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Posted: 10 Nov 2011, 10:09
by markfiend
Dan wrote:Would these gigs have been not long before, say in Jan 81 for example, or quite a few months earlier. I'm thinking if it'd only been a short time before then the performance would have been similar to the two May'81 recordings, but if a long time before then they could have been very different.
And what about the lineup? If it was months earlier then maybe Eldritch on a real drumkit and Marx on vocals? That'd have been an interesting gig to witness!
Not sure to tell the truth. Claire was on keyboards from what I heard.

Also, re taylor's pics: Where in the Merrion Centre was Tiffany's?

Posted: 10 Nov 2011, 15:38
by Dan
markfiend wrote:Also, re taylor's pics: Where in the Merrion Centre was Tiffany's?
Apparently it was in the upstairs bit.

Posted: 10 Nov 2011, 16:06
by Being645
Dan wrote:
markfiend wrote:Also, re taylor's pics: Where in the Merrion Centre was Tiffany's?
Apparently it was in the upstairs bit.
So that was noz an F Club event :eek:,_30-Mar-1982

Posted: 10 Nov 2011, 16:10
by markfiend
The F-Club wasn't in just one place, it moved around: ... ture.shtml

Posted: 10 Nov 2011, 20:57
by playboy
markfiend wrote:
Dan wrote:Would these gigs have been not long before, say in Jan 81 for example, or quite a few months earlier. I'm thinking if it'd only been a short time before then the performance would have been similar to the two May'81 recordings, but if a long time before then they could have been very different.
And what about the lineup? If it was months earlier then maybe Eldritch on a real drumkit and Marx on vocals? That'd have been an interesting gig to witness!
Not sure to tell the truth. Claire was on keyboards from what I heard.

Also, re taylor's pics: Where in the Merrion Centre was Tiffany's?
I have heard that they very briefly had five members, in 1979. The info is from an insert from Red Rhino that came with a very few copies of Damage Done, probably made for press or radio stations.

Posted: 10 Nov 2011, 21:03
by Being645
markfiend wrote:The F-Club wasn't in just one place, it moved around: ... ture.shtml
Thank you very much, markfiend ... that's what I had imagined and never found a link to have it confirmed for the Wiki ...

Posted: 10 Nov 2011, 21:05
by markfiend
playboy wrote:
markfiend wrote:
Dan wrote:Would these gigs have been not long before, say in Jan 81 for example, or quite a few months earlier. I'm thinking if it'd only been a short time before then the performance would have been similar to the two May'81 recordings, but if a long time before then they could have been very different.
And what about the lineup? If it was months earlier then maybe Eldritch on a real drumkit and Marx on vocals? That'd have been an interesting gig to witness!
Not sure to tell the truth. Claire was on keyboards from what I heard.

Also, re taylor's pics: Where in the Merrion Centre was Tiffany's?
I have heard that they very briefly had five members, in 1979. The info is from an insert from Red Rhino that came with a very few copies of Damage Done, probably made for press or radio stations.
I think that insert might be in the gallery...

Buggered if I can find it though :lol:

Posted: 10 Nov 2011, 21:18
by markfiend
Being645 wrote:
markfiend wrote:The F-Club wasn't in just one place, it moved around: ... ture.shtml
Thank you very much, markfiend ... that's what I had imagined and never found a link to have it confirmed for the Wiki ...
My Pleasure. :)

I was never 100% sure of the facts myself, I didn't move to Leeds until after the F-club had long finished. I think it was HL member Francis* who filled me in on the F club's history. But it's nice to find online confirmation.

* where are you Frankie baby? :lol:

Posted: 14 Nov 2011, 22:53
by Mothra
playboy wrote:
markfiend wrote:
Dan wrote:Would these gigs have been not long before, say in Jan 81 for example, or quite a few months earlier. I'm thinking if it'd only been a short time before then the performance would have been similar to the two May'81 recordings, but if a long time before then they could have been very different.
And what about the lineup? If it was months earlier then maybe Eldritch on a real drumkit and Marx on vocals? That'd have been an interesting gig to witness!
Not sure to tell the truth. Claire was on keyboards from what I heard.

Also, re taylor's pics: Where in the Merrion Centre was Tiffany's?
I have heard that they very briefly had five members, in 1979. The info is from an insert from Red Rhino that came with a very few copies of Damage Done, probably made for press or radio stations.
That one is addressed in a Gary Marx interview either done for Heartland and on these pages or in an interview around the time that 1995 and Nowhere got a "proper" release (the D-monic website?). He says something along the lines of there was "a band" but it was not "the band". Claire was involved for sure, can't recall the other names, but think there was a tongue in cheek remark about how every Leeds band was obliged to have somebody called John at time.

Posted: 26 Nov 2011, 01:20
by Being645
Now added all the poster of taylor to the according sides in the Wiki ...,_30-Mar-1982,_25-Aug-1983,_27-Aug-1983,_02-Sep-1983

and also quoted the link to the infos on F-Club.

Thanks, taylor. Thanks markfiend. :notworthy:

Posted: 02 Dec 2011, 21:09
by lsind

Just found this in my archives!
It comes from French magazine BEST issue 194 (September 1984).
I remember that the festival was also announced on France Inter radio (the other sponsor of the event) as featuring the Sisters in the lineup. DCD + TSOM + XMal D. on the same bill!!! Like a dream come true for me at the time.
I can't remember if the Sisters' cancelation was announced long before the gig or not though. I couldn't make it anyway because of school...

Posted: 02 Dec 2011, 21:17
by doctoravalanche
lsind wrote:Image

Just found this in my archives!
It comes from French magazine BEST issue 194 (September 1984).
I remember that the festival was also announced on France Inter radio (the other sponsor of the event) as featuring the Sisters in the lineup. DCD + TSOM + XMal D. on the same bill!!! Like a dream come true for me at the time.
I can't remember if the Sisters' cancelation was announced long before the gig or not though. I couldn't make it anyway because of school...[/img]
The link of your image appears to be broken or is it only me ???

Posted: 02 Dec 2011, 21:21
by lsind
Sorry... :oops:
T'was me! First time posting a pic...

Posted: 03 Dec 2011, 04:40
by lachert
some nice man sent me this advert few years ago on dime. it has Bruce Dickinson on the cover, right? 8)

Posted: 03 Dec 2011, 10:28
by lsind
lachert wrote:it has Bruce Dickinson on the cover, right? 8)
Yes. Bruce Dickinson wearing extremely tight red... hmm... tights... And when I write tight, I mean tight ! You can actually make out his balls... :roll:

Posted: 03 Dec 2011, 20:56
by lachert
lsind wrote:
lachert wrote:it has Bruce Dickinson on the cover, right? 8)
Yes. Bruce Dickinson wearing extremely tight red... hmm... tights... And when I write tight, I mean tight ! You can actually make out his balls... :roll:
yeah, exactly :lol: 80's metal. good god :lol:

Posted: 18 May 2012, 19:46
by Being645
lsind wrote:Image

Just found this in my archives!
It comes from French magazine BEST issue 194 (September 1984).
I remember that the festival was also announced on France Inter radio (the other sponsor of the event) as featuring the Sisters in the lineup. DCD + TSOM + XMal D. on the same bill!!! Like a dream come true for me at the time.
I can't remember if the Sisters' cancelation was announced long before the gig or not though. I couldn't make it anyway because of school...
Oh wow ... :eek: :eek: :eek: ... this had somehow escaped my attention ...

Thank you very much for the picture and info, Isind ... the Wiki page looks much better now ... :D :notworthy: :notworthy: ...

Posted: 18 May 2012, 22:53
by lsind
You're very welcome!
