Worlds greatest lyricist

Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the nonsense contained herein may be very loosely related to The Sisters of Mercy, but I wouldn't bet your PayPal account on it. In keeping with the internet's general theme nothing written here should be taken as Gospel: over three quarters of it is utter gibberish, and most of the forum's denizens haven't spoken to another human being face-to-face for decades. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Above all else, remember this: You don't have to stay forever. I will understand.
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for me,my submissions are based upon the impressions the lyrics had upon me at that time.
never having encountered the exact same situation etc at any point in my life for as long as i can remember at least,one particular artist will always stand out above the other tunes i was listening to at that time,or maybe two or three will.whatever...but at that time the lyrics(+music too)will kind of represent an era if you like in my whenever i do go back to that music i will also go back to that instance in time too.simply because they were in the past doesnt i think detract from their validity at that time or mean that they no longer deserve being the greatest.

so tgo me at least,its equally as plausible to have dozens of greatest lyricists and be open to many many more too.

thats just me tho... :wink:
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I cant speak another language Zig, so how can i tell? suffice to say that im not assuming that non-English speakers cannot write good lyrics but surely being able to understand them is fundamentaly important to having a point of view....

I think you are being a bit harsh on us "us Brits"

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I understand what you mean, but then this thread's name is wrong, it shouldn't be "who's the best lyricist in the world" but "who's your favourite lyricist".

And being able to understand several languages is definitely a plus, you're open to a much wider variety or artists.
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Serendipityhaven wrote:for me,my submissions are based upon the impressions the lyrics had upon me at that time.
Yeah, i agree with this, it can be the stupidest lyric in the world, but if at that particular moment it actually meant something to you or made you feel a certain way and you find yourself liking it a lot then who can say it's not a good lyric?
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thats the one,yes!
its all subjective isnt it eh?
whats outstanding to one,is utter tosh to another and the factors which play a part in influencing how you feel about a piece of music or lyrics are infinate too.
as for foreign languages..well english is my first and only language now(long since fell out of practise with the french) theres maybe one or two exceptions current or recent past where the language barrier hasnt been a barrier to the bands success and in fact does seem to have proved to e their signiture asset and one of the key defining qualities in their notoriety..i speak of course of Rammstein.
take Du Hast for example-it was massive,look at the translation then try singing it in to the tune and in english it sounds rubbish.the power and effect not to mention the rythm of the song is completely applies to any of their tunes i think.
however,cant say id put them in greatest lyricist ever category,maybe most popular none english speaking group to break big in the uk(for as long as i can remember)category?
fabulous live act too. :)
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Padstar wrote:@zigeunerweisen
I cant speak another language Zig, so how can i tell? suffice to say that im not assuming that non-English speakers cannot write good lyrics but surely being able to understand them is fundamentaly important to having a point of view....

I think you are being a bit harsh on us "us Brits"

Yes, Ziggy was definitely to harsh on you guys. If the thread was "who is your favourite Portuguese lyricist" I'd had to agree with Zeca Afonso, for instance, but I know you never heard of him and it's no use translating because you would also have to know a lot about the culture of the country as well.
Glad he mentioned them, though.

And yes, it's very subjective. You favourite lyricist is always someone who says something that means something to you. I wouldn't choose a favourite lyricist outside alternative music, for starters. And I'm inclined to call in the name of Nick Cave.
But of course, this is very personal and subjective. I love the songs in "Murder Ballads" or "The mercy seat" and bow before the man. Like this: :notworthy:

Andrew Eldritch, of course, but liking Eldritch is even more personal.

Choosing the greatest lyricist in the world is always unfair. There are so many, present or past, from Jacques Brel to Kurt Cobain, from folk/traditional music to the most modern pop... It's simply impossible.

As for the worst... Well, Ian Duffy (The Cult) comes to mind:

Come on little devil
be my little angel

And if you think of all the Cult's hits you'll see it's absolutely meaningless but somehow it still rocks! Most amazing! :eek:
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dead inside wrote:
And if you think of all the Cult's hits you'll see it's absolutely meaningless but somehow it still rocks! Most amazing! :eek:
@DI, did you notice my message about Gene Vincent? :wink:
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dead inside wrote:
Padstar wrote:@zigeunerweisen
I cant speak another language Zig, so how can i tell? suffice to say that im not assuming that non-English speakers cannot write good lyrics but surely being able to understand them is fundamentaly important to having a point of view....

