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Posted: 15 Sep 2010, 15:58
by markfiend
DeWinter wrote:When the option to be a martyr to your faith and refuse to join the Hitler Youth was before you, why didn't you embrace it?
That's a good one; some folk did refuse to join up (and were martyred).

Posted: 15 Sep 2010, 16:36
by DeWinter
Indeed. I doubt either of us would have refused to sign up in his position, but we're not claimed to be "infallible" or "holy" by anyone! Well, I suppose it's possible someone does, somewhere..and I would look much better in a gown than Benny. He has rubbish legs.

Oh, for all those Germans who were annoyed at the British media making remarks about the "Nazi Pope" when Ratzinger was ordained, you might want to keep elderly German cardinals away from reporters.

"The Vatican said the Cardinal had not intended "any kind of slight", and was referring to the UK's multicultural society."

Shame that Bomber Command memorial isn't up yet, really..the Popemobile could "accidentally" get stuck and the Papal entourage marooned there for a few hours..

Posted: 15 Sep 2010, 17:20
by Quiff Boy
Pope adviser calls the UK a 'Third World country'

oops :lol:

Posted: 15 Sep 2010, 19:27
by Doktor Gott
I'd ask him if he s**t in the woods...

Posted: 16 Sep 2010, 01:35
by James Blast

Posted: 16 Sep 2010, 08:32
by weebleswobble
Open air mass in glasgow? Tempting the weather godz...

Posted: 16 Sep 2010, 12:46
by DeWinter
"But Mr Ratzinger's arrival was overshadowed last night after one of his best friends described Britain as both a 'third world country' and a society with a frighteningly high number of people who can read and think.

Logan added: "When I heard the phrase 'third world', I didn't think he was being racist or particularly offensive, I just assumed he must have driven on a British motorway.

"So yes, in that sense Britain is like a third world country, the key difference being that thousands of people aren't dying of AIDS every day because some mad old f**ker in a pointy hat told them that johnny bags are made by Lucifer."" ... 009163093/

Posted: 16 Sep 2010, 19:20
by Dark
It stayed sunny all day. Damn it Glasgow.

Frankly, I'd have SIGNIFICANTLY less contempt towards Catholicism if there were some way of wiping out the illogical and utterly buttfuck ridiculous concept of "Catholic guilt".

f**k's sake, enjoy the f**king world whilst you're still here, don't worry about whether your enjoyment is good, bad or ugly.

Posted: 21 Sep 2010, 00:16
by Memphis Rich
Bring on Peter the Roman