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Posted: 18 Sep 2012, 16:50
by Pista
There were piles of them in WHS when I was in Reading back in August.
But I guess you've trawled "the usual suspects" already

Posted: 18 Sep 2012, 17:11
by Being645
In addition, you can still order them here ... :lol: ...

Though if a scan should do ... :innocent:

Posted: 18 Sep 2012, 17:28
by MadameButterfly
markfiend wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:still haven't been able to find it in any shops :(
Me neither.
well i suggest you boys order it online. it's just one of those must have magazines. if you don't you'll both kick yourselves afterwards. trust me on that one.


now back to smelling those pages..

Posted: 18 Sep 2012, 17:46
by ribbons69
markfiend wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:still haven't been able to find it in any shops :(
Me neither.
They had it in WH Smiths in at the train station in Birmingham last week(but not Sheffield).
I bought mine directly from the website. Freepost. Do you need the link?

Posted: 18 Sep 2012, 18:44
by markfiend
Ordered online. Thanks for the link Sabine.

Posted: 18 Sep 2012, 18:57
by Being645
You're welcome, markfiend ... :D ...
MadameButterfly wrote:
markfiend wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:still haven't been able to find it in any shops :(
Me neither.
well i suggest you boys order it online. it's just one of those must have magazines. if you don't you'll both kick yourselves afterwards. trust me on that one.


now back to smelling those pages..
Very true, Debs! It's really nice to read and to look at ... :notworthy: ...

I'm glad, I've got one, too ... ;D ...

Posted: 18 Sep 2012, 21:49
by Pista
MadameButterfly wrote:
now back to smelling those pages..

They do smell nice huh?

Posted: 19 Sep 2012, 03:35
by Garbageman
Barns and Noble in Atlanta has it for $15.

Posted: 19 Sep 2012, 11:47
by Quiff Boy
yep, as Being645 points out, you can order it (internationally) from here: ... ative-80s/


Posted: 20 Sep 2012, 12:01
by MadameButterfly
or alternatively check post 1 of this thread....
Pista wrote:
MadameButterfly wrote:
now back to smelling those pages..

They do smell nice huh?
indeed they do, one of my top five lovely smells ever! :wink:

oh & my page 21 top picture got ruined. boy child decided to stick one of the dispatch stickers right across :von: 's face. so that picture is now half missing. decided he won't be getting any pocket money for the next year.

Posted: 20 Sep 2012, 19:19
by bangles
just got mine - generally it's a nice read. Funny how Von & The Sisters seem to get more mentions than anyone else - cropping up in both the Neph & Mish interviews... Seems like some people can't stop talking about Von (although it's probably not their fault interviewers keep asking the same questions...)

Posted: 20 Sep 2012, 22:57
by Nikolas Vitus Lagartija
bangles wrote: Seems like some people can't stop talking about Von
An affliction with which many of us on here are not unfamiliar ..

Posted: 03 Oct 2012, 14:01
by RockNRoll Mercenary
I thought it was a very good read overall but especially the Von interview.
I'd have liked to have seen new interviews with Siouxsie and Robert Smith though instead of archived interviews/articles.

They mentioned SoM in The m*****n feature as they were interviewing 'guess who' and in the Neph feature it was because apparently when the Neph were first starting out people thought they were just ripping off SoM.

EDIT: I love how it edited that band name, never seen that before! haha

Posted: 03 Oct 2012, 15:08
by Silver_Owl
RockNRoll Mercenary wrote: EDIT: I love how it edited that band name, never seen that before! haha

Posted: 03 Oct 2012, 15:19
by markfiend
I liked :von:'s OpenBSD t-shirt. Obviously Gentoo wasn't voodoo enough for him. :lol:

Posted: 03 Oct 2012, 16:18
by Quiff Boy
RockNRoll Mercenary wrote:EDIT: I love how it edited that band name, never seen that before! haha
'tis just our little joke ;D :lol: :innocent:

Posted: 03 Oct 2012, 17:47
by Silence is platinum
Got my copy the other day and i cant say i was very pleased.
Some very good photos but beside that not much else.
The NME effort 3-4 years ago was far superior, incl. only original articles and interviews from that era.
If you dont have any of the two go for the nme issue and you wont regret it. This one you can live without.


Posted: 03 Oct 2012, 22:03
by Nikolas Vitus Lagartija
RockNRoll Mercenary wrote:...because apparently when the Neph were first starting out people thought they were just ripping off SoM.
Are you being ironic ? Or have you never heard "Dawnrazor" ? People were openly laughing the first time I went to see them live, as 90% of the songs seemed to be based on "Train".

Posted: 04 Nov 2012, 20:22
Looking at a link for this mag. and i see there is mention of The Hunters Club in it, can anyone tell me how much of a feature on them it is?
Page 85 apparantly. ... ative-80s/

Posted: 04 Nov 2012, 20:32
by Pista
DOZMEISTER wrote:Looking at a link for this mag. and i see there is mention of The Hunters Club in it, can anyone tell me how much of a feature on them it is?
Page 85 apparantly. ... ative-80s/
It's just half a page.
Story so Far
Hight point
Low Point
What happened next

Not a heck of a lot really

Posted: 04 Nov 2012, 20:42
by Pista
Nikolas Vitus Lagartija wrote:
RockNRoll Mercenary wrote:...because apparently when the Neph were first starting out people thought they were just ripping off SoM.
Are you being ironic ? Or have you never heard "Dawnrazor" ? People were openly laughing the first time I went to see them live, as 90% of the songs seemed to be based on "Train".
I went to see them at the Clarendon in 87 purely because they had been compared to the Sisters.
Don't recall anything even closely resembling Train though.
Did nearly cr@p myself when McCoy's "Kruger hand" shot out of the smoke & nearly take my eye out though.

Posted: 04 Nov 2012, 20:45
by Being645
DOZMEISTER wrote:Looking at a link for this mag. and i see there is mention of The Hunters Club in it, can anyone tell me how much of a feature on them it is?
Page 85 apparantly. ... ative-80s/
Well not that much ... :wink: ... :

Noisy grebo goths from Leicester who set
their hats on fire as part of the live show

UK tours with Fields Of The Nephilim,
Balaam And The Angel and The m*****n. Top 30
indie chart places for Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet,
Animal Lover
and Give Me Your Soul

"Whenever the drugs ran out," says vocalist
Chris Oblivion. "Plus, looking for guitarists.
In six years there was one vocalist, one bass
player, three drum machines, two drummers
and eight guitarists."

Oblivion started Stayfree Music studios
in Leicester. The original line-up of Slydog,
Torrent and Oblivion got together in 2008
to do one show and recently played at the
Stayfree 20th birthday party:"Worryingly,
there may be more to come."

Posted: 04 Nov 2012, 21:03
Thanks for the quick replies and info. Surprised they were in it and not surprised by how little they feature.