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Posted: 16 Apr 2004, 15:36
by markfiend
Edited cos I'm a spaz

Posted: 16 Apr 2004, 15:54
by Thrash Harry
markfiend wrote:I'm not trying to worry you, but ...
Hey Mark, how do you respond when Mrs Fiend says "Does my bum look fat in this?"

Posted: 16 Apr 2004, 16:22
by markfiend
Thrash Harry wrote:
markfiend wrote:I'm not trying to worry you, but ...
Hey Mark, how do you respond when Mrs Fiend says "Does my bum look fat in this?"
Point taken. Previous post removed.

Posted: 16 Apr 2004, 16:26
by Thrash Harry
markfiend wrote:Point taken. Previous post removed.
Don't let it spoil your weekend. I'm sure your intentions were honourable. :wink:

Posted: 17 Apr 2004, 07:22
by _emma_
Hey, everything's okay, no need to edit your posts. :) I read it before anyway, and I understood what you meant, and actually I thought you could be right, although I hope it's not that bad really. It's just a small village, not Ukulore Valley. :lol: I hope. :? We'll see. I think they just need time.

When I asked: "Should I laugh or cry?", I didn't mean the people's approach towards me itself. (You know I'd have nothing against being burned at the stake for the Sisters :lol: ) The thing is, they confused TSOM with satanism. Now should I laugh? I don't think so. :urff:

Posted: 17 Apr 2004, 17:23
by Black Shuck
_emma_ wrote:I recently moved from a big town to a tiny village where everybody knows everybody and the appearance of a new neighbour is quite a big event.
So I was hanging my newly washed Sisters T-shirt and some (black) underwear in the garden a few days ago, when a teenage neighbour saw me and said "WOW. You've got a pentagram on your t-shirt" and ran away. Then the next day as I was going down the road two kids whispered and giggled as they passed me.
And there's these coloured lenses I wear. And the homeless cats that come to my garden for food. And the (black) baby goat I picked as my pet. And the loud music with the weird howling vocals coming out of the car as I pull over by the shop. :lol: That, all added, plus the fact that I didn't go to the local church on Easter, resulted in a funny incident. 2 nights ago the old neglected shed near my house was on fire. It wasn't a huge fire, but big enough for the proper firefighter brigade to come with their equipment to put it out.
So, all the local residents gathered to watch the show and to talk about the possible causes. Everybody agreed that it must have been an arson, and amongst the voices I heard: "It must've been the new ones, apparently the music they listen to is called black metal and they worship Satan." :eek:
Should I laugh or cry?
Your story made me laugh, but when I think about it properly, it's sad that the 'civilised' world is still populated by so many morons.

BTW, I'm sorry about the shed- vodka and cigarettes and a pile of oily rags don't mix

Posted: 17 Apr 2004, 18:03
by smiscandlon
I've had a couple of 'heckles' in the past which I actually thought were quite cool. In reverse chronological order...

I had
Short Hair
Black T-Shirt
Black Jeans
Black Boots
Black Leather 'Bikers' Jacket
and (because it was a sunny day) Black Sunglasses.
Walked past some scaffolding and the thoughtful workmen stopped to take the time to shout at me:
"Hasta la vista baby!" and
"He'll be back!"
They probably thought they were insulting me but actually it made my day (being built a bit like Von - short and skinny - I don't get compared with Arnold Schwarzenegger very often...).

For about 6 years I had really long hair, combed straight back. When I eventually got my hair cut short, it went a bit wacky and, no matter what else I tried to do with it, it constantly fell into a natural quiff. This, seemingly combined with the aforementioned Black Leather Jacket, led a few wags to christen me "The Fonz". Personally, I don't recall Fonzie being blonde, but I accepted it as a compliment nonetheless...

Posted: 17 Apr 2004, 18:17
by Thrash Harry
Fonzie was a very cool cat.

Posted: 17 Apr 2004, 18:37
by smiscandlon
Thrash Harry wrote:Fonzie was a very cool cat.


Posted: 17 Apr 2004, 18:49
by Thrash Harry


Posted: 17 Apr 2004, 20:52
by Izzy HaveMercy
They used to call me weird, a freak and all other thingz, because of three things:

1. I listened to black metal,
2. worshiped Satan and
3. made black candles out of stillborn babies.

1. I earn more money playing my music than they'll ever make cleaning messy dishes in cheesy back-alley resto's or working the line in a dodgy old factory called Ssang Yong Motors Intrnl AKA Fukh Dis Baby Foods.

2. I know all of LaVey's, Lovecraft's and Crowley's works by heart and therefore am declared the unbeatable Call of Cthulhu Roleplaying Champion at last year's GenCon.

3. My mother-in-law has the best running Ye Olde Candle Shoppe in Belgium, thus putting safe my old day's cash flow.

Don't get mad, get even....


Posted: 17 Apr 2004, 22:23
by James Blast
I think the worse I was ever called (it happened at several, weddings, funerals, clan meet ups etc.) was "a nice, well spoken, polite young man".

Posted: 17 Apr 2004, 22:41
by smiscandlon
Thinking about it, the weirdest verbal abuse I ever received was when dressed in work clothes!

A few years back I worked as a cashier in Halifax Building Society. The 'corporate wear' for customer-facing roles at the time was a reasonably smart dark blue suit, with a blue & white striped shirt and a tie. I was on my way home one evening, over my shoulder was a blue and red rucksack/satchel thing that I carried my packed lunch etc in.

A bunch of neds started shouting some very strange abuse which started with

"You f*cking postman!"

and went on to

"Where's my council tax bill, you b*stard!"

To this day I'm still a bit concerned that when I put a smart suit on I apparently look like a postman...

Posted: 17 Apr 2004, 23:31
by James Blast
The concept of 'suit' smart or otherwise is alien to me. I'm the Art School drop-out who never dropped out and got a job upon leaving.
Jeans, T and black leather jacket since 1981.

Posted: 17 Apr 2004, 23:34
by Thrash Harry
THEY DIDN'T LIKE ME! They never liked me!

Posted: 17 Apr 2004, 23:40
by Black Planet
Verbal abuse made me what I am today.

A crazy person who wants to have coffee with Von, and a shag with Zodiac. Sorry....... JB leaving so soon after I sent him my entire Clash collection has left me feeling .. Used.

At least I got Crotch Shots out of him!

Posted: 17 Apr 2004, 23:46
by James Blast
Golden Hour of Blast vol.1 is in the post BeeP, if that is any consolation. :|

Posted: 18 Apr 2004, 03:42
by Black Planet
crotch shots was a gift...... I had the first copy.

Posted: 18 Apr 2004, 03:44
by Black Planet
and I was banned from weeding it.

Posted: 18 Apr 2004, 09:00
by hallucienate
Black Planet wrote: I had the first copy.
I beg to differ, the first copy was a test pressing done on a Verbatim CD-RW :P :twisted:

Posted: 18 Apr 2004, 10:23
by Andie
Steve303 wrote:I hope you haven't seen the Witchfinder General hanging out in town. I reckon you're likely to float......
Witchfinder General... :notworthy:

jeese...Mistly/Manningtree and Mistly Towers where the evil still lingers...

damn cool place for a bite of lunch...less than 5 minutes from where i work...(and what do i do?...i finish Adolfs work in the Book destroying department of our civilised world...about 14 tones of crushed books every day)

Posted: 20 Apr 2004, 17:15
by andymackem
Mistly/Manningtree? Isn't that home of a rather sinister nuclear bunker which was open to the public and has now been shut down prior to being put to another use?

I'm a bit worried about what the new plan is. If Kelvedon Hatch is closed I'm moving to Iceland.

Or going to the supermarket ....

Posted: 20 Apr 2004, 18:54
by rian
The worst thing anyone called me was "You look like Jim Kerr"

And it was 20 years ago.