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Posted: 01 Nov 2007, 20:23
by 6FeetOver
What if the whole thing's a scam?

Posted: 01 Nov 2007, 20:32
by Silver_Owl
SINsister wrote:What if the whole thing's a scam?
It's not. :|

Posted: 01 Nov 2007, 20:57
by Izzy HaveMercy
The Homster wrote:How the f**k would you people feel if you were the father of the little lad and he came on here to check the interest in the auction and saw some of the comments you people have made.
And thus it happened, apparently.

Tho the post is already locked. Maybe better.

As said before, good luck to the bidders, and especially best of luck to Oscar as well.

Tho I find it kinda short-sighted to state that one cannot have a short laught about someone's disease.

As most of you know, my mother has MS. A small laugh about a disease can help lighten the burden the family and friends have to carry on a daily basis. Feeling bad and depressed about this kinda things just makes for an early grave.

If someone felt attacked by what *I* said, my apologies. I just stand by what I said in above paragraph tho.


Posted: 01 Nov 2007, 21:04
by Silver_Owl
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
The Homster wrote:How the f**k would you people feel if you were the father of the little lad and he came on here to check the interest in the auction and saw some of the comments you people have made.
As most of you know, my mother has MS. A small laugh about a disease can help lighten the burden the family and friends have to carry on a daily basis. Feeling bad and depressed about this kinda things just makes for an early grave.
Iz - There's a massive difference between laughing about a disease 'with' somebody about 'theri' disease. My best friend died last year from Lueckemia - and yes we HAD to laugh about it.

But some of the comments - Flipperboy etc... How do they lighten the burden? They don't - it's inexcusable and sick. And it's not laughing with, and you know it's not.

Posted: 01 Nov 2007, 21:07
by Izzy HaveMercy
You are right, of course :|


Posted: 01 Nov 2007, 21:16
by 6FeetOver
To all and sundry: in case you're wondering, I've removed offensive comments (referring to the young boy) from your posts.

Posted: 01 Nov 2007, 21:20
by paul
SINsister wrote:To all and sundry: in case you're wondering, I've removed offensive comments (referring to the young boy) from your posts.
Glad you did ... some people tend to forget how f*cking grateful they should be for being born healthy ... Especially Evilbastard in his pathetic attempt to draw attention with his "flipperboy" remark ...

Posted: 01 Nov 2007, 21:24
by 6FeetOver
No need for a flame war, regardless. Thanks in advance, kiddies. :von:

Posted: 01 Nov 2007, 21:30
by paul
SINsister wrote:No need for a flame war, regardless. Thanks in advance, kiddies. :von:
no problem, I already cooled down :wink:

Posted: 01 Nov 2007, 22:00
by EvilBastard
The post wasn't intended to cause offence - clearly it did, but sometimes things have effects that were not intended.

I stand by the greater sentiment that the auction seems like a worthy cause - shame though it is that the family is driven to this rather than being able to rely upon a slightly more robust national health system.

Apologies to the Mods for the extra work and the firefighting.

Posted: 02 Nov 2007, 01:24
by Scardwel
I suddenly remembered why I don't post on here anymore.

Posted: 02 Nov 2007, 08:13
by Dark
Irony overload.

Posted: 02 Nov 2007, 08:25
by paul
Scardwel wrote:I suddenly remembered why I don't post on here anymore.
You're right ... but nice to see you again, Simon :wink:

Posted: 02 Nov 2007, 09:19
by Izzy HaveMercy
I can see that too. The openly racist, misanthropic and hateful feeling of the HeartLand scares a lot of people away these days.

Puh-lease. This is one of the nicest forums around as far as I know, and I mostly frequent 'serious' forums.

People apologized, some of us went too far. I don't see the need to keep on reminding us every second posting what utter bastard we are.

Sorry, bad day, tense times, but I had to say this on a beloved forum I frequent from the very beginning.

This is a nice place. And even in the best places, sometimes bad stuff happens. At least the people concerned are so mature as to apologize.


Posted: 02 Nov 2007, 09:27
by Quiff Boy
thank you iz 8) :notworthy:

Posted: 02 Nov 2007, 09:29
Re EvilBastards comments:
Boy, you must have your friends rolling around in laughter......of course I'm assuming you have 'real' friends. I tend to wonder though when people have,say, 1008 or so posts on a forum. I only have 30 odd....wonder why that is.

Posted: 02 Nov 2007, 11:31
by markfiend
Look, he's apologised, please don't try to start it up again.

Posted: 02 Nov 2007, 12:07
by streamline
Which item do you think will go for the most?
Most people are playing it close to their chests and not bidding until nearer the end.

I think the suit will go for the most, followed by the scarf.

I may raid the kids money boxes and place a bid on something cheap at the end!

Posted: 02 Nov 2007, 12:10
by Izzy HaveMercy
And for those not winning the auctions, you can donate the amount you were willing to spend to Oscar proper.

You can find a PayPal Donation option on his website

now there :D


Posted: 02 Nov 2007, 13:53
by paul
streamline wrote:Which item do you think will go for the most?
Most people are playing it close to their chests and not bidding until nearer the end.

I think the suit will go for the most, followed by the scarf.

I may raid the kids money boxes and place a bid on something cheap at the end!
I'd go for the suit! Although wearing it isn't one of the possibilities, considering my gain of weight in the past few years :lol:

Posted: 02 Nov 2007, 14:40
markfiend wrote:Look, he's apologised, please don't try to start it up again.
Fair comment mate...just had to get it off my chest

Posted: 02 Nov 2007, 15:02
by markfiend
Fair enough. :)

Posted: 02 Nov 2007, 15:18
by tristren
Why isn't this covered by your NHS?

I had though you guys had pretty much the same kind of health care we have here in Canada. Meaning room to complain about it, but really pretty good and pretty much free.


Posted: 02 Nov 2007, 15:40
by markfiend
It's getting less so. Don't believe everything Michael Moore says. ;)

Probably, essential medical care will be free, but things that would make a positive difference to the child's quality of life won't be free.

Posted: 02 Nov 2007, 19:17
by silentNate
streamline wrote:Which item do you think will go for the most?
Most people are playing it close to their chests and not bidding until nearer the end.

I think the suit will go for the most, followed by the scarf.

I may raid the kids money boxes and place a bid on something cheap at the end!
I think waiting til the end of the auction is unfair as some of us have to work and might not be around for last minute bids :cry:
I'd love to get something from it but I'm not holding out much hope :?

The suit is rubbish and I hope it raises nothing :lol:

I'm already in trouble for bidding as I hear it only has a 27" waist,hence will never wear it :oops: