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Posted: 12 Dec 2003, 13:19
by mh
Karst wrote:IMHO the album needs a middle piece, pretty much along the lines of More, This Corrosion, Marian - to make it stand out. I'd say none of the above tracks really have it in them yet to carry that off. Then again, there might be something we haven't heard yet.

I'd be surprised if there wasn't, but just compare the studio version of TC with how they do it live these days - big difference. Some of these songs could sprout legs and scamper off in all sorts of interesting directions when recorded properly. I could just see War On Drugs becoming utterly colossal with a great big f--- off string section added, for example.

Posted: 12 Dec 2003, 13:35
by MrChris
Ee, I think there will be new songs. In fact, I shall again wheel out my one rather dull 'showbiz insider' moment, where Chris Startling told me that any new album is likely to feature more or less ***all*** new material. Gasp! This is both exciting (cool! new stuff!) and frustrating (when am I gonna get a recorded Suzanne and Crash and Burn?).

Did I tell anyone about the time when I went into a shoe shop only ten minutes after Sinead O'Connor had been in?

Posted: 12 Dec 2003, 13:51
by Dave R
If its anew album title youre after what about this:-

"Rocking Horse s**t"
(sisters output is as rare as)



Posted: 13 Dec 2003, 12:17
by hippie-bullsh-t-hater
How bout "People often ask as why we re so gloomy and we tell em
we re not"...

Posted: 13 Dec 2003, 16:50
by JonnyDelphium
Floodlands a good album(except 1959) but its way to MIDI orientated and not enough guitars

Posted: 13 Dec 2003, 18:09
by mh
MrChris wrote:Did I tell anyone about the time when I went into a shoe shop only ten minutes after Sinead O'Connor had been in?

You don't drive an ambulance for a living by any chance?

Actually, my friend was staying over at his brother's place once (his bro used to play guitar and wear a fetching underpants/fur coat combo in The Golden Horde) and she popped round to borrow a cup of sugar.

Posted: 14 Dec 2003, 14:14
by MrChris
Now that's a much more interesting story. Okay, here's a better one. I have met Jeremy Paxman. More than once. He's very nice, though a bit of a one for the laydeeez. I was in Manchester, appearing on a certain student quiz show. He gave me beer, I was his friend.

Posted: 15 Dec 2003, 14:20
by Crystal Methedrine
Dont know if any suggested this, however....
What about a Titless album ? ...not very original, but....

Posted: 15 Dec 2003, 14:45
by Karst
BodyElectric wrote:What about a Titless album?
Well, unless Patsy is on the comeback trail I'd say that is a dead cert. :)

Posted: 15 Dec 2003, 14:51
by mh
Some thinly veiled attack on East West or Warners is a possibility. How about "Loony Tunes"?

Posted: 15 Dec 2003, 14:53
by Quiff Boy
Karst wrote:
BodyElectric wrote:What about a Titless album?
Well, unless Patsy is on the comeback trail I'd say that is a dead cert. :)
methinks BE meant "untitled"?

or did he? :lol: :notworthy: :twisted:

Posted: 15 Dec 2003, 15:04
by hallucienate
That Guitarist
Tony James

All tits in their own way, one was good at being a tit, another wasn't, one just had a pair of 'em.

Posted: 15 Dec 2003, 15:57
by Crystal Methedrine
Opsss...Of Course I meant "UNTITLED"....what a mistake....

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 01:05
by chris_nyc

As soon as he placed "Greatest Hits: Volume I" over the titled to "Slight Case of Overbombing", I knew it was over; though I was never quite sure if the joke was on us or on him.

It's right up there with the Circle Jerks naming their 5th Album "Circle Jerks VI".

Of the suggestions on this thread, I most prefer, "So Long and thanks for all the Drugs".

I've always thought he should do an album of cover tunes and call it "Pinups", but not include any Bowie covers.


Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 01:24
by F*ck*As*Goth
Walter Kurtz Playing Songs On His Armpits In The Geriatric Warden Rev 3.0 (includes free 7" flexi of Capricorn performed while wearing the brightest yellow and pink outfits)

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 01:28
by F*ck*As*Goth
Turning 50 And The Scars To Prove It (Touched By The Hand Of Lemmy Kilmister)

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 01:37
by pikkrong
A single suggestion:

Bottle Of Liquor (Touched By The Moustache Of Lemmy Kilminster) :von:

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 10:40
by Loki
MrChris wrote: He gave me beer, I was his friend.
Thats an album title! Hats of to MrChris. :notworthy:

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 16:29
by MrChris
You know, you're right! Shall I copyright it?

Posted: 18 Dec 2003, 16:40
by Loki
MrChris wrote:You know, you're right! Shall I copyright it?
Yes. And checkout if Paxman can play bass and Von's interested. Would help with the publicity.

Imagine the weeding: 'Another new song' and 'another new song' from the Newsnight sessions. Two copies, first to PM me.

Posted: 15 Feb 2004, 21:18
by Quiff Boy
Black Horizon wrote:Here's a good idea. How about they make it double album featuring a cd full off remakes of tracks, you know the new live version of certain songs:

Body Electric
Train / Detonation Boulevard
On The Wire / Teachers / On The Wire
First And Last And Always
Amphetamine Logic
Comfortably Numb / Some Kind Of Stranger
Giving Ground
Flood 1
Lucretia My Reflection
Doctor Jeep / Detonation Boulevard
I Was Wrong
Under The Gun

All those songs have been performed differently live, in recent years compared to the original album versions. It could be a good idea to re-record some of them in the ways they performed them live. What do you think? Or maybe if they can't do that, they could do them as b-sides.
now that would make interesting listening, but i reckon it would lay them open to such criticism ("lazy bastards", "has-beens", "re-hashing the same old crap", etc) that they wouldnt consider it for a second...

Posted: 16 Feb 2004, 11:43
by markfiend
I think most of us would prefer new material?

Posted: 16 Feb 2004, 19:46
by Purple Light
Yep, new material please.
Although it'd be nice to hear studio versions of the re-hashed live stuff I'm guessing that apart from us folks here, there wouldn't be people queueing up to buy that.

Anyway, I reckon Trip The Light Fantastic is a better album name than a tour name, he should use that !

Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 02:28
by slicepack
"Dreams, Waking thoughts and Incidents".

Posted: 20 Feb 2004, 15:33
by Ghostrider
how about calling it "rise and reverberate"
it 'll be propably allready the title of a bootleg but hey..
that's what they need to do.. rise once AE can (and we all know he likes to say it) shut everybody up..once again
maybe release some older unreleased songs from the mid 80's (studio version of suzanne, driver/candle, garden, red skies,...) to back up some newer stuff...(summer, romeo down,... in studio version)
and start thinking of some new stuff..there must be more instant classix in EA's head!!!he's proven it before!!and if not...he can always try a cover..i think all the covers they played were better than the originals (except for things you just don't do..e.g. gimme gimme gimme...)

IMHO: if the sisters would have released those 1000s of bootleg that are out there themselves...MR would have been an independant label and songs like summer would have been released as promissed...