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Posted: 10 Jun 2003, 14:12
by MrEddy
mockeldritch wrote:
MrEddy wrote:
If any of you play GO, please let me know.
I do! Me! Me! Me!

Any other Go players out there?

I'd like to assume the name Joseki Jackson...
...if I were'nt always falling into Shicho. :?

Posted: 13 Jun 2003, 16:36
by karin
Is it me or is The Getaway just too damn hard?

Well I dunno but when I play it I drive around the first corner then I crash. I do that about 6 times then I get bored and put it away. I have read a cheat where you can drive through lamp posts and cars which would be handy, even handier if you could drive through buildings too :)

Posted: 13 Jun 2003, 16:52
by CellThree
The driving I don't have a problem with, it's the damn running about shooting bits that get me. The controls aren't very good and he climbs stairs slower than a 90 years old granny needing a hip replacement!

Posted: 01 Jul 2003, 19:10
by Black Shuck
Silent Hill 3

anyone else playing it?

not as well programmed as the other 2, but a bit scarier, certainly a lot harder (there always seems to be about 6 huge monsters chasing me!)

Posted: 02 Jul 2003, 03:24
by Thea
i just finished "hocus pocus" ( page 5)

Posted: 02 Jul 2003, 17:18
by Debaser
Tetris, tetris and more Tetris


Posted: 04 Jul 2003, 14:38
by hallucienate
currently downloading the Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 demo for PC, should be here in time for me to take it home.

Posted: 04 Jul 2003, 23:03
by karin
I've now finished all three endings of Deus Ex. 8) I may not be able to achieve the most basic of hand eye co-ordination required for other games to, for instance, drive around a corner without crashing but at least it shows I'm not a complete arse. :D

Posted: 04 Jul 2003, 23:12
by Gary
Deus Ex, a fine game!

i got all three endings as well ;)

Posted: 05 Jul 2003, 23:23
by karin
@ Gary

what are you playing at the moment ?

I'm playing Batman 'Vengence' sometimes and The Operative 'No one lives forever' sometimes which I had to employ a cheat to get past a level I couldn't do, never done that befor it was great. I was playing James Bond too but I hit a driving section so that's been shelved.

There's a new Deus Ex coming out in October. :D 8) :notworthy: with Alex Denton insead of J.D who you probably noticed was in one of those cloning chambers in sector 4. Just killing time with the rest. :)

Posted: 05 Jul 2003, 23:28
by Gary
currently playing.. nothing..
been too busy with college and making music. quite fancy playing a game though again, nothing has quite caught my fancy yet though

Posted: 06 Jul 2003, 00:47
by deardeaddays

"Furnace Rekindled"


Posted: 07 Jul 2003, 04:15
by Thea
just finished "catacomb abyss" next m*****n - commander keen 2!
edit: forgot you censor the "M" word here :lol:

Posted: 19 Jul 2003, 19:57
by Gary
Morrowind.. its addictive

Posted: 25 Jul 2003, 01:18
by Big Si

Posted: 25 Jul 2003, 01:22
by RobF
As a very rare game player, I've just finished the Getaway, and am about halfway through Vice_City, the only compensation for unemployment i can think of :(

Posted: 25 Jul 2003, 01:29
by Big Si
RobF wrote:As a very rare game player, I've just finished the Getaway, and am about halfway through Vice_City, the only compensation for unemployment i can think of :(
Half way through Vice City too, and sorry to hear your still unemployed :(

Posted: 25 Jul 2003, 07:07
by Thea
kings quest I
i finished KQII in about 20 minutes when i was 10 but i can't get me head round this one at all :\

anyone know what the gnome's name is? or how to get past the giant?

Posted: 25 Jul 2003, 07:57
by hallucienate
Big Si wrote:
RobF wrote:As a very rare game player, I've just finished the Getaway, and am about halfway through Vice_City, the only compensation for unemployment i can think of :(
Half way through Vice City too, and sorry to hear your still unemployed :(
I finished all the missions in GTA VC a while back, and got to over 80% total completion. I'll go back raise hell one of these days.

Sorry to hear about the extended joblessness Rob, good luck!

Posted: 25 Jul 2003, 09:44
by Big Si
d00mw0lf wrote:kings quest I
i finished KQII in about 20 minutes when i was 10 but i can't get me head round this one at all :\

anyone know what the gnome's name is? or how to get past the giant?
Is this any help?

Posted: 25 Jul 2003, 16:55
by Thea
Big Si wrote:
d00mw0lf wrote:kings quest I
i finished KQII in about 20 minutes when i was 10 but i can't get me head round this one at all :\

anyone know what the gnome's name is? or how to get past the giant?
Is this any help?
ooh... might be...
they did 2 versions y'know. i could only find walkthroughs for the second version :\

cheeeeeeeeeeers! :notworthy:

Posted: 25 Jul 2003, 17:10
by Big Si
d00mw0lf wrote:
Big Si wrote:
d00mw0lf wrote:kings quest I
i finished KQII in about 20 minutes when i was 10 but i can't get me head round this one at all :\

anyone know what the gnome's name is? or how to get past the giant?
Is this any help?
ooh... might be...
they did 2 versions y'know. i could only find walkthroughs for the second version :\

cheeeeeeeeeeers! :notworthy:
Or this one?

Posted: 27 Jul 2003, 20:38
by Big Si
Blade Runner :von: 8)

Posted: 28 Jul 2003, 08:05
by hallucienate
Replaying Warcraft III

Posted: 29 Jul 2003, 16:15
by Quiff Boy