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Posted: 13 Aug 2003, 14:31
by Ganith
I'm spanish. Born in Madrid and living somewhere SW of it.

And I don't remember seeeing any other spanish around here!


Whats your nationality?

Posted: 13 Aug 2003, 15:05
by shiney
I'm a long-haired, red-headed, green-eyed Irish woman - so don' mess wit me! :wink:

I'm living in the south-east corner of the Uk at the moment. People here ain't much good with accents - last week on two seperate occasions I was apparently from somewhere around Newcastle, and several other times from New York (once by an American!). :roll:

Posted: 13 Aug 2003, 15:10
by Mrs RicheyJames
Don't worry about it.....Apparently one minute I sound like a student and the next a big gruff Northerner :roll:
And ages ago I was on a radio station, and the DJ thought I was Austrialian............Div :lol:

Posted: 13 Aug 2003, 15:30
by Big Si
Sexygoth wrote:And ages ago I was on a radio station, and the DJ thought I was Austrialian............Div :lol:
Dame Edna? :wink: :lol:

Posted: 13 Aug 2003, 15:33
by Mrs RicheyJames
Sh*t!!!! Walked straight into that one didn't I?
Ok butt plug, i'll give you that one :roll:

Posted: 13 Aug 2003, 15:38
by Karst
Big Si wrote:Nae chance Big Man.

Btw. you do know that the best part of that film was shot in Co. Wicklow.
The Scots didn't make a single penny on the Hollywood interpretation of their patriotism. Tss.


Posted: 13 Aug 2003, 15:50
by Big Si
Karst wrote:
Big Si wrote:Nae chance Big Man.

Btw. you do know that the best part of that film was shot in Co. Wicklow.
The Scots didn't make a single penny on the Hollywood interpretation of their patriotism. Tss.

We got our own parliament and the stone of scone back - it's a start :roll:

Posted: 13 Aug 2003, 15:53
by Zuma
aye, we just need them swords and horses for the rugby team and we might scrape through the 6 nations :wink:

Posted: 13 Aug 2003, 15:53
by Big Si
Sexygoth wrote:Sh*t!!!! Walked straight into that one didn't I?
Ok butt plug, i'll give you that one :roll:
Ooohhhh matron!! :wink: :twisted:

Posted: 13 Aug 2003, 15:55
by Big Si
Karst wrote:
Big Si wrote:Nae chance Big Man.

Btw. you do know that the best part of that film was shot in Co. Wicklow.
The Scots didn't make a single penny on the Hollywood interpretation of their patriotism. Tss.

And lots of money from fat american tourists wanting to trace their scots heritage :twisted:

Posted: 13 Aug 2003, 17:29
by cocoamix
I'm A Merkin.

Posted: 13 Aug 2003, 17:32
by 6FeetOver
cocoamix wrote:I'm A Merkin.
ROFL. :roll: :von:

Re: What's your nationality?

Posted: 14 Aug 2003, 11:56
by Loki
Debaser wrote:[quote="Johnny Boy Did the Hong Kong/Singapore/Penang/
No waaay...when were you in Singapore...I lived in Seletar for 4 years when a wee bubba. Cine films of holidays in Penang.

Big sis was born in Hong Kong

Born @ RAF Nocton in Lincolnshire so a Brit then[/quote]

Singapore '64-'66 (Serangoon?) - also wee bubba.
Penang '69-'71

CINE FILMS!!! :eek: Now I do feel old! :lol:

Posted: 14 Aug 2003, 12:19
by Debaser
EEEk soz....sent you a pm asking the self same q...

As mentioned in pm, Poppa Debaser was one of those nosey listening in type chaps...I never realised what a hotshot he was until only a few months ago. Was a case of if he told us he'd have had to kill us!!

Posted: 14 Aug 2003, 12:31
by Loki
Debaser wrote:EEEk soz....sent you a pm asking the self same q...

As mentioned in pm, Poppa Debaser was one of those nosey listening in type chaps...I never realised what a hotshot he was until only a few months ago. Was a case of if he told us he'd have had to kill us!!
Same here! Though we were told the stories of the Top Guns who always wanted to fly by the tower, upside down and usually ended up pancaking into the runway. :eek:

Posted: 14 Aug 2003, 13:03
by Black Planet
Debaser wrote:EEEk soz....sent you a pm asking the self same q...

As mentioned in pm, Poppa Debaser was one of those nosey listening in type chaps...I never realised what a hotshot he was until only a few months ago. Was a case of if he told us he'd have had to kill us!! was my Dad. If he'd been caught in Berlin...He would have never got out!!! We lived in Frankfurt at that time!

Then Dad went on to work on the Stealth Bomber. He finally told us about that project right before he died.

Posted: 14 Aug 2003, 13:08
by Debaser
I find it amazing that men and women really DO abide by the codes of their jobs and DON'T blab. You hear so much scandlemongering and 'leaking' nowadays.

My Dad's been dead just over 6 years now and he NEVER once spoke about what he did until his last few months alive and then he only spoke to my Mother (who's since paased the 'goss' on)

Posted: 14 Aug 2003, 15:35
by Thea

living in sheffield - the home of rock. and things that shut down last week...

Posted: 16 Aug 2003, 19:30
by RobF
Yorkshire ex-pat :(

Posted: 17 Aug 2003, 04:41
by vmp123
i'm australian,
but family are from sicily (italy) :P


Posted: 18 Aug 2003, 10:11
by Planet Dave
d00mw0lf - that's damn right - Sheffield IS the place where everything shut last week - apart from the Corp of course which soldiers on elsewhere.

Anyway, Manc exxiled in the People's Republic, but it ain't that bad over here. It certainly makes watching the match in me local very 'interesting' from time to time.


Posted: 18 Aug 2003, 10:21
by Loki
The Prem kicks off and induces that strange phenomenon known as 'footie avatar' ... :wink:

Posted: 18 Aug 2003, 15:14
by Big Si
Johnny Boy wrote:The Prem kicks off and induces that strange phenomenon known as 'footie avatar' ... :wink:
Whatever do you mean? :wink: :D

Posted: 18 Aug 2003, 15:17
by Quiff Boy
Big Si wrote:
Johnny Boy wrote:The Prem kicks off and induces that strange phenomenon known as 'footie avatar' ... :wink:
Whatever do you mean? :wink: :D
i was wondering that myself...

Posted: 18 Aug 2003, 15:23
by hallucienate