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Posted: 19 Mar 2004, 11:47
by Quiff Boy
markfiend wrote:W00t w00t w00t I'm on the first page!
you must be sooo proud :roll:

;) :D

Posted: 19 Mar 2004, 11:51
by markfiend
I can hardly restrain myself!

This must be some sort of record though; 750 posts in little over 4 months. On other fora I belong to I generally post about once a week...

Posted: 19 Mar 2004, 22:48
by James Blast
What can I say mf ? Better, smoother avatar, I guess.

Posted: 23 Mar 2004, 16:40
by stewart b
Apologies for dragging this back up.

I have myself found Kabbalah / Qabalah very helpful in organising a structure of the internal and external aspects of life in my mind.

I wouldnt profess to being in any way an expert or to active use it as a practical tool - but as a concept it is very interesting.

Some top line benefits are it helps greatly when reading anything religious or of an esoteric nature - And it helps me understand some of the terminology scattered through literature (Burroughs etc) and music (i.e Tangerine Dream - Choronzon, Logos etc) (I understand Tool also utilise the tree in their sleeve design).

It also helps make sense and add value to that film of a few years back 'Pi' a low budget but with great music film about a mathematician who while trying to find a pattern in the stock market through math unwittingly discovers the 216 digit unspoken word of god - and is subsquently chased by Kabbalists / Rabbi's etc..

Personally I also like Crowley though I suspect he was a perhaps not so likeable if you were around at the time to meet him. Of great interest to me are the books written by his alleged son Amado Crowley, a very learned man who reveals some very interesting aspects of his fathers work and also challenges the reader in a way that has to be experienced yourself.

Is it all bollocks ? No. Not in my opinion.

take care

Posted: 23 Mar 2004, 16:48
by markfiend
stewart b wrote:It also helps make sense and add value to that film of a few years back 'Pi' a low budget but with great music film about a mathematician who while trying to find a pattern in the stock market through math unwittingly discovers the 216 digit unspoken word of god - and is subsquently chased by Kabbalists / Rabbi's etc..
Oh, a bit like Umberto Eco's Foucault's Pendulum then?

As to the rest of your post, well, "To know, to will, to dare, to keep silent." ;)