I think you are being a bit harsh on us "us Brits"

Yes, Ziggy was definitely to harsh on you guys. If the thread was "who is your favourite Portuguese lyricist" I'd had to agree with Zeca Afonso, for instance, but I know you never heard of him and it's no use translating because you would also have to know a lot about the culture of the country as well.
Glad he mentioned them, though.

And yes, it's very subjective. You favourite lyricist is always someone who says something that means something to you. I wouldn't choose a favourite lyricist outside alternative music, for starters. And I'm inclined to call in the name of Nick Cave.
But of course, this is very personal and subjective. I love the songs in "Murder Ballads" or "The mercy seat" and bow before the man. Like this: :notworthy:

Andrew Eldritch, of course, but liking Eldritch is even more personal.

Choosing the greatest lyricist in the world is always unfair. There are so many, present or past, from Jacques Brel to Kurt Cobain, from folk/traditional music to the most modern pop... It's simply impossible.

As for the worst... Well, Ian Duffy (The Cult) comes to mind:

Come on little devil
be my little angel

And if you think of all the Cult's hits you'll see it's absolutely meaningless but somehow it still rocks! Most amazing! :eek:
Pay no attention. I meant Ian Astbury.
Have in mind I have a bad case of associative dyslexia.
Ian Astbury + Patrick Duffy...

Once, in Dominion, I called Gérard Bécaud to Gilbert Bécaud. Because I mixed Gérard Depardieu with Gilbert Bécaud. I should seek treatment but I guess there’s none yet. :(
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pikkrong wrote:
dead inside wrote:
And if you think of all the Cult's hits you'll see it's absolutely meaningless but somehow it still rocks! Most amazing! :eek:
@DI, did you notice my message about Gene Vincent? :wink:
But I didn't get the point, I admit... :|
The lyrics are bad but it still rocks?...
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dead inside wrote:
pikkrong wrote:
dead inside wrote:
And if you think of all the Cult's hits you'll see it's absolutely meaningless but somehow it still rocks! Most amazing! :eek:
@DI, did you notice my message about Gene Vincent? :wink:
But I didn't get the point, I admit... :|
The lyrics are bad but it still rocks?...
Something like that :)
I have seen a documentary about the history of rock'n'roll and there was a fragment of a 50s TV-show shown where one fat bald man (well, I can remember his appearance wrong :) ) cited the lyrics of Be Bop A Lula as an example of the silliness of the rock scene. Everybody laughed after every single line.
But - despite of the silliness of those lyrics (yes, they ARE stupid) - there's nothing wrong about the song. So - the other point why I quoted those lyrics - lyrics of pop / rock music don't need a poet to be cool.
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dead inside wrote: As for the worst... Well, Ian Duffy (The Cult) comes to mind:

Come on little devil
be my little angel

And if you think of all the Cult's hits you'll see it's absolutely meaningless but somehow it still rocks! Most amazing! :eek:
Pay no attention. I meant Ian Astbury.
Have in mind I have a bad case of associative dyslexia.
Ian Astbury + Patrick Duffy...


I happen to like Ian Astbury's lyrics, they are very sensuous. And the man can sing!!! LOL That's why my CultWeb!! :wink:

Your confusion on Duffy...It's Billy Duffy, and he is a member of The Cult.

Now on to Robert Smith. He writes fantasic lyrics, that capture raw emotions very beautifully. I dont' know how he does it, but he makes you literaly feel it when you listen to the song. I spent my summer crying to The Cure....It's great therapy when you have a broken heart. :roll:
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Black Planet wrote: I spent my summer crying to The Cure....It's great therapy when you have a broken heart. :roll:
@Black Planet!
Your heart is broken because of Andrew and you look for a relief from Robert :lol:
You are a naughty girl :wink:
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pikkrong wrote:Your heart is broken because of Andrew and you look for a relief from Robert
Cue pointless Robert Smith / Eldritch anecdote, since it's a slow Sunday.

