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Posted: 22 Mar 2009, 03:23
by Oriana
^Dirge^ wrote:me too... 8)
Where were you? Tell meeee ;D

Posted: 22 Mar 2009, 22:56
by ^Dirge^
center of the photo... in front...

F 8)

Portal Gotico Interview

Posted: 23 Mar 2009, 17:17
by peculi
The English version of the interview to Ben Christo and Chris Catalyst will be posted today at

Re: Portal Gotico Interview

Posted: 23 Mar 2009, 20:47
by 7anthea7
peculi wrote:The English version of the interview to Ben Christo and Chris Catalyst will be posted today at
Coolness - thanks! :)

Re: Portal Gotico Interview

Posted: 23 Mar 2009, 22:28
by 800mak
peculi wrote:The English version of the interview to Ben Christo and Chris Catalyst will be posted today at

Your excuses are even worse than the so - called interview. You say that Portal Gótico intencionally decided not to ask the same old questions. That's fine by me but it doesn't explain or justify the extremely amateur ( and even childish ) performance of your... something.
In the future, when developing interview questions ask for the help of an adult or just give up! :twisted:

Re: Portal Gotico Interview

Posted: 23 Mar 2009, 23:05
by 7anthea7
800mak wrote:...{a bunch of stuff I won't repeat}...
Tut tut - be nice, now!

Firstly, from the site:
Portal Gótico wrote: Portal Gótico has given everyone the opportunity to be envolved in the making of this interview by means of suggestions to questions.
So, okay, the questions were pretty pedestrian - but they were apparently at least in part what was suggested by the readers, so spread the blame around, if blame is due.

And take into consideration that Andrew did the old switcheroo on them - they probably weren't nearly as prepared with questions for Chris and Ben.

I too would have liked to see an in-depth interview by a professional music journalist - but that didn't happen. So rather than railing at them for doing what it seems was the best they could, perhaps you should consider gaining some journalism cred for yourself so next time you'll be the interviewer, eh? :wink:

Posted: 23 Mar 2009, 23:19
by ^Dirge^
aren't we making a some kind of drama in this matter...?

its just a bunch of questions... full point...

nothing special... nothing great...

at least there is something written in portuguese about the concert... the local news paper only said... "TSoM in concert tonight"... "TSoM in concert last night"...

blah blah...


Posted: 23 Mar 2009, 23:30
by 800mak
With the exception of some paternizing statements from 7anthea7, I accept what you both say. I've already talked with Peculi by private messages and I conclude that... I love the band but I should love people more ( Am I becoming a hippie? )

Posted: 23 Mar 2009, 23:46
by ^Dirge^
800mak wrote:With the exception of some paternizing statements from 7anthea7, I accept what you both say. I've already talked with Peculi by private messages and I conclude that... I love the band but I should love people more ( Am I becoming a hippie? )
dont need to... accept... or unaccept...

everyone here has his own ideas :notworthy: ... but in this topic we should discuss the main point of the concert from :von: ... not if the x or z interview has or not has the questions we think it should be...

and what about the answers... :lol:

8 days ago we were at Coliseu... :notworthy:

listening "Arms" from Lisbon... 8)
Great Song - No Discuss :twisted:

Posted: 24 Mar 2009, 01:25
by 7anthea7
800mak wrote:With the exception of some paternizing statements from 7anthea7...
I had no intent to be patronising - if I seemed to be I do apologise, but everything I said was meant sincerely and in no way to disparage you - only to ask that you be a little more considerate about what you say publicly about other fans. And I absolutely meant that if you believe that you could have done a better job of it - then you should be the one who does the job next time around!

Posted: 24 Mar 2009, 01:58
by 800mak
No hard feelings at all 7anthea7!

"I'm happy here in the rain..."

Posted: 24 Mar 2009, 19:23
by ^Dirge^
friends again... :lol:

long we dont hear that live... do we...? :eek:

question point :roll: :

when was the last time we hear :von: saying these words...?

Posted: 24 Mar 2009, 23:36
by 800mak
One of my favorite (if not my favorite)! That's a good question, but I don't have an answer ( 83 - 84? ). Floorshow and Marian are back, so...

Posted: 25 Mar 2009, 08:03
by Ozpat
Thanks for the link peculi! :D

Fun to read.
You did not have to, but you did! :notworthy:
Sometimes people seem to forget that.