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Posted: 17 Nov 2008, 16:21
by 6FeetOver
weebleswobble wrote:but you have boobies, I can confirm this----she was dressed at the time ya filthy beasts! :innocent:
Alas. I seem to always be dressed... :cry:

Posted: 17 Nov 2008, 16:23
by weebleswobble
SINsister wrote:
weebleswobble wrote:but you have boobies, I can confirm this----she was dressed at the time ya filthy beasts! :innocent:
Alas. I seem to always be dressed... :cry:
mon now pretty girl giez a smile :wink:

Posted: 17 Nov 2008, 16:46
by 6FeetOver
weebleswobble wrote:
SINsister wrote:
weebleswobble wrote:but you have boobies, I can confirm this----she was dressed at the time ya filthy beasts! :innocent:
Alas. I seem to always be dressed... :cry:
mon now pretty girl giez a smile :wink:

:oops: ;D


Posted: 17 Nov 2008, 17:27
by Ramone
My God in Heaven . I get flayed alive on a regular basis on this forum for not only being a fan of..shhhhhh The Mishun but for also being at one point a close friend of gender confused gargoyle impersonator That Guitarist ( did they put the Astrix's in ?)

And what has come crawling out of this thread..I'll bloody well tell you what!! That you Sisters fans are not only prepared to wear nail varnish, dresses, tiaras and feather boas down Tescos on a crowded Wednesday afternoon - and have little to no shame doing so -but most of the women in here do it also , even in the year 2008 !!

I am disgusted ( and I do realise most of you are from the South which would explain alot) But some of you are hard weathered Scots and Northerners... Your fore fathers were pit workers and boiler of steel and industry not of lace and Max Factor.

Hang your balding heads in shame..for you are becoming everything your parents despised..your acting like the French :(

Tongue is in cheek by the way Emily :) And no..not those cheeks Sin :)

Posted: 17 Nov 2008, 17:29
by Quiff Boy
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :notworthy: ;D

Posted: 17 Nov 2008, 17:35
by markfiend
Ramone wrote:Hang your balding heads in shame..for you are becoming everything your parents despised..your acting like the French :(

I'm not going bald. :P

Posted: 17 Nov 2008, 17:49
by Ramone
markfiend wrote:
Ramone wrote:Hang your balding heads in shame..for you are becoming everything your parents despised..your acting like the French :(

I'm not going bald. :P
They know who they are.... :innocent:

Posted: 17 Nov 2008, 18:00
by Maisey
Slightly off the rails here - I met that That Guitarist bloke the other day. A nice man named George Allen escorted me backstage at Whitby and a very drunk That Guitarist gave me a big kiss - the dresses are on the inside ;)

My opinion on the whole older bloke in makeup/nail varnish type thing. I think everyone, fat or thin, bald or with a lucious mop can look good if they present themselves well. I'm talking about a standard "he looks great" not what makes you feel good, which is equally if not more important.

If it's a question of looking good I'd say take a good long hard look at yourself in the mirror and think "do I look great or do I look like a twerp?". If you think the former other people will too, I'm pretty sure. I've seen older guys in makeup looking absolutly awesome, and others looking like Uncle Fester on a bad day.

Posted: 17 Nov 2008, 18:02
by Ramone
Maisey did you get those tapes I sent you?

Posted: 17 Nov 2008, 18:23
by 6FeetOver
Ramone wrote:I am disgusted ( and I do realise most of you are from the South which would explain alot) But some of you are hard weathered Scots and Northerners...
I'm neither! ;D :P
Ramone wrote:Hang your balding heads in shame..for you are becoming everything your parents despised..your acting like the French :(
I've TONS of hair, I'll have you know!

I'm not interested in what my parents may - or may not have - despised. Their opinions, like most, are irrelevant. ;D

...and the French have given us spectacular wines. How DARE you. :evil:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 17 Nov 2008, 18:25
by Maisey
Ramone wrote:Maisey did you get those tapes I sent you?
PM incoming 8)

Posted: 17 Nov 2008, 18:30
by sultan2075
I wear cowboy boots and jeans, or motorcycle boots and jeans, and whatever shirt happens to be clean. Sometimes I wear a jacket and tie. Sometimes I wash my hair. I'm not into the fancy dress party thing to which some of you are partial.

I do however have a glass skull full of vodka. And a closet full of shiny, pointy leather boots somewhere. And a biker jacket with the cover of Hee-Haw garishly painted on the back, spikes on various portions, and sleeves covered in patches and paint. I used to own and wear leather trousers, but I gave them away to someone who needed them much more than I did. I had a nice, beat up, dirt-colored-but-formerly-white cowboy hat too, but it got "borrowed" and never returned.

Posted: 17 Nov 2008, 21:05
by Dark
boudicca wrote:Anyone who is prepared to do that in Glasgow is proper hard, and I mean that without a shred of sarcasm :notworthy:

I still remember the grief I used to get ten years ago or so, when I used to swan around the city centre with a feather boa and a tiara on, and extremely big hair at a time when no-one else except Fat Bob was still doing it :oops:.... and that's being a girl... so I can only imagine the balls of steel it actually takes to grit your teeth and go out with a bit of facepaint in Maryhill :eek: 8)
Aye, it's a little strange at times, but I have no issues with it. If anyone thinks I'm going to be an easy target in a skirt, they've obviously missed the spikes on my neck and the stompy boots (cheers Ness ;D)
Incidentally I just repainted my nails, trying to calm down a bit, sorting some stuff out with some girls I'm "involved" with. :lol:

Re: A question for older posters...

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 05:27
by 7anthea7
silentNate wrote:As an man belonging to an older generation I have recently been contemplating painting my fingernails black.
Being female, I can get away with quite a lot more (which is totally unfair, but there you go). On the other hand, I'm...uh, ancient :oops: So that aspect of your concerns I completely understand.

Here's how it worked for me: I got fed up with working jobs that required me to basically get up and put on their costume every day. (I also just hated the work, but that's another story.) So I ran away and joined the circus...kind of literally. Became a professional performer for quite a number of years, and it completely changed my attitude. From that point, I dressed as I liked, dyed my hair half a dozen colours at a time, and generally didn't care what anyone thought of it. When getting physically trashed with no medical insurance finally got the best of me and I had to settle back to less strenuous occupations, I took my changed frame of mind with me. The only authority to which I now defer is my mirror.

(It is helpful to have inherently good taste, of course...which is why I don't dress as if I'm 14 :wink: )

So: go for it, as long as you're mentally prepared to believe that you look the way you should. There's nothing quite like the revelation of looking in the mirror and saying "Where have I been all my life?" :)

Re: A question for older posters...

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 13:33
by eastmidswhizzkid
7anthea7 wrote: It is helpful to have inherently good taste, of course...which is why I don't dress as if I'm 14 :wink:
i reckon i've got pretty good taste -style over fashion any day- but i can't honestly say i dress that differently from when i was 14- black band t-shirts, black jeans, leather jacket, shades....maybe a couple of sizes bigger...bit less hair... :innocent: :oops:

Re: A question for older posters...

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 17:56
by 7anthea7
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:i reckon i've got pretty good taste -style over fashion any day- but i can't honestly say i dress that differently from when i was 14- black band t-shirts, black jeans, leather jacket, shades....
Well yeah, I still wear all that too - but I don't wear micro-mini skirts (or the equivalent) any more. That would be just...ludicrous. Doesn't even bear thinking about... :(

This is where men have the advantage, eh? They aren't expected to look like supermodels when they're over 35... :wink:

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 18:57
by boudicca
Just bought a new dress for work - chic but... pedestrian. I am sorely tempted by the running away with the circus option myself :innocent: :wink:

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 19:24
by emilystrange
i still wear my rubber dress... in fact i didn't start till i was 33! about time it had another outing, i think. mmm. *plots*
the only reason i don;t really dress how i want for work is that the kids would spend the whole time looking at me instead of listening, and that's not the point of the job, innit

Posted: 19 Nov 2008, 02:45
by Andrew S
boudicca wrote:Just bought a new dress for work - chic but... pedestrian. I am sorely tempted by the running away with the circus option myself :innocent: :wink:
Why not try here first :) :innocent:

Posted: 19 Nov 2008, 03:43
by 7anthea7
Andrew S wrote:Why not try here first :)
It's a reasonable compromise (one that many of us invented for ourselves long before anyone was putting up advice columns on the web). The circus is a lot more fun, though :wink:

Posted: 19 Nov 2008, 12:05
by boudicca
Andrew S wrote:
boudicca wrote:Just bought a new dress for work - chic but... pedestrian. I am sorely tempted by the running away with the circus option myself :innocent: :wink:
Why not try here first :) :innocent:
I'm years ahead of you in finding that website, Andrew! :lol: :oops:
Didn't even realise it was still up!

Posted: 19 Nov 2008, 12:46
by Harvey Winston
On a couple of occasions I've had to slip into my wife's pants for cricket matches - during washing haituses. Needs must etc... You can't bat in boxers. :wink:

Posted: 19 Nov 2008, 17:20
by Ramone
Harvey Winston wrote:On a couple of occasions I've had to slip into my wife's pants for cricket matches - during washing haituses. Needs must etc... You can't bat in boxers. :wink:

Jesus Tap dancing Christ were do you begin with this character?! Not only is this guy incapable of getting down to George at Asda and buying a pack of undies, but he seems to go out of way to actually wear his wife's pants.

Yes, Cricket is a game that is indeed for our shall we say, flighty and is generally for people who enjoy interior decorating and watching Will and Grace re-runs, to be honest you only have to watch the way they 'polish' the ball on their pants for starters.

As for batting regularly whilst voluntarily wearing women's under wear during games . What you have to ask yourself is that on any given match day, are you really sure your even 'batting for the right side' in the end? hmmmmmm ( as they say)

As for : Washing Hiatus - What you only own a weeks worth of shorts and your how old again ? Jeez :innocent: :eek:

Posted: 19 Nov 2008, 17:29
by boudicca

Posted: 19 Nov 2008, 17:42
by markfiend
We can rely on Ramone :lol: