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Posted: 05 Feb 2004, 18:20
by RicheyJames
DerekR wrote:It's not my job to criticise other people's spelling, grammar, punctuation, or whatever. I'm merely demonstrating the need to have a water-tight case when, or if, you feel the need to.
come now, the world would be a far duller place without a little hypocrisy...

Posted: 05 Feb 2004, 18:21
by RicheyJames
Red Sunsets wrote:Richey, you are becoming very, very boring.
but i am only becoming very, very boring whereas you are very, very boring.

Posted: 05 Feb 2004, 23:54
by James Blast
I really have to point all of us in this direction...
A work of brilliance.

Posted: 06 Feb 2004, 00:09
by mugabe
Das ist der Todesking. Er macht, dass
Menschen nicht mehr leben wollen.

Posted: 06 Feb 2004, 00:54
by Black Planet
King of Death?

Makes men not want to love?

Well that's my off the cuff translation.

Mugabe, I think the lack of sunlight has affected your personality. Please go to Arizona...ASAP... you will be allowed only sunglasses. Soak up some sun...and relax a bit. Watch the cactus...they really do have thorns.


Posted: 06 Feb 2004, 01:33
by James Blast
Well said BP, he's been a curmudgeon with me too, recently.

Posted: 06 Feb 2004, 01:37
by mugabe
Black Planet wrote:King of Death?

Makes men not want to love?

Well that's my off the cuff translation.
Close, but no cicada.

"He makes people not want to live any more." It's from the brilliant Der Todesking by Jörg Buttgereit, famed director of the Nekromantik films and an episode of the equally excellent soft-porn space opera Lexx.
Black Planet wrote: Mugabe, I think the lack of sunlight has affected your personality. Please go to Arizona...ASAP... you will be allowed only sunglasses. Soak up some sun...and relax a bit. Watch the cactus...they really do have thorns.

Ehm, exactly what do you do with the poor cacti? Anyway, we have lovely resorts here as well. Here's a picture of me at the beach last summer:


Posted: 06 Feb 2004, 02:12
by James Blast
I knew Woody Allen's favourite would rear its ugly head here.

Posted: 06 Feb 2004, 02:38
by Black Planet
Dear Mugabe,

Please get some sunlight. We avoid the cactii.

But we do inudlge in the sun..far too much for being healthy,,,,,

It makes us Happy,

Really mate. it has this affect on the eyes...the sun,....

look into the sun.


Posted: 06 Feb 2004, 12:16
by randdebiel²
Johnny Boy wrote:Any chance of one of the 'fact finders' on here doing a trawl through the archives and then you can run a poll on which is your favourite 'favourite something' list. Or maybe you could just list them? Say your top 35 or something but for those undecided you are allowed to post back and change your mind at least 15 times and/or increase your top tally to 50. Tedious muppets.

it's "favourate" :innocent: