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Posted: 01 Aug 2004, 20:38
by Andie
rian wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:What is Sunday without......

- a warm, comfy bed
- nice warm pyjamas
- beans on toast for brekky (with mushrooms, tomatoes, butterbeans, and balsamic vinegar! oh yes.)
- a copy of the observer (delivered to the door if poss)
- a big mug of warm vimto
- central heating (essential in order to feel even slightly nice about one's self early on a sunday morning)
- a big comfy settee
- a set of fairy lights in the window when it starts to get dark
- almost anything by autechre
- "17 seconds" by the cure (perfect if you are hungover and its raining)
- a phonecall to the folks to let them you know you survived the last week and the weekend
- surfing the web on the cheap (sob boo hoo! i WANT a new pc!!!! now!!!)
- "sing something simple" on the radio (hahaha :wink: )

yeah, i know it all sounds very 'wintery' and probably more than a little middle aged, but god dammit i'm only 29 and this is what i like about sundays :smile:
Has your girlfriend dumped you? :eek:


methinks that it's not a girlfriend he lacks... :wink: 8)

Posted: 01 Aug 2004, 21:37
by andymackem
James Blast wrote:
andymackem wrote:You can't be serious? Chicken breast coated in crisps?
try it you pseud :twisted: espesh if you have nippers
Pseud? I prefer fop, if it's all the same to you.

And no, I don't have offspring. If I did I would train them to eat properly. :P


I can see a case for a crispy coating on a chicken, but flavoured crisps? Just strikes me as wrong on so many levels.

Cookies, for those who care, were good. Her ladyship is still stroppy, so I get to eat them all. That's why they're a good peace offering: I really can't lose!

Posted: 01 Aug 2004, 21:49
by James Blast
did burgers, hot dogs, mushrooms and chicken breasts in a nice marinade (orange juice, honey, dark soy sauce) last night, tonight... the same, well it just tastes so damn good :D

Posted: 02 Aug 2004, 22:37
by Andie
did anyone else get Hover Flied to death over the weekend whilst out enjoying the sun and warmth?...

not exactly what sundays are designed it!??!

Posted: 03 Aug 2004, 18:08
by Brideoffrankenstein
Burn wrote:did anyone else get Hover Flied to death over the weekend whilst out enjoying the sun and warmth?...
Yes :evil:

Burn wrote:not exactly what sundays are designed it!??!
No! :lol:

Posted: 03 Aug 2004, 19:55
by Andie
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:
Burn wrote:did anyone else get Hover Flied to death over the weekend whilst out enjoying the sun and warmth?...
Yes :evil:

Burn wrote:not exactly what sundays are designed it!??!
No! :lol:

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

i seem to remember that i had a semingly endless supply of flies willing to die for the cause of landing on me...and in my Stella bottle... 8)

Posted: 03 Aug 2004, 21:19
by cyn
Beans on toast????
Surely you mean beans on a tortilla.

Posted: 03 Aug 2004, 22:06
by James Blast
nah.... this time def. toast

Posted: 04 Aug 2004, 11:22
by Debaser
Quiff Boy wrote:errr....

yeah. pixelgirl is a friend of mine - i "found" her the piccy...

its a fair cop. :eek: :P

in my defense i will add that she does actually look like that in real life!!! ;-)
Now I know it wasn't THAT long ago....but can I remember the avatar in question? Can I buggery :lol: :lol:

Posted: 04 Aug 2004, 11:24
by Debaser
At present, Sundays consist of a frenzied wake up call of 'WHERE ARE MY CRICKET WHITES - have you seen them/washed them?'

De 'handy with the Vanish and Oxy10' baser

Posted: 04 Aug 2004, 20:52
by cyn
James Blast wrote:nah.... this time def. toast
Ummm that's odd :wink:

Posted: 04 Aug 2004, 23:03
by James Blast
cyn wrote:Ummm that's odd :wink:
toast, cheese (too many to choose, but let's say a strong and steamin' Lockerbie White Cheddar) and beans AKA a Cheesy Beano :D

Posted: 05 Aug 2004, 22:07
by Mrs. Snowey
James Blast wrote:nah.... this time def. toast
With some def. jam on top ? :wink: :lol: ;D

Posted: 05 Aug 2004, 22:16
by Andie
Mrs. Snowey wrote:
James Blast wrote:nah.... this time def. toast
With some def. jam on top ? :wink: :lol: ;D

much nicer than Toe-Jam... :urff: