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Posted: 16 Nov 2003, 21:34
by emilystrange
its just me on the love thing then....

Posted: 16 Nov 2003, 21:37
by 6FeetOver
emilystrange wrote:its just me on the love thing then....
Eh...not exactly - but love ain't gonna pay off my FARKING student loans, that's for damn sure!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: *Sigh* :cry:

Posted: 16 Nov 2003, 21:38
by emilystrange
gotcha. they didn't have those in my day though.

Posted: 16 Nov 2003, 21:52
by Angelchild
Awhile ago I would of said love.
My vote is for money at present.

Posted: 16 Nov 2003, 21:59
by rian
Angelchild wrote:Awhile ago I would of said love.
My vote is for money at present.
I'll go for money too. I already have love :P

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 20:36
by Lynchfanatic
SINsister wrote:Hey, hun? I know this is going to sound incredibly rude, but you (or you and your co-workers) *really* need to say something to this guy. That's just revolting and offensive, not to mention the fact that he's directly responsible for creating an intolerable work environment. I dunno - maybe slip a bar of soap and some deodorant into his work mailbox when he's not around...? Just a thought. Good luck! :wink: :kiss: :von:
No no, not rude. I have only been working there for about two weeks. My boyfriend works there full time. I'm only there until christmas. But the problem is, they have told him several times. They even had a meeting bringing it up to him. He did take a shower, but then he didnt keep it up. He is a very good worker and works way more than he has to. And he does not get payed by hours. I guess thats why he is still there. I think he has serious problems. But this should stop. I wish he could come to his senses.


Which is more important?

1: Spending time with family?
2: Spending time with friends?

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 20:58
by Thea
friends. especially with my family :|

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 21:30
by emilystrange
all family and lots of friends a long long way away *sob*

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 21:46
by rian
To see or to hear? Whats more important?

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 22:12
by Thea
hearing. mine keeps going AWOL and i wish it wouldn't :\

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 23:18
by Nancy_78
rian wrote:To see or to hear? Whats more important?
That is a criminaly hard question as both is equally important.So I'm skipping it.

Next one:

to die very young or to elegantly fade away very old?What is more important in rock?

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 23:24
by rian
Nancy_78 wrote:
rian wrote:To see or to hear? Whats more important?
That is a criminaly hard question as both is equally important.So I'm skipping it.

Next one:

to die very young or to elegantly fade away very old?What is more important in rock?
Hmm. Who wants to die young? NOt me

Posted: 18 Nov 2003, 23:54
by Thea
i wouldn't mind dying. i'm not making any special effort to hurry it up, but i'm curious to see what happens - so die young fer me.