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Posted: 27 Mar 2003, 21:04
by Quiff Boy
Dimehart wrote:Finally I got the whole mpg. Thank you kindly Quiffy!!!
you're welcome :)

Posted: 27 Mar 2003, 21:13
by Dimehart
I had great fun watching this clip. Our hero is really swinging his hips like an Elvis Presley on gasolene ;D

Posted: 28 Mar 2003, 01:44
by James
The clip is copyright m:Varjak. w:Moor. v:RH.

Any idea who Moor and RH are?

Posted: 28 Mar 2003, 01:57
by James
hallucienate wrote:I got mine :)

If there are any other South African Heartlanders
(yeah right) or people I trade with who don't have a copy of it and can't download it let me know and I can make a plan next time we trade.
ditto that for any Aussie heartlanders with low bandwidth. Just email me.

Posted: 28 Mar 2003, 07:43
by hallucienate
James wrote:The clip is copyright m:Varjak. w:Moor. v:RH.

Any idea who Moor and RH are?
RH = Reptile House?

Posted: 28 Mar 2003, 10:16
by hallucienate
an update on the official site on this matter, no videos yet, but they're offering MP3s of the song. Easier to download than the yahoo one and there is even a quality better version.

Posted: 28 Mar 2003, 10:51
by Jim
Hey, I like it! I think the audios pretty sound! Vids of dubious quiality - better than the other suzanne with too much focus on the AE bonce tho.

AVI didnt work for me!? Mpg is fine tho - thanks Quif!

Posted: 28 Mar 2003, 13:24
by James
hallucienate wrote:
James wrote:The clip is copyright m:Varjak. w:Moor. v:RH.

Any idea who Moor and RH are?
RH = Reptile House?
:oops: :oops: :oops: How obvious,

so, v is for von?

Posted: 28 Mar 2003, 13:52
by hallucienate
I thought it read like this:
m for music
w for words (who the hell is moore?)
v for video

my guess is as good as yours.

Posted: 29 Mar 2003, 01:20
by James
hallucienate wrote:I thought it read like this:
m for music
w for words (who the hell is moore?)
v for video

my guess is as good as yours.
I think you're right.

check out the lyrics pages

"...Music by Mike Varjak" (no indication of who wrote the words)

compare this to:

"...Words by Andrew Eldritch, Music by Adam Pearson and Mike Varjak."

They've also updated the susanne page to now say "Not yet released on record, but you can find a rough live video of this song in the showcase section of this site."

I always thought AE wrote the susanne lyrics, but now I'm not so sure

Posted: 29 Mar 2003, 06:31
by hallucienate
James wrote:I always thought AE wrote the susanne lyrics, but now I'm not so sure
I also thought so, I'm pretty sure the lyric page used to contain "words by andrew eldritch". If it was written by some else I'm prety sure that at some stage it would've been brought to everyone's attention, either via Dominion or HL...

Posted: 29 Mar 2003, 06:34
by hallucienate
oh and the bastard web designers at have placed robots.txt file on the site so you can't use to "go back in time". It's be useful if someone had a CD of the entire site from a few years back somewhere :innocent"