Eldritch and The Cure both happened to be in New York at the same time. One of The Cure's roadies was a friend of Vons and met him for a drink. Von asked the roadie to suggest a possible meet between he and Robert. Off goes the roadie with this message to Robert. Robert's response? "Why would I want to meet that c**t?"
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bob rocks. a plague of boils on anyone that tries to disagree.
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pikkrong wrote:
Black Planet wrote: I spent my summer crying to The Cure....It's great therapy when you have a broken heart. :roll:
@Black Planet!
Your heart is broken because of Andrew and you look for a relief from Robert :lol:
You are a naughty girl :wink:
Yep, I am a naughty one.... :wink:

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in a vain attempt to stop the naitive english speakers looking completeley wedged up our arses, i do like a LOT of music in other languages (especially german which is a f**king fantastic language that should be spoken more) but i can't comment on how good the lyrics are because i havn't got a clue what they're on about (except a few lacrimosa tracks i've run through freetranslator while bored. try it - it's a pile of crap)
i'd LIKE to nominate tilo wolff as a great lyracist because his lyrics sound fantastic (well, not the english ones :\ ) but they could so easilly be rubbish. that's part of the reason i'm taking german lessons this year (that and wanting to be a "usefull european".)

i'll get back to you in august with a list of my favorite german lyricists...
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Ok..anyone who cant give this song a listen and a Moron.

Robert Smith is a musical genius.

And NOO I am not in love with him...far from it. I just love his words, coupled with the music...oh god I'm sounding like a groupie.... NO NO NO!!

I just love their music. The Cure...One of Gods greatest creations.

I Love you Robert!... but no..dont' want to shag you....LOL

Thats for Andy!
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JansenClone wrote:
pikkrong wrote:Your heart is broken because of Andrew and you look for a relief from Robert
Cue pointless Robert Smith / Eldritch anecdote, since it's a slow Sunday.

Eldritch and The Cure both happened to be in New York at the same time. One of The Cure's roadies was a friend of Vons and met him for a drink. Von asked the roadie to suggest a possible meet between he and Robert. Off goes the roadie with this message to Robert. Robert's response? "Why would I want to meet that c**t?"

:roll: :roll: :roll: :P

Every picture tells a story..... ;D
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hey,that bloke bottom left has a hair scrunchie in his hair. :eek:
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Serendipityhaven wrote:hey,that bloke bottom left has a hair scrunchie in his hair. :eek:
Who Craig? :eek:
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whitesatin wrote:
JansenClone wrote:Robert's response? "Why would I want to meet that c**t?"

:roll: :roll: :roll: :P

Every picture tells a story..... ;D
Well, no great mystery there I suppose! That Guitarist. A man who liked Robert Smith so much he decided to rewrite his songs for him. Look at Mick though, looking well. Sad really. The man who got Wayne and Andrew back from the point of constantly bad mouthing each other to talking, meeting. Wayne inviting Andrew to come out to stay on his farm, offering to play on a new record. What a waste...
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JansenClone wrote:
whitesatin wrote:
JansenClone wrote:Robert's response? "Why would I want to meet that c**t?"

:roll: :roll: :roll: :P

Every picture tells a story..... ;D
Well, no great mystery there I suppose! That Guitarist. A man who liked Robert Smith so much he decided to rewrite his songs for him. Look at Mick though, looking well. Sad really. The man who got Wayne and Andrew back from the point of constantly bad mouthing each other to talking, meeting. Wayne inviting Andrew to come out to stay on his farm, offering to play on a new record. What a waste...
Is Wayne drinking Liebfraumilch in that photo!?

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dead inside wrote: As for the worst... Well, Ian Duffy (The Cult) comes to mind:

Come on little devil
be my little angel

And if you think of all the Cult's hits you'll see it's absolutely meaningless but somehow it still rocks! Most amazing! :eek:
Very true, in fact, when i turn to male stripping to make a few euros, i'll use that song in my show.

Ooooh, come on little devil (starts taking pants off while shaking my butt)
be my little angel (languidly looking at the girl sitting on the table closer to me and still shaking my butt)
Oh ahhhhh, yeahhh
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its cheesey,but its cute.

thats the song,not your ass.
not that im insulting your ass that is......

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Moving swiftly on from Mr Zigeunerweisen's bottom, it is a source of some not inconsiderable relief that this thread has conclusively shown that by popular (i.e. your) and critical (i.e. the Major's- oh dear, this sounds very Richey) acclaim, Paul McCartney is the world's greatest lyricist.

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