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Re: 2023-11-19 Rock City Nottingham UK

Posted: 20 Nov 2023, 10:47
by jande
Missed the 'Dylan years' entirely, whether that was due to indifference, previous gig disappointment, money, time or a combination of them all.
So as we're 'local' (now) took the breadknife down to Rock City. She's not attended a sisters gig for donkeys.
We got there about 18.50 to be met by the largest queue to get in that I've seen in a while, by the time they came on the venue was rammed.

The missus was very surprised at how she knew so many of the 'newer' songs (But Genevieve, On the beach, When I'm on fire, Eyes of Caligula) and how much better :von: was both vocally, even without Ben's help, and his presence and interaction with the band and the crowd.
I myself have had a Leamington Spa moment and though my love for the them 'live' does wane occasionally, you get a superb gig and find you have been bitten again (pun intended) and reminded just how good they can be.

Anyhow that's me back to hiding again, apart from the occasional sojourn into the 'song title thread'

Re: 2023-11-19 Rock City Nottingham UK

Posted: 20 Nov 2023, 10:59
by iesus
That Sax with the band is Brilliant!
Love the way they did Lucretia! Hope a video will emerge with Sandstorm and Dominion too! :bat: :bat:
Amazing! More Sax please! in every song it can intergrate!!! :notworthy: :bat: :bat: :bat:
Thank you to Phil that uploaded :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :bat:

Re: 2023-11-19 Rock City Nottingham UK

Posted: 20 Nov 2023, 11:30
by Being645
mh wrote: 20 Nov 2023, 09:57 Lucretia with extended section (not my video)

Oh wow, that's wonderful ... ;D ;D ;D ... and it gives The Sisters and the air of Floodland something back that somewhat got missed long ago underway ... :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: ...

Thanks btw for confirming the setlist, mh ... :D :notworthy: ...

Re: 2023-11-19 Rock City Nottingham UK

Posted: 20 Nov 2023, 12:59
by MrChris
It's really glorious to see the effort they're putting into these performances. Where will it all end??

Re: 2023-11-19 Rock City Nottingham UK

Posted: 20 Nov 2023, 13:04
by jost 7
some interesting 85ish sounds in marians refrain, not sure if its the recording(quality) or real though

Re: 2023-11-19 Rock City Nottingham UK

Posted: 20 Nov 2023, 14:06
by Dr. Moody
Lucky bastards! That's amazing, love it.

Re: 2023-11-19 Rock City Nottingham UK

Posted: 20 Nov 2023, 15:17
by Being645
More videos are coming up ... :D :D :D ... many, many thanks to the uploader ... :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: ...

Alice ... that sounds rocking cool ... ;D

Summer ... beautiful as always ... ;D ...

Re: 2023-11-19 Rock City Nottingham UK

Posted: 20 Nov 2023, 15:40
by Gothicbiff
Thanks for the links Being645 :notworthy:

I'll be watching all the recent UK videos on the train from Glasgow to Manchester tomorrow :D

Re: 2023-11-19 Rock City Nottingham UK

Posted: 20 Nov 2023, 16:40
by Planet Dave
Blimey, yesterday. I can only echo what has already been said, on here and on social media (cheers Charlie), the band are currently as hot and rocking as they possibly ever have been. Fkng awesome for a million reasons. Great night in great company, time well spent in the excellent Tap & Tumbler, as evidenced below, in a photo which may well contain the most glorious photobomb ever, indeed the only person allowed to photobomb a pic of Charlie with a Sisters Guitar Legend ;D :lol: :notworthy:


Absolutely did not expect Mr Kilburn to be doing his thing again, was blown to kingdom come by it, just magnificent beyond words.

Easily the best gig I've seen since, hmm, well Wolverhampton really, which was just as top notch. This week is already the best holiday I've ever had, and we've not even reached Manchester yet. Love it :von: 8) :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

edit: forgot to say, The Virginmarys were superb again 8) :notworthy: missed picking up their cd last night as I didn't know they were downstairs signing and selling it, didn't know there even was a downstairs. Tomorrow!

