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Posted: 27 Apr 2009, 09:28
by Debi
LouLou wrote:as much as i love chocolate cheesecake, i think i will go for something slightly more intensely chocolatey if :von: has to come into the equation. ;D

something like this perhaps?

OMG that looks like death by chocolate YUM ;D ;D ;D ;D

Posted: 27 Apr 2009, 09:29
by Debi
markfiend wrote:
Debi wrote:i prefered Gerberal Mark :wink:
:lol: Damn I was hoping no-one noticed that...


you can always rely on me ;D

Posted: 27 Apr 2009, 09:36
by Debi
DerekR wrote:
Debi wrote: sorry mods. still thinking that eldridge is needed as much as cheesecake ;D
Who, or what is 'eldridge'? :eek:
well he's not chocolate cake :urff:

Posted: 27 Apr 2009, 12:08
by Moakahontas
Debi wrote:
DerekR wrote:
Debi wrote: sorry mods. still thinking that eldridge is needed as much as cheesecake ;D
Who, or what is 'eldridge'? :eek:
well he's not chocolate cake :urff:

Isn´t he?! :eek:

Posted: 27 Apr 2009, 12:10
by Debi
as good as though

Posted: 27 Apr 2009, 12:53
by LouLou
this is turning into a "what kind of foodstuff is :von: " type thing :lol:

ok, enough of cakes. let's move on to the vegetables shall we? ;D

Posted: 27 Apr 2009, 13:27
by Being645
:D ...or fruit... raspberries, strawberries, cherries ... :D

or because he's like a cup of lemon ice-cream
with whipped cream and a good lacing of vodka ;D ;D ;D

or like a cup of fruit ice cream like orange, strawberry, apricot, peaches
and, of course, whipped cream soaking in campari ... ;D ;D ;D

Oh, I'm looking forward to summer ... ;D

Posted: 27 Apr 2009, 13:45
by Debi
Being645 wrote::D ...or fruit... raspberries, strawberries, cherries ... :D

or because he's like a cup of lemon ice-cream
with whipped cream and a good lacing of vodka ;D ;D ;D

or like a cup of fruit ice cream like orange, strawberry, apricot, peaches
and, of course, whipped cream soaking in campari ... ;D ;D ;D

Oh, I'm looking forward to summer ... ;D
good lord they sound quite exotic!!!!

Posted: 27 Apr 2009, 13:48
by Debi
LouLou wrote:this is turning into a "what kind of foodstuff is :von: " type thing :lol:


i like that - foodstuff!!!! made me chuckle!

i wonder what food he would describe himself as?

something very hard to source for a start off.

Posted: 27 Apr 2009, 13:50
by Debi
and i doubt he'd be organic.

most probably full of e numbers :lol:

and additives :lol:

would he be past his sell by date :urff:

Posted: 27 Apr 2009, 13:52
by LouLou
naah, they'd probably reduce his price before he goes off completely so someone would happily grab the bargain

i am thoroughly :urff: by my own post.

Posted: 27 Apr 2009, 13:57
by Debi
LouLou wrote:naah, they'd probably reduce his price before he goes off completely so someone would happily grab the bargain

i am thoroughly :urff: by my own post.
so he'd end up with a large yellow sticker on him in the small cheap section at the end of the aisle where everyone fondle things then decide they don't want them anyway :eek:

Posted: 27 Apr 2009, 14:04
by LouLou
depends on the supermarket...

the large yellow (or a similarly fluorescent coloured) sticker is pretty much universal in the realm of rotten, cheapo stuff, i guess. but in my local supermarket they are more likely to hide the fresh stuff behind the god-knows-how-many-percent off ones. which is annoying, to say the least :x

but yeah, if they still can't flog him, in he goes in the basket of doom with all the rest of the sad, unwanted and unloved merch.

Posted: 27 Apr 2009, 14:15
by Debi
LouLou wrote: but yeah, if they still can't flog him, in he goes in the basket of doom with all the rest of the sad, unwanted and unloved merch.
awwwwwww. :cry:

Posted: 27 Apr 2009, 14:20
by LouLou
hey come on, chin up!

he'll need a brave and strong girl to rescue him from the basket!

Posted: 27 Apr 2009, 14:32
by Debi
LouLou wrote:hey come on, chin up!

he'll need a brave and strong girl to rescue him from the basket!
oh yes - thats me!!! :lol:

Posted: 27 Apr 2009, 14:58
by Moakahontas
Debi wrote:
LouLou wrote:hey come on, chin up!

he'll need a brave and strong girl to rescue him from the basket!
oh yes - thats me!!! :lol:
:eek: - no way! Mine!!! :eek:

Posted: 27 Apr 2009, 15:02
by LouLou
oooh, a Debi - Moakahontas deathmatch!

bets anyone? :twisted: :lol:

Posted: 27 Apr 2009, 15:19
by Debi
you are too short to be a heroin!!

Posted: 27 Apr 2009, 15:23
by LouLou
in this early stage of the game, it's 1-0 to Debi

wonder how Moakahontas will reciprocate this fierce attack...

watch this space ;D

Posted: 27 Apr 2009, 15:32
by Debi
LouLou wrote:in this early stage of the game, it's 1-0 to Debi

wonder how Moakahontas will reciprocate this fierce attack...

watch this space ;D
ooh - i like your commentating style.


Posted: 27 Apr 2009, 15:33
by Debi
also i can make a mean curry or a fine fish pie.

followed by cheesecake of course.

Posted: 27 Apr 2009, 15:40
by LouLou
ladies and gentlemen...

sadly, Moakahontas appears to have left the building. and i am unable to keep the match on hold any further. i therefore would like to present today's top prize to Debi, whose skills in the kitchen has undoubtedly influenced my decision (fish pie - yum!)

a well-deserved win, Debi! he's all yours! :wink: ;D

Posted: 27 Apr 2009, 15:48
by Debi
LouLou wrote:ladies and gentlemen...

sadly, Moakahontas appears to have left the building. and i am unable to keep the match on hold any further. i therefore would like to present today's top prize to Debi, whose skills in the kitchen has undoubtedly influenced my decision (fish pie - yum!)

a well-deserved win, Debi! he's all yours! :wink: ;D
all mine :eek: all mine :lol: all mine ;D

good lord i had to pick myself up off the floor then i did :lol:

i will be having sweet dreams tonight :innocent: :lol:

thankyou LouLou :notworthy:

Posted: 27 Apr 2009, 15:50
by Debi
sorry Moakahontas, better get some stack heels for the re-match :lol:

if i decide to gamble with losing :von: of course!!