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Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 13:04
by abridged
Quiff Boy wrote:
DeWinter wrote:Out of curiosity, what would be the reaction of some of you who seem to find this humorous if after decades of pumping his body full of amphetamines Eldritch snuffed it with a dodgy heart or similar?
it does seem rather hypocritical, doesn't it? :|

i am surprised and disappointed by the degree of hostility shown towards her on here, and the venom aimed at any heartlanders who have shown any amount of compassion/humanity by expressing their sadness for how she ended up.

some of you disappoint me.

Agreed. Somebody died. Never a thing to be celebrated. Wasn't a fan of her music but sad when someone dies, particularly in such circumstances.

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 13:37
by moses
Silence is platinum wrote:I think Mick Mercer has said it right :

RIP Amy Winehouse. You had a great voice but were not as talented as kind people are saying, yet in a bland era you were interesting. The tragedy of your 27 brief years, and why you deserve our sympathy, is that you clearly had no real friends. For a life to become such a cruel fiasco means no-one cared enough. Imagine living like that?
And what would he know about talent? Have you heard the dross he listens to?

She could sing better than most and definitely better than anyone that comes near this forum. So she lived her life to an extreme, so what? Most great artists/musicians have done the same thing but at least they leave the world something to appreciate post mortem. She was doing her thing, being free, lost, lonely, who know what turmoil her head was in?

To those who have shown nothing but disrespect I hope you all think about the loneliness of death when your loved ones go too soon, but don't go looking for sympathy when you should expect none. :cry:

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 13:57
by Obviousman
Was having a drink in a pub yesterday when someone got a text and broke the news, as everyone agreed there: it was just waiting to happen wasn't it.

Hope the ones close to her find some comfort in the fact she's no longer bringing herself and her close ones into painful situations, that's what matters isn't it? Nobody makes us listen to her music , so it can be none of our business if you wish to.

I better be careful now, as I'm 27 nowadays :)

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 16:19
by Andrew S
mh wrote:Sad but inevitable.
Not as much as many of the reactions on this thread - or at any rate, the ones I saw before I gave up reading (before reaching the end of the first page) .

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 16:21
by Debaser
Quiff Boy wrote:
i am surprised and disappointed by the degree of hostility shown towards her on here, and the venom aimed at any heartlanders who have shown any amount of compassion/humanity by expressing their sadness for how she ended up.

some of you disappoint me.

Of all the forums I frequent or drop into, this one is the most spiteful with regards to her and her choices. Hardly an accolade is it? :roll:

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 16:31
by emilystrange
well said, quifflet.

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 16:31
by AdrenaChris
I'm not gonna make some huge post arguing my point cause I shouldn't care that much, and I don't. Oh no, another wasted airhead socialite gone (a musician aswell, you say? could have fooled me). The less of them the better. I'll be getting on with my day now..

The point is, she made a living out of being a complete mess. I somehow doubt she had any respect for herself so the idea that I should give her any at all is quite frankly laughable. I don't ask any of you to have the same viewpoint and you can disagree all you want.

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 16:33
by emilystrange
no, she made a living from singing. other people made a living out of her being a mess.

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 16:51
by Quiff Boy
Debaser wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:
i am surprised and disappointed by the degree of hostility shown towards her on here, and the venom aimed at any heartlanders who have shown any amount of compassion/humanity by expressing their sadness for how she ended up.

some of you disappoint me.

Of all the forums I frequent or drop into, this one is the most spiteful with regards to her and her choices. Hardly an accolade is it? :roll:
no, and not something i'm especially proud of :|

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 16:52
by Quiff Boy
emilystrange wrote:no, she made a living from singing. other people made a living out of her being a mess.

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 17:58
by snowey
I'm now wondering if this post will get this thread locked ?? oh well here goes....

Alex Higgins and George best are happy they have just found out heaven is getting a winehouse.


Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 18:28
by paul
AdrenaChris wrote:I'm not gonna make some huge post arguing my point cause I shouldn't care that much, and I don't. Oh no, another wasted airhead socialite gone (a musician aswell, you say? could have fooled me). The less of them the better. I'll be getting on with my day now..

The point is, she made a living out of being a complete mess. I somehow doubt she had any respect for herself so the idea that I should give her any at all is quite frankly laughable. I don't ask any of you to have the same viewpoint and you can disagree all you want.
What a dispicable point of view :roll:

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 18:32
by Erudite
One of the most despicable things about her death is the amount of 'slebs rushing forward claiming to be her friend.
One wonders where they were when she needed them (presumably in search of another media friendly sound bite).

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 18:38
by stufarq
AdrenaChris wrote:The less of them the better.
I'm beginning to feel the same about some of the more vile people on this forum.

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 18:50
by James Blast
it's all getting a bit Princess Di round here

Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 19:32
by million voices
Is she dead too?


Posted: 24 Jul 2011, 20:28
by black smurf
it is a shame, but so are the deaths of many more people with addictions. As a drug and alcohol worker in lancs i have never met an addict too poor to get into proper recovery but i have met many too rich( financially) too get there.
Whether thats because of the money or those surronding them is up for debate.

Posted: 25 Jul 2011, 03:46
by splintered thing
She was a sad, tortured person, it is sad she died such a lonely death. How she lived her life, how others capilalised on it and how she made her living is irrelevant - she was a person in need who did not find what she needed to survive.

I felt sad to see her go, I also read the comments on here and felt ashamed at the vitriol and lack of compassion. I thought this was Heartland...

Posted: 25 Jul 2011, 06:30
by Ozpat
AdrenaChris wrote:best news i've heard in a while
Sh!t reaction!

Posted: 25 Jul 2011, 07:45
by sziamiau
sad news

Posted: 25 Jul 2011, 09:07
by christophe
well, I was/am a fan of her music. and don't even care about the tabloid thing, she had a sad life and that is about all I can say about it.

I understand people are making jokes, really when I heard the news I could come up with some good ones myself :oops: :D but should you go screaming your opinion anywhere? I think not.

Posted: 25 Jul 2011, 10:04
by Mrs Snowey
James Blast wrote:it's all getting a bit Princess Di round here
:lol: :notworthy:

P.S. Nice to be back :D

Posted: 25 Jul 2011, 10:43
by Quiff Boy
the thing that f*cked me off was not the bad jokes, it was the personal slanging match that happened after someone said they thought it was sad.

not a pleasant thread to follow, and not very mature...

Posted: 25 Jul 2011, 10:53
by Doktor Gott ... re%2B4.png

(Seriously though, there is something highly disturbing about the spectacle of it all. I read of a visitor from Brighton going to the shrine just to experience the spectacle of being there, nothing to do with any sentiment towards the deceased. Nonetheless it is a tragedy regardless of whatever views you may have towards her art. And that's what perhaps should be seperated the art and the person. It's very easy to draw conclusions based on reporting and records but really, how much do you really know about that person? Definitely not sufficient for some of the remarks in this thread, that's for certain.)

Posted: 25 Jul 2011, 12:37
by Silver_Owl
Disappointed. :(