Re: 2023-11-19 Rock City Nottingham UK

Posted: 20 Nov 2023, 18:34
by eastmidswhizzkid
Gothicbiff wrote: 19 Nov 2023, 17:04 It's my birthday today. I've never seen The Sisters on my birthday. I would love to be there tonight but it wasn't to be :(
My birthday wish is that everyone has an amazing time 8)
Oh no! Seeing the Sisters on my birthday in September at Camden was literrally one of the very best birthdays i have ever had or ever will! if its any consolation i had to wait 39 years for them to play on that date after York Racecourse festival. :kiss:

Re: 2023-11-19 Rock City Nottingham UK

Posted: 20 Nov 2023, 18:40
by eastmidswhizzkid
Planet Dave wrote: 20 Nov 2023, 16:40 Blimey, yesterday. I can only echo what has already been said, on here and on social media (cheers Charlie), the band are currently as hot and rocking as they possibly ever have been. Fkng awesome for a million reasons. Great night in great company, time well spent in the excellent Tap & Tumbler, as evidenced below, in a photo which may well contain the most glorious photobomb ever, indeed the only person allowed to photobomb a pic of Charlie with a Sisters Guitar Legend ;D :lol: :notworthy:


Absolutely did not expect Mr Kilburn to be doing his thing again, was blown to kingdom come by it, just magnificent beyond words.

Easily the best gig I've seen since, hmm, well Wolverhampton really, which was just as top notch. This week is already the best holiday I've ever had, and we've not even reached Manchester yet. Love it :von: 8) :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

edit: forgot to say, The Virginmarys were superb again 8) :notworthy: missed picking up their cd last night as I didn't know they were downstairs signing and selling it, didn't know there even was a downstairs. Tomorrow!
loving the pic Mrs Whelan! Not bad for a lass who 4 years ago didnt go to gigs... :innocent:
@Planet Dave : she's hussling you bro! reckon you should put a ring on it while youre winning... :P
[/well-intentioned wooden spoon]

Re: 2023-11-19 Rock City Nottingham UK

Posted: 20 Nov 2023, 19:33
by Planet Dave
:lol: :lol: :lol: naughty man! :kiss:

Re: 2023-11-19 Rock City Nottingham UK

Posted: 20 Nov 2023, 20:22
by H. Blackrose
iesus wrote: 20 Nov 2023, 10:59
Amazing! More Sax please! in every song it can intergrate!!! :notworthy: :bat: :bat: :bat:
Sounds like the perfect opportunity for Von to finally announce the live debut of "New World Order"

Re: 2023-11-19 Rock City Nottingham UK

Posted: 20 Nov 2023, 20:37
by H. Blackrose
Planet Dave wrote: 20 Nov 2023, 16:40 the band are currently as hot and rocking as they possibly ever have been.
Absolutely amazing considering the people on Facebook - and some old-timers here who only appear every 5 years or so - coming out of the woodwork, when Dylan left or when Von was too sick to play, to scream about how TSOM are a farce and a travesty and an insult and Von's personally ripping them off and he should have retired decades ago.

Re: 2023-11-19 Rock City Nottingham UK

Posted: 20 Nov 2023, 21:06
by Being645
Planet Dave wrote: 20 Nov 2023, 16:40
What a lovely photo ... ;D :notworthy: ... and with Lemmy in the background, that's just perfect ... :lol: ;D :notworthy: ...

Thanks for the review as well ... if I didn't know better I'd say the best shows always take place in the UK ... *sigh ...
but hell, that's just not true and the most importantt thing anyway is that they take place at all ... ;D ;D ;D ...

Re: 2023-11-19 Rock City Nottingham UK

Posted: 20 Nov 2023, 21:40
by eastmidswhizzkid
Rock City is the Eastmidlands spirtual home of Goth. Ive seen the Sisters play there about 7 or 8 times and some have been f**king blinders othrs you find yourself unable to breath cuz the place is over-sold and theyve not opened the balcony or some s**t. Not the Sisters fault but it can be an uncomfortable venue at times. Still wish i had gone. Never mind. There's always the next time.

Re: 2023-11-19 Rock City Nottingham UK

Posted: 21 Nov 2023, 07:47
by Craig Fox
Exactly this ref Rock City - been enough times before and the sound is one of the best but Sunday night was mental - shocking view crammed in at the back and needed some air con - wont be a place I rush back to in any hurry.

Saying that what a gig. Was fortunate (!) enough to be at the 2 Roundhouse ones - 1st was obviously historical for all the wrong reasons and the sound for me was very badly mixed. The 2nd night was one of the worst Ive seen in a long time, they gave it a good go but the sound had no depth due to Dylans absence and Ben was lead vocalist. i came away thinking I'd probably seen the last Sisters gig, Von's voice had given up the ghost and didn't know where they went from there.

How wrong I was - Rock City (cr@p conditions apart) was unbelievable. Kai is tailor made to be a Sister, musically and looks/stage presence. Ben was his usual solid self, better for me with reduced vocal reliance where i thought both he and Kai where on the point with backing vocals when required. Chris did Chris things (anyone any news on Ravey?) but the glorious triumph was Von - turning back the years (and following recent bouts of illness) was by far his best performance in a long long time. Vocals were crisp and audible - if this is down to the mixing levels etc then fair play Rock City cos it rocked.

