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Posted: 01 Sep 2008, 14:03
by timsinister
Maisey wrote:The first time we ever tried speed we snorted it off a 12" copy of First and Last and Always :von:
Rockstars :roll:


Posted: 01 Sep 2008, 14:06
by Quiff Boy
snorted? that's for snobs.

everyone knows the hardcore people dab it... its great for your gums that way too :P :lol:

Posted: 01 Sep 2008, 14:24
by markfiend
Quiff Boy wrote:snorted? that's for snobs.

everyone knows the hardcore people dab it... its great for your gums that way too :P :lol:
The real hardcore people inject.


Seriously, I've seen it. I was never tempted myself, thank fcuk.

Posted: 01 Sep 2008, 14:37
by weebleswobble
I employ a midget to blow it up my ass with a platinum straw ;D

Posted: 01 Sep 2008, 14:49
by markfiend
weebleswobble wrote:I employ a midget to blow it up my ass with a platinum straw ;D
I didn't realise we had Stevie Nicks on the board :lol:

Posted: 01 Sep 2008, 14:58
by weebleswobble
markfiend wrote:
weebleswobble wrote:I employ a midget to blow it up my ass with a platinum straw ;D
I didn't realise we had Stevie Nicks on the board :lol:
I'm just a gold dust wummin 8)

Posted: 01 Sep 2008, 15:22
by James Blast
Maisey wrote:The first time we ever tried speed we snorted it off a 12" copy of First and Last and Always :von:
you're so goth, it hurts

Posted: 01 Sep 2008, 15:37
by Izzy HaveMercy
Music is the best drug there is.

Does not come cheap, ain't always healthy, but heavy as fcuk.

I try to stay off the others.

Smoked some J's in my yoof, never bought myself, always smoked along with the rest. Off them for 8 years or so.

Stopped smoking altogether a month and a half ago, still no probs keeping it that way.

Only thing I still like way too much is uncoolahol, that's the next step.


Posted: 01 Sep 2008, 15:45
by psichonaut
once on acid, when i was going back home i had a chat with a little tree.
when i was in a rave party talking with a nice girl, i took two acid stamps and two pills of ecstasy, i saw her boobs coming out her dress

Posted: 01 Sep 2008, 17:07
by weebleswobble
psichonaut wrote:once on acid, when i was going back home i had a chat with a little tree.
when i was in a rave party talking with a nice girl, i took two acid stamps and two pills of ecstasy, i saw her boobs coming out her dress
wasn't that wishful thinking?

Posted: 01 Sep 2008, 19:36
by Ahráyeph
Everything in the 90's that was available, except for heroin - I'll never do that, I've ingested, smoked and snorted. Fear of injections helps to ward off the more serious stuff, luckily. I actually saw heroin, at a friends place. I looked at it, then went to his sink and flushed it down the sewer. I'd do the same all over again when being faced with someone in my circle of friends using it.

My main substance was marijuana. In fact, if I hadn't stopped smoking altogether six years ago, I might still have been doing it today. Whenever I smell the scent of a freshly dried bud in my vicinity I admit to having to stop myself from not rolling one and lighting up, but I can restrain myself. I do miss it sometimes...

There's a really funny back story about the first - and last - time I ever did coke involving a rawk band of which Mr. E. is a fan, but as a whole, coke didn't do it for me. After being awake for most of the day and night (which was why I took it in the first place, as I suffered from sleep deprivation by way of partying too long the night before), the end of the night and of the coke 'high' felt like being hit over the head with a ten ton hammer, so much even, I couldn't stand up straight. Not my kind of thing.

A couple of weeks later, I tried speed and the end result was being terribly ill for two days straight and because of that, not enjoying a killer Pantera gig, because I was too busy feeling sick instead of enjoying the gig. Speed is bad news and for the life of me, I can't understand why so many musicians have a craving for it. This one certainly doesn't...

LSD was good to me, even though the events going on at the time I took it (four times in all) were strange enough by themselves. Ever tried to watch 'Kindergarten Cop' while on LSD? That certainly was a hell of a trip. I kept freaking out about once scene I found especially stupid and thus a perfect example of the stupidity of the whole scenario. Yes, those were good times ('t was the time before, or during, or after xmas; I'm not sure :P). Another time was a couple of months later, while watching a game show called 'De Droomfabriek' (The Dream Factory). Since it's a great party story - much like that coke back story I alluded to - I'll refrain from talking about it here and keep it for when I'll meet up with some of you again one fine day.

XTC just made me feel horny and awake when I wanted to sleep and there was no one around to alleviate the hornyness. It also had the same effect as ingesting amphetamine : like having soda water bubbling inbetween your skin and your muscles. I don't like that feeling, even though others may...

Let's see, what else? Ah yes, psilocibine mushrooms. The home variety, freshly plucked and dried by either myself or my druggie friends, never gave me a bad trip. In fact, the best trips I've ever experienced were on these mushrooms. The so-called 'magic' (mexican) mushrooms, on the other hand, were not magical at all. I always ended up havign to fight my way out of a bad feeling I got with them and the last time I took them, it went horribly wrong. I ended up suffering from insomnia, anxiety attacks, subsequent depression, several bouts of epilepsy and I turned to alcohol to wash it all away for the next two years.

