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Posted: 24 Oct 2003, 21:36
by Silver_Owl
Well, you go away for a few days and miss all the excitement. Poor old Marc Almond. He didn't deserve that.

Talking of That Guitarist, didn't him and Ian Astbury have a bit of a fling for a while? I remember a M****n song with "Astbury, your love" on it.

My vote goes to;
Wedding Present
Ghost Dance

"You can't say it doesn't really matter
This isn't T.V., he isn't William Shatner
Oh I've told you before"

Posted: 24 Oct 2003, 21:36
by Silver_Owl
Well, you go away for a few days and miss all the excitement. Poor old Marc Almond. He didn't deserve that.

Talking of That Guitarist, didn't him and Ian Astbury have a bit of a fling for a while? I remember a M****n song with "Astbury, your love" on it.

My vote goes to;
Wedding Present
Ghost Dance

"You can't say it doesn't really matter
This isn't T.V., he isn't William Shatner
Oh I've told you before"

Posted: 26 Oct 2003, 11:19
by Debaser
I thought Utah Saints were from Notts/Derbys kinda East Midlands thing

And as fer Delta 5......awwwwwwwww We love you Kelvin, we do, We love you Kelvin, we do. We love you Kelvin, we do. Oh KELVIN WE LOVE YOU!!

Anyone wanting to meet the god wot is Kelvin he'll be making an appearence in Leeds on the 19th Nov. Please form an orderly queue ;)

Posted: 27 Oct 2003, 05:58
by nodubmanshouts
Well, Rose of Avalance did have at least 3 good songs (5 if you turned up the bass and your speakers made everything a bit distorted)

Posted: 29 Oct 2003, 06:09
by Muppet Boy
ryan_w_0000 wrote:red lorry and the sisters.
im so **** pissed of at the record shop at the moment- i ordered a **** R.L.Y.L. Cd about 10 weeks ago and every couple of weeks i go in to check on it they say its gonna be another week. They say they now have to get it imported from amercia which means im gonna end up paying a small fortune for nothing wrong /blow
oh well :roll:

Hey, I dunno if this is too late or whatever but I got a copy of Nothing Wrong/Blow from these guys;

Wasn't too expensive, arrived promptly and the cd was (of course) great! :)

Posted: 12 Nov 2003, 15:05
by Big Si
Chairman Bux wrote:
Black Dahlia wrote:
taylor wrote:ok I leave the forum
good bay to every ones :D
Dont let the door hit your arse on the way out.
I see you're still hanging about! :|