So, Roundhouse day 1 7/10. .......... day 2 2/10 and Rock City a very very solid 9/10!
Just hope the album is out in time for Christmas :-)

Re: 2023-11-19 Rock City Nottingham UK

Posted: 21 Nov 2023, 11:25
by Planet Dave
Must be a question of timing and location (if you arrive early enough to choose). We were on the barrier, unexpectedly as there were a fair number of people in front of us in the queue (half of them musta gone upstairs I guess), and sure it was busy but nowhere near the squash I'd been led to expect, not even comparable to the sardinery down the front at the Roundhouse. I loved the place and will go again for sure.

Re: 2023-11-19 Rock City Nottingham UK

Posted: 21 Nov 2023, 14:59
by barbaralesz
Wow. I see that the concerts in the UK are lit. Even thought the gig in Łódź was amazing, I think next time I'll come, especially if the venue is special in some way :D

Re: 2023-11-19 Rock City Nottingham UK

Posted: 21 Nov 2023, 21:46
by Being645
And here it is - Sandstorm - Dominion / Mother Russia ... ;D :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: ... thousands of thanks to KGLoki ... :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: ...

in the channel of whom, almost the whole show is featured in single track videos ... :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: ...

Re: 2023-11-19 Rock City Nottingham UK

Posted: 21 Nov 2023, 23:14
by Being645
It's just incredible how good they sound in all these videos from the recent shows ... :eek: :eek: :eek: ... Especially Andrew's voice ...
as if some long-lasting pressure had been taken away from him and he feels like playing with it again ... hah, sigh ... :D :D :D :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: ...

Re: 2023-11-19 Rock City Nottingham UK

Posted: 21 Nov 2023, 23:15
by iesus
Being645 wrote: 21 Nov 2023, 21:46 And here it is - Sandstorm - Dominion / Mother Russia ... ;D :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: ... thousands of thanks to KGLoki ... :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: ...

in the channel of whom, almost the whole show is featured in single track videos ... :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: ...

At last the moment found the path to be shared ;D :notworthy: KGLoki :notworthy:
THank you for sharing it :notworthy: :notworthy: :bat:
Already got a backup of it, if for any reason this will go off, just hit a pm to me :wink: ;D :notworthy: :bat:

Re: 2023-11-19 Rock City Nottingham UK

Posted: 22 Nov 2023, 16:17
by Planet Dave
Thanks for all the links folks :notworthy: I'll get to work over the next few days compiling some of these into single file compilations, hey imagine compiling something into a compilation, christ maybe i should start compiling a vocabulary for myself first :innocent: ;D will post the results in Sharing as and when :D

Nothing can match the feeling of Duncan's sax sounds vibrating through your core when he's stood in front of you and it's rattling your every cell and emotion, but these are excellent recordings :notworthy:

Re: 2023-11-19 Rock City Nottingham UK

Posted: 22 Nov 2023, 18:31
by mh
Planet Dave wrote: 22 Nov 2023, 16:17 Thanks for all the links folks :notworthy: I'll get to work over the next few days compiling some of these into single file compilations, hey imagine compiling something into a compilation, christ maybe i should start compiling a vocabulary for myself first :innocent: ;D will post the results in Sharing as and when :D

Nothing can match the feeling of Duncan's sax sounds vibrating through your core when he's stood in front of you and it's rattling your every cell and emotion, but these are excellent recordings :notworthy:
I believe Charlie can grab that photo of Ben you were taken with, if you'd like to use it as a cover for this or something else you have my blessing. :notworthy:

Re: 2023-11-19 Rock City Nottingham UK

Posted: 22 Nov 2023, 18:41
by Planet Dave
mh wrote: 22 Nov 2023, 18:31
Planet Dave wrote: 22 Nov 2023, 16:17 Thanks for all the links folks :notworthy: I'll get to work over the next few days compiling some of these into single file compilations, hey imagine compiling something into a compilation, christ maybe i should start compiling a vocabulary for myself first :innocent: ;D will post the results in Sharing as and when :D

Nothing can match the feeling of Duncan's sax sounds vibrating through your core when he's stood in front of you and it's rattling your every cell and emotion, but these are excellent recordings :notworthy:
I believe Charlie can grab that photo of Ben you were taken with, if you'd like to use it as a cover for this or something else you have my blessing. :notworthy:
:D cheers Michael, those photos you took are as good as it gets 8) :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: also loving your 'Arms' collection from last night :lol: :lol: :notworthy: :kiss: