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Posted: 25 Aug 2008, 22:08
by James Blast
still winning friends and influencing people I see dummkopf :roll:

Posted: 25 Aug 2008, 22:28
by DocSommer
pragmatism meets the collector's passion :lol:

well, if I take a look at my collection, I see a lot of verbatim's and tdk's and this external harddrive..... I still allowed to love this band? :wink:

Posted: 25 Aug 2008, 22:39
by psichonaut
DocSommer wrote:pragmatism meets the collector's passion :lol:

well, if I take a look at my collection, I see a lot of verbatim's and tdk's and this external harddrive..... I still allowed to love this band? :wink:
NEXT :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 25 Aug 2008, 22:42
by DocSommer

Posted: 25 Aug 2008, 22:43
by Josch
...if it is the music that rules your heart, the format is not realy important.

But i believe a lot of collectors would not be able to sell their collection without a tear in their eyes. I realy enjoy it to touch my items i collected. So i don´t prefer touchless formats.

So, i would not sell, because i know i would sometimes regret it. I lost a part of my collection because of my divorce. And it still hurts. Not the divorce but the lost of the collection.

just my opinion....nothing more

Posted: 25 Aug 2008, 22:46
by psichonaut
Josch wrote: I lost a part of my collection because of my divorce. And it still hurts. Not the divorce but the lost of the collection.
....YES divorce is a mess :innocent:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 26 Aug 2008, 06:38
by Ozpat
Josch wrote:...if it is the music that rules your heart, the format is not realy important.
True but it's THAT BAND that rules the heart! ;D

Posted: 26 Aug 2008, 08:01
by Eva
@ Billy: Why do you want to sell these records? => Do you need the money or do you want to get rid of hoarded stuff? If you really need the money go for eBay. But if the getting-rid-of aspect is more important sell them here. You'll still get a reasonable price, but not the ridiculous amount you might get on eBay.

The fact that you ask here for advice though makes me think you're not too sure about selling yet. In that case I'd advise to wait. Ages ago I've sold some records I thought I'd never listen to again. And I still regret it. If we're not talking rarities you will never get enough money to make up for the loss.

Posted: 26 Aug 2008, 08:35
by James Blast

Posted: 26 Aug 2008, 09:56
by Eva
Yeah, yeah, saw it. But of course too late... ;D

Posted: 26 Aug 2008, 10:16
by itnAklipse
Wow, dummkopf is getting the same treatment as me :lol:

(i'm sayign this without actually agreeing with dummkopf, just for the fact that i've recently discovered how natural vinyl sound is over digital...on the other hand, i'm not a materialist and collection for collection's sake is silly)

dummkopf: if you don't go along with the herd here and agree with the majority, or at least with the respected residents such as James, and about how wonderful their ideas are, and instead have some ideas of your own, if they had their way you'd burn in Hell (and no, not in that Hell that you'd prefer over Heaven but in the most grotesque Hell some medieval monk ever came up with ;) ).

Posted: 26 Aug 2008, 10:53
by Eva
Nonono, Dei, it isn't that easy. Yes, there is a certain group pressure going on here, granted. BUT mostly reactions here are a case of cause and effect. You in particular wouldn't get shot down so often if you actually made the effort and expressed your opinions in a slightly less offensive way. You know that pretty well, Dei. :wink: Apparently you just feel the urge to kick our general arses every now and then. I'll forgive you, cause I don't feel as the target and because I'm willing to find the grain of truth in your statements. But that's only because I know you well enough from trading to consider you as an intellingent and mostly benevolent being. That's my effort, not yours... :innocent:

Posted: 26 Aug 2008, 14:05
by dummkopf
itnAklipse wrote:...have some ideas of your own, if they had their way you'd burn in Hell...
*gg* yeah, like I care... I actually do enjoy the comedy hour provided by some respected members of this community and how they have a hard time respecting opinions that don't match their own. hm james, still want to punch my f**king lights out?! :lol:

but anyway, very on point Dei, very on point.

Posted: 26 Aug 2008, 15:40
by Nic
Eva wrote:Apparently you just feel the urge to kick our general arses every now and then.:
Please don't kick our arses Dei. ;D

Posted: 26 Aug 2008, 17:15
by Karst
Is everybody turning into a keyboard warrior here?

Posted: 27 Aug 2008, 17:09
by paul
I collect records, mostly because I love the artwork, how cheap and poorly made it soemtimes may look and ofcourse for sentimental reasons. Most records I haven't even listened to since I have them also on cd. I guess it's a feeling, same as people who collect old cars, old coins etc.

Posted: 28 Aug 2008, 11:54
by Nic
That makes two of us paul. :wink:

Posted: 28 Aug 2008, 11:56
by radiojamaica
I'm even worse... I still listen to those records :D

Posted: 28 Aug 2008, 12:00
by Nic
You have always been a bit weird Koen. :innocent:


Posted: 28 Aug 2008, 12:01
by radiojamaica
Heartland! Home of the weird ;D

Posted: 28 Aug 2008, 19:30
by paul
radiojamaica wrote:I'm even worse... I still listen to those records :D
You mean there's actual music on those big frisbees? :lol:

Posted: 10 Sep 2008, 16:00
by Kutan
I sold all my Sisters records. In fact, I sold all my vinyl stuff after backing up to my hard disk. Of course, it's nice to hold that big sleeve in your hands with the really big artwork and everything, but it just isn't as important for me as it was 20 years ago. I enjoy listening to the music, but my heart does not belong to the transport medium anymore. I understand that most people here feel differently and I totally respect people who will never ever give away any record they love.

Btw: I bought the re-issue CDs, of course, and those will surely stay in my possession. Still essential to keep at least some original artefacts :wink:

Posted: 11 Sep 2008, 11:49
by itnAklipse
Eva wrote:You in particular wouldn't get shot down so often if you actually made the effort and expressed your opinions in a slightly less offensive way. You know that pretty well, Dei. :wink: Apparently you just feel the urge to kick our general arses every now and then.
Thank you, Eva. BUT i'll merely add that if i'm offensive, which sometimes i do with purpose and for the sake of fun and action, the other reason for it is that i do find the general hypocritical and unnatural culture of being polite and genial instead of being honest and natural, offensive personally towards myself as a sentient being - and i do wonder why most intelligent and sensitive beings don't seem to. But then, i think they do.
i'm often accused for lack of "social skills" but that's an absolute misinterpretation and misevaluation of the situation. i do know how people are supposed to behave, and sometimes when it's really in my best interest to play along, i do play along, i just in general...don't like it. i want an honest world, a world of real democracy.

i think the world would not be a war-zone if everyone behaved naturally without diseased cultural habits, i think people would actually be much nicer to each other, people would be much freer and everyone would have much better time in their lives. If people only got on with the program... It's exactly like what Bukowski said in the poem i posted elsewhere. It's all a mistake...of people who are small-minded, yes, but mostly, afraid. Or if it were a war-zone, it would be a very different kind of war-zone...the kind in which one could actually evolve and grow.

Sorry for this most interesting post to anyone who doesn't care about my motives and attitudes.

PS: It is not AT ALL a matter of opinion whether or not our culture is unnatural and's a fact easily proved in a debate of intelligent people. And it's also a fact that the only reason most people go along with it is that they are numbed down to the level of absolute imbecility and sheepishness. It's like this: some people take side with nurture, i side with nature. That simple.

Posted: 11 Sep 2008, 12:18
by markfiend
Shorter dei: "I'm a troll" :roll:

Posted: 11 Sep 2008, 12:46
by Ahráyeph
Once again, Dei, you manage to contradict yourself several times within the same post.

You say you think people would treat each other nicer if they acted naturally towards each other, devoid of any cultural or religious leanings. I agree. But then you suggest they should 'get with the program'. What program? A program, as I define it in a social way, constitutes of a certain modicum of culture, which, in turn is part of a political agenda. You'd make a good Macchiavelli, Dei. The sole thing required for people to get along, is respect for your fellow man (and woman, of course). Honesty is derived from that, but not in a way that insults and alienates. That, indeed, is seriously lacking in human society, and has been ever since the rise of Homo Sapiens. But going off into wild tangents of insultory diatribes in the name of honesty and then saying people should be better off when they'd adhere to your line of thinking doesn't make you any better than those you fulminate against. On the contrary, you enable the cycle of social abuse you so claim to abhor, to continue. Social Darwinism never solved anything and is, in and of itself, a contradiction in terms.