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Re: USA Tour 2024

Posted: 08 Sep 2024, 23:40
by H. Blackrose
TSOM fandom is paralleled only by Star Wars fandom to the extent that the fans are actively angry with the object of their fandom.

Von has gotten to a position where he can do whatever the hell he feels like, and not do it if he doesn't feel like it. If the way in which TSOM runs at the moment stops "working" for Von, he's much more likely to just retire than he is to start fulfiling fan dreams. People rubbing their hands over the downsizing of US venues because they think "this will make him put an album out" have another think coming.

Re: USA Tour 2024

Posted: 09 Sep 2024, 15:24
by Nyth Grandbeard
H. Blackrose wrote: 08 Sep 2024, 23:40 TSOM fandom is paralleled only by Star Wars fandom to the extent that the fans are actively angry with the object of their fandom.

Von has gotten to a position where he can do whatever the hell he feels like, and not do it if he doesn't feel like it. If the way in which TSOM runs at the moment stops "working" for Von, he's much more likely to just retire than he is to start fulfiling fan dreams. People rubbing their hands over the downsizing of US venues because they think "this will make him put an album out" have another think coming.
I'm definitely not angry with Von or anything, and he 100% is entitled to live life how he wants. It does just suck that his bandmates who helped write the new songs, who have a desire to record them, and have their position as members of the band solidified in Sisters canon on what would probably be their final album, probably won't see that happen. With all said and done, im glad that fellow heartlander Tobias Forsner at least went out of his way to record the songs in some form, even if his voice doesn't sound like von's they are still pretty faithful renditions of the new songs and i listen to them quite regularly, probably more than gig recordings :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: USA Tour 2024

Posted: 10 Sep 2024, 02:53
by Gutterdandi
Nyth Grandbeard wrote: 09 Sep 2024, 15:24
H. Blackrose wrote: 08 Sep 2024, 23:40 TSOM fandom is paralleled only by Star Wars fandom to the extent that the fans are actively angry with the object of their fandom.

Von has gotten to a position where he can do whatever the hell he feels like, and not do it if he doesn't feel like it. If the way in which TSOM runs at the moment stops "working" for Von, he's much more likely to just retire than he is to start fulfiling fan dreams. People rubbing their hands over the downsizing of US venues because they think "this will make him put an album out" have another think coming.
I'm definitely not angry with Von or anything, and he 100% is entitled to live life how he wants. It does just suck that his bandmates who helped write the new songs, who have a desire to record them, and have their position as members of the band solidified in Sisters canon on what would probably be their final album, probably won't see that happen. With all said and done, im glad that fellow heartlander Tobias Forsner at least went out of his way to record the songs in some form, even if his voice doesn't sound like von's they are still pretty faithful renditions of the new songs and i listen to them quite regularly, probably more than gig recordings :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yeah, I've just gotten into Tobias Forsner's work of late and really enjoy his Sisters covers. Hail to Mr. Forsner!

Too many excuses are still made for Von by some in here, but that is nothing new.

Re: USA Tour 2024

Posted: 10 Sep 2024, 12:41
by Electrochrome
Gutterdandi wrote: 06 Sep 2024, 19:45
Electrochrome wrote: 06 Sep 2024, 12:26 As I mentioned before, the technology caught up with Von and allowed him to "release" music in the form of gazillions of YouTube clips of songs old and new being performed live around the world. He's made it clear, he doesn't see the point in spending a lot of his time and the others' time (esp. when they have other bands), and money which he won't recoup (at least in the immediate near future) when it's just going to be available for free. Of course, we know he CAN, he just doesn't NEED the stress.
Stress? Putting out of couple of MP3s with "official" versions of rather good songs he's playing all the time in concert, is now considered too stressful for Von?

Nobody is asking him to go into a studio and record a goth version of Physical Graffiti. He could knock this off in his bedroom.

Excuses, excuses when it comes to Mr. Eldritch. So the other guys have "other bands" --- that nobody cares about. I think they could all spend a few hours getting this small endeavor together if Mr. Von deemed it necessary.

All this "stress" on poor Von, when a guy like Wino Weinrich is still travelling the world and putting out music without all the drama involved here. FFS, just how decrepit IS Eldritch, anyway?
Maybe "work" is a better word than "stress". Nobody's making excuses for the guy, he just comes out and says it in about every interview for ages now. There is no payoff for releasing anything, and he doesn't think it would lead to any kind of spike in ticket sales (thought we have to wonder who the f- thought they'd sell anything in Radio City). Here's one example from 2023, re: other bands self-releasing music:

"They can, but—either way—they’re not going to make any money from it. So, they’d better have a lot of spare time, they’d better have the nervous energy and a bit of cash to invest in making that product, which will then be consumed by people for free."

Re: USA Tour 2024

Posted: 10 Sep 2024, 14:19
by Bartek
Is this a mistake, as it's not listed on their site?
On Fillmore's site there's no show on that date.

Re: USA Tour 2024

Posted: 10 Sep 2024, 17:36
by satanarchist
Bartek wrote: 10 Sep 2024, 14:19 Is this a mistake, as it's not listed on their site.
On Fillmore's site there's no show on that date.
it's listed. ... ive Nation

Re: USA Tour 2024

Posted: 10 Sep 2024, 17:45
by Pista
satanarchist wrote: 10 Sep 2024, 17:36
Bartek wrote: 10 Sep 2024, 14:19 Is this a mistake, as it's not listed on their site.
On Fillmore's site there's no show on that date.
it's listed. ... ive Nation
That one is but December 31st isn't

Re: USA Tour 2024

Posted: 10 Sep 2024, 17:48
by Bartek
You were faster, but exactly New Year Eve was the show in question*

I mistakenly forgot to add question mark.

Re: USA Tour 2024

Posted: 10 Sep 2024, 18:12
by copper
Venue and Live Nation list Sept 14th, which is a confirmed date.

That Dec 31st may be a "dummy date" at AXS marketing's listing / db, meaning someone screwed up while adding the show and the date input went awry. What got posted is the system's fall-back solution.

Or... that Dec 31st show is really a thing and Von is gearing up for a New Years bash with his old flame.

Re: USA Tour 2024

Posted: 10 Sep 2024, 21:41
by Bartek
I take it as sufficient explanation of this glitch.