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Posted: 24 Aug 2009, 11:01
by darkparticle
Apologies darkparticle. :oops:
no need! As you're one of the faithful :notworthy:

Posted: 26 Aug 2009, 19:43
by eastmidswhizzkid
gutted to announce that i'm unable to attend after all. :evil: i'm having my son that weekend, as he has been on holiday with his mum and then his grandma so i've not been able to see him since his birthday on aug 10. i'm afraid that even seeing the-next-best-thing (with added Mya, whom the sisters never had) has to come second to my little boy.

so all the best to paddyand the crew, and ahem:

Lee 8)

Posted: 27 Aug 2009, 12:28
by the_inescapable_truth
Oh gosh, I thought this already happened. I'll try to make it!

Posted: 27 Aug 2009, 22:45
by robertzombie
^ That's the spirit!

Posted: 28 Aug 2009, 21:41
by Padstar

Looks like there may well be some "Final Floorshow" T-Shirts knocking about for sale on the night courtesy of some peeps in the band with far more get up and go than me. If you cant make the gig probably as well to let us know and if there is any left ill ask them to send you one for a modest fee.

Roll on the 4th..... lets just get this done and fall into the loving arms of the eight legged groove machine and the mistress of funk.

Goff didnt end that well,

Posted: 29 Aug 2009, 00:35
by darkparticle
Not such a certainty unless my bones set quickly :( sad to think I'll be missing this

Posted: 29 Aug 2009, 01:38
by Francis
Padstar wrote:the eight legged groove machine and the mistress of funk.
Should I understand this?

Posted: 29 Aug 2009, 10:57
by Obviousman
Padstar wrote:If you cant make the gig probably as well to let us know and if there is any left ill ask them to send you one for a modest fee.
I'll be in touch right away then 8)

Posted: 02 Sep 2009, 23:41
by Francis
Francis wrote:
Padstar wrote:the eight legged groove machine and the mistress of funk.
Should I understand this?
Not just me then. :lol:

Posted: 03 Sep 2009, 06:59
by Phono Paul

Posted: 04 Sep 2009, 12:45
by MadameButterfly
@ The Sisters of Murphy ~ BRING THE HOUSE DOWN!!

Have a wonderful last gig, I'll be there in spirit.

Posted: 04 Sep 2009, 13:19
by Silver_Owl
MadameButterfly wrote:@ The Sisters of Murphy ~ BRING THE HOUSE DOWN!!

Have a wonderful last gig, I'll be there in spirit.
What the good lady said. :D

Posted: 04 Sep 2009, 14:29
by Being645
From here as well - have loads of pleasure and joy tonight ... :D ...

Posted: 04 Sep 2009, 14:39
by Padstar
Thanks for the well wishes peeps :)

Posted: 04 Sep 2009, 15:08
by James Blast
Rise and Defibrillate you auld phartes!

this spirit is willing but the auld flesh (and bank balance) is too weak

Bust a nut Smurphs! :D :notworthy:

Posted: 04 Sep 2009, 17:55
by Erudite
Gutted I can't make it, but I shall be there in spirit.

Best of luck, Paddy, Sid et al.

Make it legendary! :D

Posted: 05 Sep 2009, 00:25
by Purple Light
MY GOD. :eek: :notworthy:

Dunno what to say but I'll try my best...

Setlist first, in no order whatsoever.

Under The Gun
Temple Of Love
Vision Thing
Det Boulevard
This Corrosion
No Time to Cry
Walk Away
Body & Soul
A Rock & A Hard Place
Marian (Smurph Version)
First & Last & Always
Some Kind Of Stranger
Train (short version)
Gimme Gimme Gimme
Kiss The Carpet
Crash & Burn (hell yes, better than the girls)
Sure I've missed one or two..

The gig?

Unbelievable. Exactly what 1985 must've felt like. But nice & heavier.
Bass was pulsating. Guitars were heavy but melodic when required. It was loud. It was amazing. It was hypnotic.

To top it off, Chris Catalyst was there & he even remebered my name. :notworthy: :D

More to follow when sober,

Purp out. x

Posted: 05 Sep 2009, 01:30
by snowey
Just got back to civilisation :lol: (60 mins Subculture - End of the M62 :eek: ) after another excellent gig from Paddy & co.

Time to go to bed as my heads banging so it must have been a good night.

There "might" have been a DVD done :innocent: but it might have been my imagination me standing on a stool for nearly 2 1/2 hours with a camcorder in my hand.... :lol:

Oh and Hi Sid :lol: :lol: :lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 05 Sep 2009, 10:21
by DerekR
Top night! The Smurfs bailed out in style :notworthy:

Lovely to catch up with peeps, enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Posted: 05 Sep 2009, 11:04
by radiojamaica
Nice setlist! :D :notworthy:

Keep on trucking 8)

Posted: 05 Sep 2009, 11:12
by weebleswobble
Top Nite Oot ;D
snowey wrote:
There "might" have been a DVD done :innocent: but it might have been my imagination me standing on a stool for nearly 2 1/2 hours with a camcorder in my hand.... :lol:



Posted: 05 Sep 2009, 12:38
by Thea

Posted: 05 Sep 2009, 14:51
by Nadia81
Thank you! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 05 Sep 2009, 19:50
by Pista

Many thanks.

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 06 Sep 2009, 18:31
by mh
Feckin' top notch stuff is about all I can say. That was quite an astonishing weekend! :notworthy: