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Posted: 16 Sep 2008, 19:38
by Michael.Wood
Emma, Fix, 1959, Possession, Heartland, Knocking On Heaven's Door ...

If you like 'smoochies' that isssss....


Re: Cheerful Sisters songs?

Posted: 24 Sep 2008, 00:21
by TomK
Little_Sister wrote:I lent Floodland to my bestfriend last week and she said: "I like it, but it`s a little bit depressing". so I was thinking what sisters songs are REALLY positiv/cheerful?
The only thing depressing about Floodland is how it was such a relative success, hardly contains any of the Sisters best material, with the exception of This Corrosion. Dominion and Lucretia are too much of an ego wank, and while I could handle depressing, most of the rest of the material is simply tiresome. Though back at the time the album was released Lucretia was just about my favourite song ever.. :)

Cheerful? I'll stick with This Corrosion, can still give me a lift after all all these years.

Posted: 24 Sep 2008, 09:44
by Quiff Boy
its not about being depressing, or cheerful. its about being utterly bastard groovy ;D

Posted: 24 Sep 2008, 19:47
by molvera65
Afterhours, of course and Bury me deep

Posted: 25 Sep 2008, 21:58
by If_It_Makes_You_Happy
Yeah, especially Bury Me Deep. :lol: