (hoped!) that his intentions here were legit, and that he might have joined Heartland out of interest in the forums and not merely to toot his own (highly-annoying) horn. See what happens when I go against my better judgment and give folks the benefit of the doubt? Meh. And you all wonder why I'm such a b1tch... :( :evil: :roll: :von:

Posted: 16 Jul 2007, 21:11
by mh

I was actually working on the basis that the guy/girl was genuine, but looking back over his/her posts, I ain't so sure now...

One instance of calling Eotunun by name, but other than that, nothing to indicate that this ain't a particularly clever spam bot.

Posted: 16 Jul 2007, 21:27
by 6FeetOver
I've done a bit of sleuthing, and it seems like this Ashika outfit is a "legit" enterprise. "DJ Ro Prasad"'s error, however, was mistaking Heartland for the venues he/she seems to normally frequent - lame, tired g*th hangouts overrun with uneducated spookykids and never-was scenesters possessing collective IQs of 100. ;)


Posted: 16 Jul 2007, 21:56
by Dark
mh wrote:Eh?

I was actually working on the basis that the guy/girl was genuine, but looking back over his/her posts, I ain't so sure now...

One instance of calling Eotunun by name, but other than that, nothing to indicate that this ain't a particularly clever spam bot.
Aside from the fact that spambots don't work like this, and referring to someone by name is generally not a spambot thing to do.

Posted: 16 Jul 2007, 22:01
by Ozpat
Dark wrote:
mh wrote:Eh?

I was actually working on the basis that the guy/girl was genuine, but looking back over his/her posts, I ain't so sure now...

One instance of calling Eotunun by name, but other than that, nothing to indicate that this ain't a particularly clever spam bot.
Aside from the fact that spambots don't work like this, and referring to someone by name is generally not a spambot thing to do.
Pish anyway....destroy it... :D

Posted: 16 Jul 2007, 22:11
by BillyBadBreaks
SINsister wrote:I've done a bit of sleuthing, and it seems like this Ashika outfit is a "legit" enterprise. "DJ Ro Prasad"'s error, however, was mistaking Heartland for the venues he/she seems to normally frequent - lame, tired g*th hangouts overrun with uneducated spookykids and never-was scenesters possessing collective IQs of 100. ;)

How bad was the "music"? I was too afraid to listen :eek:

Posted: 16 Jul 2007, 22:49
by James Blast
it was really funny Jeff, get stuck in, especially Cyber Nation that had me rolling on the floor! it was like some thing from a bad BBC 70s Sci-fi programme, if that's what they were aiming for, they gottit in one! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 16 Jul 2007, 23:06
by ro prasad
This definately is not spam
I have only just found this forum, but am a lifelong sisters fan.
Can't wait for the new stuff to finally be released,
have had live recordings of unreleased 'new' Sisters stuff for about 9 years now.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion ,and we are over the moon by the overall response to the ASHIKA album, which is not reflected in this forum,
as yet!

Posted: 16 Jul 2007, 23:16
by James Blast
I'll give you a break Dude, you seem legit.
I just didn't like the music at all, I don't wish you any ill will.
I'm also a bit older than most on here, so don't get a lot of sounds the younger (or Irish) members do.
If you are on here to post in this thread only, then I don't think you're really all that welcome.
This is a community.


Posted: 16 Jul 2007, 23:23
by mh
James Blast wrote:If you are on here to post in this thread only, then I don't think you're really all that welcome.
This is a community.

What the man said. :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

I'll add:

This is more than just your regular on-line forum, this place is special to a lot of people here, for genuine real-life reasons. We get enough suspicious characters posting legions of self-important stuff, so I suppose an initial negative reaction is inevitable, but if you want to join in elsewhere, chill and relax, have a laugh, or whatever, then you are very welcome.

Posted: 16 Jul 2007, 23:35
by James Blast
I'd better add a Revr'nd Image

just to keep my post count, especially after the crash :innocent: :lol: :lol: :lol: :innocent:

Posted: 17 Jul 2007, 04:51
by 9while9
ro prasad wrote:thanx for the messages /feedback etc,
*****The album is now available and
Can be ordered now:

£10 *
£10 for a :lol: drink coaster........ :lol:


Just between you and me ro prasad, what'cha been smok'in....... :roll:

Posted: 17 Jul 2007, 05:15
by 6FeetOver
ro prasad wrote:...we are over the moon by the overall response to the ASHIKA album, which is not reflected in this forum,
as yet!
...and may never be. Really. If your sole aim is to sell your product, then I'm afraid that your rather disturbing, saccharine glad-handing manner will continue to rub many folks here the wrong way, and may lead to your prompt and involuntary exiting of the forum without your passing "GO" or collecting $200. On the other hand, however, if you feel like dropping the hard sell (please!) and engaging in lively Sissies- and non-Sissies-related banter, please do! ;D

Posted: 17 Jul 2007, 05:37
by weebleswobble
I once farted in the bath tub (in the dark - so very goff), recorded it and sent it out to the following people:
  • :von:
    Wayne 'I wrote half of FALAA' Hussey
    Ian 'Paleface' Astbury
    Some bloke who worked down the local garage who expressed an interest in all things goffik
    My Granny
They all proclaimed it was the best thing ever and if released all music should cease to be and my bubblies be the national anthem for the planet.

Then again, maybe not.................. ;D

Posted: 17 Jul 2007, 06:51
by Izzy HaveMercy
weebleswobble wrote:I once farted in the bath tub (in the dark - so very goff), recorded it and sent it out to the following people:
  • :von:
    Wayne 'I wrote half of FALAA' Hussey
    Ian 'Paleface' Astbury
    Some bloke who worked down the local garage who expressed an interest in all things goffik
    My Granny
They all proclaimed it was the best thing ever and if released all music should cease to be and my bubblies be the national anthem for the planet.

Then again, maybe not.................. ;D
Where can I buy it?


Posted: 17 Jul 2007, 07:12
by Dark
Don't you have enough coasters, Iz? :lol: ;)

Posted: 17 Jul 2007, 07:17
by Pista
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
weebleswobble wrote:I once farted in the bath tub (in the dark - so very goff), recorded it and sent it out to the following people:
  • :von:
    Wayne 'I wrote half of FALAA' Hussey
    Ian 'Paleface' Astbury
    Some bloke who worked down the local garage who expressed an interest in all things goffik
    My Granny
They all proclaimed it was the best thing ever and if released all music should cease to be and my bubblies be the national anthem for the planet.

Then again, maybe not.................. ;D
Where can I buy it?

I'm watching the sharing section v closely :lol:

Posted: 17 Jul 2007, 07:24
by more-sedatives-pls
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
weebleswobble wrote:I once farted in the bath tub (in the dark - so very goff), recorded it and sent it out to the following people:
  • :von:
    Wayne 'I wrote half of FALAA' Hussey
    Ian 'Paleface' Astbury
    Some bloke who worked down the local garage who expressed an interest in all things goffik
    My Granny
They all proclaimed it was the best thing ever and if released all music should cease to be and my bubblies be the national anthem for the planet.

Then again, maybe not.................. ;D
Where can I buy it?

My Goff, weebs, that sure sounds promising!
Did you include lyrics, or is it mere ..uhm... 'instrumental'?
Mind you, I'll only pay for it if you can present it in FLAC of course!

Do we need a paypal account?