Let this be a warning that while I'm neither advocating nor condemning the use of substances, drugs are, as the late Jim Morrison said, a bet with your mind. And you can rest assured there will be a time the drugs win that bet whether you're careful or not...

Posted: 01 Sep 2008, 20:06
by Big Si
Ahráyeph wrote:LSD was good to me, even though the events going on at the time I took it (four times in all) were strange enough by themselves. Ever tried to watch 'Kindergarten Cop' while on LSD? That certainly was a hell of a trip. I kept freaking out about once scene I found especially stupid and thus a perfect example of the stupidity of the whole scenario. Yes, those were good times ('t was the time before, or during, or after xmas; I'm not sure :P). Another time was a couple of months later, while watching a game show called 'De Droomfabriek' (The Dream Factory). Since it's a great party story - much like that coke back story I alluded to - I'll refrain from talking about it here and keep it for when I'll meet up with some of you again one fine day.
Coming down while watching both a 1980's bootleg Slayer video and Reservoir Dogs was rather Groovy :D :oops:

Posted: 01 Sep 2008, 20:58
by Honeythorn
Like I say, I've tried nothing. But my youngest older brother has tried most things you can get your hands on. He was a heroin addict for years. His veins became raised, dark red, and hard to the touch. The ones in his arms became useless so he eventually had to inject into his groin. Strangely enough it was weed that saved him.

He went on a drug run to Jamaica for someone, and ended up getting caught. He spent almost 2 years in one of the worst prisons there. No one has the money for Heroin in there, so he had no choice but to go cold turkey.

He's always been into weed, always grown his own ect. and he still is/does.

I've watched him buzz about on speed, acid ect. Thankfully I missed all of his mushroom episodes.

I've held piles of Heroin in my hands, big blocks of cannabis resin. Never once have I been tempted after having to see alll their effects on him.

I do have an amusing cannabis story involving him though.

His flat used to be raided every so often by police, and the once he somehow got prior warning that they were coming. So he grabbed the huge 9 bar of resin out of the fridge, and hid it ( wrapped in cellophane ) UNDER THE GRAVEL IN HIS PIRHANA TANK ( the Pirhana was called Nelson and had only one eye )

So the cops came and searched everywhere and inside every thing ect. Found nothing. Then one bright spark asked " what's in that tank? " To which my brother replied " stick your arm in and find out " ;D The cop wouldn't and demanded to know . So my brother put his hand in and coaxed Nelson out of his clump of plants. He knew how to move around the fish in such a way as not to get bitten . Naturally the cop didn't stick his hand in and the 9 bar of resin stayed hidden!

Posted: 01 Sep 2008, 21:18
by markfiend
Ahráyeph wrote:Ah yes, psilocibine mushrooms. The home variety, freshly plucked and dried by either myself or my druggie friends, never gave me a bad trip. In fact, the best trips I've ever experienced were on these mushrooms. The so-called 'magic' (mexican) mushrooms, on the other hand, were not magical at all.
Oh right. The mushrooms I was talking about are the Psilocybe kind. They grow wild all over the UK, quite easy to find if you know where to look. :innocent:

Posted: 01 Sep 2008, 21:24
by Honeythorn
There are loads over the park near me. My brothers mate has been gathering them for years. He comes back with tubs and tubs of them , and even more wrapped in newspaper. I thought he'd been to an old fashioned chip shop at first, but then he unwrapped the paper. :eek:

Posted: 01 Sep 2008, 21:51
by DerekR
James Blast wrote:that's what's known as a 'whitey' with no racial overtones
and I had a mini one in your bathroom....which naebody noticed :lol:

I've only ever had 4. I feel them coming and know how to deal with them :wink:

Posted: 01 Sep 2008, 22:37
by James Blast
:eek: what would the Mum say? :lol:

Posted: 01 Sep 2008, 22:40
by mh
Musta been the balloons did it. :innocent:

Posted: 01 Sep 2008, 22:48
by DerekR
James Blast wrote::eek: what would the Mum say? :lol:
"Is there somebody in the bathroom?" is all I remember :lol:

Posted: 01 Sep 2008, 22:52
by James Blast
DerekR wrote:
James Blast wrote::eek: what would the Mum say? :lol:
"Is there somebody in the bathroom?" is all I remember :lol:
that'd freak ab'dy oot :lol:

Posted: 01 Sep 2008, 22:54
by DerekR
James Blast wrote:
DerekR wrote:
James Blast wrote::eek: what would the Mum say? :lol:
"Is there somebody in the bathroom?" is all I remember :lol:
that'd freak ab'dy oot :lol:
I didnae puke by the way, just in case you're wondering. Just sat and kinda rested my sweaty heid on may hands on the handily placed wash hand basin for a bit :wink:

Posted: 01 Sep 2008, 22:57
by James Blast
yir free tae 'hughie' doon ma cludgie any day Bro :D

Posted: 01 Sep 2008, 22:58
by DerekR
James Blast wrote:yir free tae 'hughie' doon ma cludgie any day Bro :D
Now that's real friendship :notworthy: ;D

Posted: 01 Sep 2008, 23:21
by psichonaut
Honeythorn wrote:Like I say, I've tried nothing. But my youngest older brother has tried most things you can get your hands on. He was a heroin addict for years. His veins became raised, dark red, and hard to the touch. The ones in his arms became useless so he eventually had to inject into his groin. Strangely enough it was weed that saved him.

He went on a drug run to Jamaica for someone, and ended up getting caught. He spent almost 2 years in one of the worst prisons there. No one has the money for Heroin in there, so he had no choice but to go cold turkey.

He's always been into weed, always grown his own ect. and he still is/does.

I've watched him buzz about on speed, acid ect. Thankfully I missed all of his mushroom episodes.

I've held piles of Heroin in my hands, big blocks of cannabis resin. Never once have I been tempted after having to see alll their effects on him.

I do have an amusing cannabis story involving him though.

His flat used to be raided every so often by police, and the once he somehow got prior warning that they were coming. So he grabbed the huge 9 bar of resin out of the fridge, and hid it ( wrapped in cellophane ) UNDER THE GRAVEL IN HIS PIRHANA TANK ( the Pirhana was called Nelson and had only one eye )

So the cops came and searched everywhere and inside every thing ect. Found nothing. Then one bright spark asked " what's in that tank? " To which my brother replied " stick your arm in and find out " ;D The cop wouldn't and demanded to know . So my brother put his hand in and coaxed Nelson out of his clump of plants. He knew how to move around the fish in such a way as not to get bitten . Naturally the cop didn't stick his hand in and the 9 bar of resin stayed hidden!
when i was young i used to be a "business-man", once (or twice :wink: ) i have hidden 20 bars (circa 4 kg) in a weird part of the sofa i had in my bedroom.
i was sure it was a good place 'cause my mother didn't cleaned my bedroom (it was a work that i must do).
some day after my mother had the stunning idea to do it for me and to clean the moquette he moved the sofa....a piece of 20 gr went out ;D
that was good...if some other bar falled down? :twisted:

in Italy we use to say the same word that describe sniff coca as "ironing" (translated and not adapted). another work i must do back in the years when i lived with my parents was irony all my clothes and all the family did that work in my bedroom. once i was ironing a t-shirt or something else and on a CD cover setting to sniff (on the Danse was my favorite)....suddenly one of my sisters opened the door and asked "Marco can i irony my...(i don't remember what)?".....white as the wall i answered "NO! now i'm ironing :innocent: ...when i finish i call you!" :lol: :lol: :lol:
she didn't understand and all gone

Posted: 02 Sep 2008, 01:01
by Andy Christ 666
Even though I've tried a few different drugs, I can't see the appeal, tried mushrooms when I was about 15ish,
nothing bad happened but the 'trip' went on for about 18 hours, which was way too long,
it was fun to see my bald headed maths teacher turn into Skeletor from He-man for a few minutes the next day though.

Had more than a few joints over the years, but all they do is make me feel bloated and sick for an hour of so.

My ex brother in law who got me into the Sisters used to smoke alot of weed, take e's and stuff, he moved away for a few years,
the next time I saw him he did'nt recognise me, a year later he died due to a heroin overdose,
from what I've been told he was using it for years, got clean for a while, had some bad news and took his usual amount,
but being 'clean', the amount was too much to handle, he was found at his flat 3 days after with the needle still in his arm.

Some b*stard spiked my drink in the mid ninties, that was absolutly horrible, I was in a rock/bikers pub,
as I was driving that night I was drinking cans of coke, while talking to a mate at the bar,
I ordered a coke, opened it took a swig and turned round to carry on my conversation, as I turned back,
a bikers arm moved away from my can very quickly, 'Cheeky sod, trying to nick my drink' I thought,
went to where we were sitting and carried on talking, 1/2 hour later it was closing time,
I tried to stand up and felt dizzy, thinking I needed fresh air I staggered outside and felt even worse,
cars going past were leaving trails from their back lights and my mates voices had echos.
I sat in my car, had a cigerette trying to feel 'normal', my girlfriend said 'Look at your eyes.'
I looked in the rear view mirror and my pupils were huge, she offered to drive home even though she hadn't passed her test,
I refused and set off, still feeling 'off my tits', somehow managed to get home by driving slowly and carefully,
by this time I felt completely zombiefied, had a strong coffee and went to bed, woke up about 3am with the sudden urge to vomit,
lurched into the loo, puked off and on for about 1/2 an hour, fell unconcious on the bathroom floor,
came to 5 hours later lying in a pool of sweat and de-hydrated, but not 'high', went back to bed for the rest of the day.
A week later back at the same pub a bike club member said to me as I walked past, 'Have a good trip mate?'
How I resisted the urge to smash my Newkie bottle over his head I'll never know, as to what the hell I was spiked with, I have'nt got a clue.

So now it's Coffee, energy drinks, ciggerettes and maybe the occasional pint or a glass of Jagermiester now and then.
I prefer to be in control of myself nowadays and cant stand to be around staggering drunks or 'high' people.