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Posted: 27 Mar 2009, 11:08
by eotunun
..And here's an Avatar for you: Image

Posted: 27 Mar 2009, 15:20
by Back in time
eotunun wrote:..And here's an Avatar for you: Image
Nice, better than "Gut, Besser, Goesser"

Posted: 27 Mar 2009, 15:47
by 242headhunter
Loved them from the first time that I heard them. I was 14 and I heard Temple of love. A year later a school friend of mine gave me a tape from the Royal Albert Hall concert.
After that I was hooked..

Posted: 17 Aug 2009, 12:21
by _emma_
This is very trivia so I thought I'd put it here rather than start another thread.
While browsing through Ben's myspace, I found the link to this interview:
The interview is not about The Sisters, it's about Ben's band Night By Night - BUT when asked to give 5 facts about himself, Ben starts the answer with:
Let's start with I really like cats and kittens and my mum is a cat breeder, ummm, hang on and let me really quickly think. (...)
It adds even more charm to what he's done with both Floods. :notworthy: I always knew that noble looks and behaviour come from noble parentage. 8) :notworthy: :kiss:

Posted: 17 Aug 2009, 22:28
by 7anthea7
_emma_ wrote:I always knew that noble looks and behaviour come from noble parentage. 8) :notworthy: :kiss:
Indeed. And he certainly has the look of an indolent tom, now hasn't he? :wink:

Posted: 18 Aug 2009, 15:15
by 800mak
My relation with the band is sinthetized by one word: Addiction!
The first Sisters song I've heard was More!
And even now... I want More!

Posted: 18 Aug 2009, 16:45
by sultan2075
800mak wrote: And even now... I want More!
Yeah? Good luck with that :von:

Posted: 18 Aug 2009, 17:03
by 800mak
Yes I know but I feel lucky!
The world will end in 2012, so we don't have much more time to waste waiting for a new album!
Anyway, I still want more.

Posted: 18 Aug 2009, 19:43
by lachert
no, no, no, i don't love them anymore :innocent:

Posted: 22 Aug 2009, 22:08
by Purple Light
Good god I thought this topic had been banished... :oops: :lol:

Posted: 22 Aug 2009, 23:48
by Back in time
Purple Light wrote:Good god I thought this topic had been banished... :oops: :lol:
No, No, No, we will keep it alive, just for you.

Posted: 23 Aug 2009, 18:56
by _emma_
Now very on topic:
On Friday I entertained a great (as I thought then) idea:
I thought about creating a "best versions" folder of Sisters songs from various eras, best versions I mean both good quality (not too much audience noise) and good performance, from various gigs. So that when drunk during a party I could just open the folder, select all and play at random order rather than search chaotically through various roughly described CDs in the drawer.
The idea seemed brilliant at first, but I gave up when I realised that I spent the whole Saturday morning and managed to create a 7 hour long playlist not even being one third through the contents of the drawer. :lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 23 Aug 2009, 19:04
by Moakahontas
_emma_ wrote:Now very on topic:
On Friday I entertained a great (as I thought then) idea:
I thought about creating a "best versions" folder of Sisters songs from various eras, best versions I mean both good quality (not too much audience noise) and good performance, from various gigs. So that when drunk during a party I could just open the folder, select all and play at random order rather than search chaotically through various roughly described CDs in the drawer.
The idea seemed brilliant at first, but I gave up when I realised that I spent the whole Saturday morning and managed to create a 7 hour long playlist not even being one third through the contents of the drawer. :lol: :notworthy:

..hehehe.. :lol:

Posted: 23 Aug 2009, 19:57
by lachert
_emma_ wrote:and managed to create a 7 hour long playlist...
so for two or three version of each song, right? :eek:

Posted: 24 Aug 2009, 08:55
by _emma_
Probably more than 2 or 3 , I dunno. :lol:

Posted: 28 Aug 2009, 17:53
by eastmidswhizzkid
242headhunter wrote:Loved them from the first time that I heard them. I was 14 and I heard Temple of love. A year later a school friend of mine gave me a tape from the Royal Albert Hall concert.
After that I was hooked..
snap! on all counts. that was february 1985 for me. fuck me i LOVE the sisters. 8)

Posted: 28 Aug 2009, 19:52
by MadameButterfly
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:that was february 1985 for me. fuck me i LOVE the sisters. 8)
it was 1988 for me. and has stayed with my soul since then.
fuck me and you of course we LOVE the sisters! 8)

Posted: 29 Aug 2009, 00:47
by darkparticle
sometime '87 a mystery that grew more appealling
f**k us all for LOVIN' the sisters 8)

heeey, why does my f**k get f**king censored?

Posted: 29 Aug 2009, 04:46
by sultan2075
darkparticle wrote:
heeey, why does my f**k get f**king censored?
Because, grasshopper, you lack the secret fucking knowledge.

Posted: 29 Aug 2009, 15:48
by darkparticle
Because, grasshopper, you lack the secret f**king knowledge.
thank-you sultan master for pointing out the f**king low worthlessness of my being - I will wank with an enlightened stroke
:notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 29 Aug 2009, 17:19
by Moakahontas
..that reminds me of 1993 ...I was wearing an very old, used Sisters-Shirt in size L (much too big for me) was a gift from my cousin who brought the Sisters to me at age 8 in 1988 around..

Damn...I was looking like..erm...ouh... :urff:

Posted: 26 Sep 2009, 00:31
by bangles
love 'em... they confound, delight & even occassionaly dissappoint but they never really let you down... Their continued existence in whatever form makes everything else okay... like some weird combination of your favourite team, pet & partner all with a soundtrack of dreams... First & Last & ALways ver Sisters!

Posted: 17 Jan 2010, 03:52
by Andy TG
I must admit I dont listen to TSOM as much as I used too - which was A LOT! Yet they are still #1 in an ever changing top 10/100/whatever. And Always will be.

I get this feeling in my gut where I here something NOT overplayed and am back in 1987 with lots more hair! lol

I LOVE The Sisters Of Mercy so there!

Knew You'd Be Pleased! (not said that in ages lol)

Posted: 17 Jan 2010, 09:20
by Prescott
Ich liebe dich, Sisters.

Posted: 18 Jan 2010, 01:19
by sam1
First heard the Sisters in 83-84--my step brother at the time were into them along with Alien Sex Fiend, Specimen, Killing Joke, Cocteau twins, Bauhaus ....the list goes on

I loved the Sisters

Sat my art exams in 85 and did my whole exam on a load of variations of the First and Last and Always Lp [I failed!!!!!!!!!!!!] but did get all my pictures displayed at an art exhibition at high school [they are all lost before anyone asks!!!]

I loved the Sisters

Started work in 1986 and found myself with far too much money left over after pissing most of it away in every pub and club in south west Scotland and managed to buy lots of Sisters bootleg LPs, singles and live cassettes

I loved the Sisters

Could not get the time off work to see them at Wembley 1990—had tickets though.....

I loved the Sisters

My work managed to consume me for the most part of the nineties [did see countless other bands though] till 2000 and I saw the Sisters at the Barrowlands

I loved the Sisters

Fast forward 10 years and having seen them another 3 times ,I can say....

I love the Sisters..................