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Posted: 02 Apr 2009, 10:50
by Quiff Boy
getting quite excited about this now 8)

Posted: 02 Apr 2009, 20:02
by dig dug days
Do we have to do anything special to gain admittance to the aftershow? Perhaps a password or secret handshake? Thank you in advance.

Posted: 02 Apr 2009, 20:14
by Quiff Boy

nope, just be in the gig beforehand 8)

i gather the academy people will be handing out aftershow flyers on the door of the gig.

Re: Official Leeds Aftershow - with yours truly and Phono Pa

Posted: 06 Apr 2009, 12:43
by Quiff Boy
Quiff Boy wrote:thought i'd re-post this in its own thread just to be on the safe side...


there will be more details nearer the time, but i just wanted to post a quick note to let you all know that there is going to be a free aftershow for this gig

it will be in the club space underneath the concert hall, will start when the gig ends (approx 11pm) and run until 2am

it will be free entry for all you happy little gig go-ers

and this is my personal favourite bit of it: phono paul and myself have been asked to dj it

;) :von:

i guess those of us not going to laahndan had all better book the thursday off work, huh? ;D


Posted: 06 Apr 2009, 18:36
by mik
I shall be in attendance :)
And as it's my birthday everyone can buy me a drink!

Posted: 06 Apr 2009, 20:02
by emilystrange
you know, i'm still waiting for my HL party from last year, too...

Posted: 06 Apr 2009, 22:00
by Quiff Boy

Posted: 07 Apr 2009, 12:14
by markfiend
See you all tomorrow... 8)

Posted: 07 Apr 2009, 16:08
by psichonaut
mik wrote:I shall be in attendance :)
And as it's my birthday everyone can buy me a drink!
i knew it was the contrary :innocent: , it's your feast and you pay ;D

Posted: 07 Apr 2009, 16:08
by AdrenochromeNZ
mik wrote:I shall be in attendance :)
And as it's my birthday everyone can buy me a drink!
Ditto to all of the above... we can sing each other happy birthday!!

Posted: 08 Apr 2009, 16:28
by Quiff Boy
One last bump :)

Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 02:28
by Quiff Boy
well I enjoyed myself ;D

Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 04:11
by Scardwel
They pulled the plug at 01:20. :evil:
I enjoyed it but if I'd known they were going to do that I could've got the earlier train back to York... :evil:

Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 05:50
by Mrs RicheyJames
That's cause I'd gone.....

Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 09:09
by markfiend
Fun fun fun 8)

Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 11:07
by Maisey
Great to meet so many of you. Had a great night - danced to some cracking tunes from the legendary Messeurs P. Paul and Q. Boy.

Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 11:16
by robertzombie
A great time was had!

Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 14:13
by 6FeetOver
I fully expect an arseload of photies to follow... *Cough* ;D

Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 15:00
by dig dug days
Thank you for the after party. Thanks for playing Go West by The Cult too. :)

Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 15:00
by dig dug days
Thank you for the after party. Thanks for playing Go West by The Cult too. :)

Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 15:41
by Quiff Boy

thanks to everyone that came down afterwards - it was a great do and we really enjoyed ourselves. we expected 100/150 people but apparently the door guys said there were over 350... needless to say they were chuffed with the job we did anyway :lol:

i'd like to thank phono paul for being an excellent dj and the consummate professional, as always 8)

also, thanks to chris & ben for coming down (and to chris' family :lol: :notworthy:)

and thanks to von for showing his face... sorry about all the bunny boilers that pounced on you the second you walked through the door :urff: i'm not surprised you dont come clubbing after gigs that often.

you should have seen it - they swarmed to him, pushing, shoving and shouting. it was like a feeding frenzy. rude, obnoxious and embarrassing. shameful really. some people really do have no manners :|

nonetheless, it was a top do and thanks to all who showed up 8)

i'll get the setlist up in the next day or so. right now i need a rest!

Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 16:21
by Moakahontas
Quiff Boy wrote:
you should have seen it - they swarmed to him, pushing, shoving and shouting. it was like a feeding frenzy. rude, obnoxious and embarrassing. shameful really. some people really do have no manners :|

Noooo.. :eek: ...shameful is the right word, I guess..very childish I would mean..oh my god.. :(

Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 18:19
by Spigel
Quiff Boy wrote: you should have seen it - they swarmed to him, pushing, shoving and shouting. it was like a feeding frenzy. rude, obnoxious and embarrassing. shameful really. some people really do have no manners :|
:lol: :lol: Ok own up , which one of you was it :?:
I bet it was one of those pesky Belgians :innocent: :P

Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 18:37
by Chairman Bux
When did the Papparazzi start wearing taffeta and lace?

A dirty trick to make themselves indistinguishable from the other misguided souls throwing their not inconsiderable bulk about on the dancefloor.

Security need to be tipped off about this.

Posted: 09 Apr 2009, 19:27
by Quiff Boy
aftershow setlist now up at :)